You just met a gorgeous girl and got her number. So what happens next?
What and when should you text a girl after meeting her for the first time?
Let’s take a look at how to text that special girl after she gives you her number.
Why Texting Her Instead of Calling?
Texting is great. Humanity has evolved so much and technology has brought us to now, an era where we no longer need to wait months to contact anybody.
Back in the days of our grandparents, they had to meticulously find clever ways to keep in touch with the ladies they met.
There were no telephones, cell phones, or the Internet.
There was no other way they could see a lady again apart from, well… actually going to their house or place of work to see them again.
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When Is It Best to Text a Girl Instead of Calling?
1. When you’re the shy type.
Ah, the tool of the introverted.
Texting doesn’t put you on the spot.
It doesn’t force you to stay in a social situation you’re uncomfortable with and saves you from being awkward.
2. When you need more time.
Texting gives you the gift of time.
You can formulate the thoughts you have in your head into complete sentences.
3. When you feel pressured.
Texting helps you not be all over the place.
If you’re the type that gets nervous easily and gets anxious when trying to carry the conversation, texting is excellent.
We know and have established that texting is great.
It’s a magical tool available to you to contact girls.
Fast forward to tonight. You met an amazing girl and she gave you her number.
The ball is in your court.
What do you do?
What exactly do you say when texting her for the first time?
How do you send that first text so you can start your relationship (or whatever your intentions are with her) right away and live happily ever after?
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What to Text a Girl After Meeting Her for the First Time?
You had an incredible game one night in a bar and mustered up the courage to approach a girl you found very attractive or your buddies dared you to get her number.
You may have met her at a social event you attended because of work.
It may also have been a wedding or whatever event it was.
Point is, you met her in person and had a conversation that was interesting enough for her to give you her number.
Here are a few examples of what you can text a girl after getting her number:
#1. Mr. Funny
You can bring up a funny anecdote or “inside joke” that happened in your conversation that made her really laugh:
“Okay, I really think that bartender was staring way too hard at you. I believe you now.”
Or you can start with a light banter like:
“I just got home and the first thing I did was open my laptop to Google how many “S’s” there are in Mississippi and I was right. You owe me a drink.”
#2. Mr. Great Listener
You may have had a more meaningful conversation during your first meeting.
Let her know that you enjoyed that, be direct and just open:
“It was wonderful meeting you. I really enjoyed listening to you and I’d love to see you again if you’re interested. ” (then proceed to set a date).
#3. Mr. Smooth Talker
This requires meeting her in the right context.
It’s most likely women you meet in a bar or party where you felt like there was a really intense connection.
You can be clear with your intentions when you text her this:
“Just wanted to let you know that I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since we talked last night”
“Last night was so amazing, I can’t stop thinking about all the things we could have done if you stayed”
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What NOT to Text a Girl After Meeting Her for the First Time?
The way you text a girl will set the tone for future conversations and will brand you in ways you either want or not.
Here are clear examples of what you should NOT text a girl that you just met. EVER:
#1. Mr. Professional
There is nothing that can kill a potential connection more than being overly serious:
“Good morning, Jennifer. I appreciate you giving me your number. I hope we can set some time to meet this week and continue our conversation.”
This is one of the worst things you can text a girl, especially if she introduced herself as “Jenny” and you chose to call her “Jennifer.”
Nothing turns women off than a guy who texts her like a boss setting up a “Quarterly Review.”
#2. Mr. Needy
Women like confident, dignified men.
Men who respect… themselves.
A surefire way for a woman to lose interest and respect for you is being needy in your texts:
“Hey, just checking if you got my first text…”
“Hiiii. Are you okay? Haven’t gotten a text from you.”
“I really thought we had a connection, did I do something wrong?”
Receiving consecutive texts like these all in the span of an hour would move you from the contacts list to the blocked list.
Come on, no one likes an insecure man.
#3. Mr. Creepy
There’s an invisible line some men cross that goes from “flirty and suggestive” to “creepy and scary.”
Sending pics is not acceptable, especially with the “#MeToo” movement going on.
This is the easiest way to get “screenshotted” and dragged across the mud within a girl group’s chat.
A text like this should be buried and forever forgotten:
“Hey, this is Adam. I can’t stop thinking about your body. You’re a smoking hot girl. Just thinking about dragging my tongue all over…” STOP.
Just. Stop.
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Be Authentic with Your Texts
However, what you decide to text her is ultimately up to you.
It should reflect who you are as a person and not as someone you want her to think you are.
The women can easily tell if the person they met does not match up with the person texting them.
Be creative and genuine but don’t put too much pressure on it.
Texting is supposed to be casual and easy. Overcomplicating it is defeating its purpose.
And after you send that first text out, take her out.
Your relationship should not stay within texting.
The end game is being with her, and connecting… in real life.
Read next: 27 Examples of How to Not Be a Dry Boring Texter