Wouldn’t be nice to know the early signs that the guy is planning to marry you before you spend a couple of years with him only to realize that he is not looking for marriage?
There are 5 clear signs that can tell you if the man sees himself marrying you in the future.
Have you been wondering what sets apart a just “okay” relationship from one that is heading somewhere?
Relationship articles everywhere online make it more complicated than it needs to be.
What sets apart a relationship with a future goes beyond a list of petty minor details like whether he knows your favorite color on Tuesdays, knows how much sugar you put in your coffee, or makes your picture the wallpaper of his phone.
These things shouldn’t be the basis for determining if your relationship has a future.
In a way, you already get a sense of whether your partner wants more from your relationship when…
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Signs He Wants to Marry You in the Future
Here are clear signs that he wants to wife you.
1. He’s Your Best Friend and You’re His.
He likes you as a person outside of the romantic bubble.
You have fun together, laugh together, and have the same interests.
Just like best friends, they turn to you for advice and can’t wait to celebrate with you when good things happen.
He listens to you without an agenda because he’s your friend.
Apart from having romantic feelings toward each other, you like each other.
You like each other’s quirks and tolerate the way the other puts too much ketchup on their fries.
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2. He Shows Commitment.
He goes beyond passion and shows commitment toward you.
Passion entails a strong feeling of excitement and enthusiasm towards you but commitment entails hard work and perseverance toward the relationship.
They show loyalty and give you no reason to be jealous.
You can 100% trust him and know he’s devoted to you through the little things.
He shows up for important moments in your life.
He sticks around during tough times.
3. He Makes You a Part of His Life.
He introduced you to the important people in his life: his parents, siblings, and friends.
He brings you to family gatherings and makes you a part of his milestones.
He considers you as his teammate so he involves you in his decision-making process because he values your opinion and prioritizes your relationship.
Every career opportunity he gets or every major financial decision he has to make, he consults you because he is concerned about how these will affect you too.
He wants to build something with you and work on it.
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4. He’s Comfortable With You.
Most people often forget that being with someone, in the long run, would mean sticking to a routine from time to time.
It is not always going to be hot and heavy.
It’s not always exciting and there’s going to be a point in your relationship where you run out of “adventurous” activities to do.
A great sign is seeing him being comfortable with you. When there’s no longer pretense, his guards are down.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s “let go” of himself.
It is more of him being comfortable with both of you being on your own from time to time.
He’s comfortable with the silence, comfortable with space every now and then.
He’s secure in your relationship so much that he’s his most natural self when he’s with you.
5. He Communicates With You… Like Really Communicates.
Communication is key to making any relationship work.
Most men are reserved and prefer to keep their emotions and problems inside.
But with you, you find him easily opening up about the hard stuff.
He shares the good and the bad. There are no off-limit topics.
You discuss important matters like the future, having or not having kids, religion, marriage, and finances.
Your values align and even when you have disagreements, you discuss them without fighting.
He respects and loves you enough to call you out and not be afraid to give constructive criticisms.
It is important because when you reach an age where you can’t have the steamiest moments, a lot of the time you’ll spend together will be conversations.
Having a partner who communicates with you effectively shows that he’s mature enough and wants to be your long-term partner.
If you believe that you’re in a relationship where you see yourself marrying your partner, you shouldn’t have to overthink and dissect your partner’s behavior to see these signs.
A committed relationship doesn’t leave much room for interpretation because intentions and goals are so clear.
It shouldn’t leave you doubting and searching hard to see those signs.
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Why Your Boyfriend Won’t Propose?
However, you have to understand that there are some factors that also can cause a man to not fully exhibit these signs where you have to give them some time to work through, like:
- They’ve been burnt by past relationships
- They’re not financially ready
- They haven’t reached their career goals
- They don’t know what they want in life yet
- They have childhood traumas that make them doubt themselves
These are all valid issues that your man may be going through that would require more understanding from you.
It’s cliche to say but when you’re with the right person, you just know.
You go through hard times but it’s still easy. You argue but you don’t end up hating each other.
You can spend the weekend doing nothing but aren’t bored.
You feel genuine concern from them and you know they care about you, your family, and your own personal goals by how they act.
Your man will always be less vocal than you and so his actions will speak volumes about how he feels.
He won’t be selfish and he will uplift you at times you need it the most. He’s your teammate and you go through life together.
He makes you a better person and makes you feel protected.
It won’t be hard. It’s not going to be rocket science.
A man who wants to build a life together with you won’t have to create scavenger hunts, leaving clues around the city for you to find.
It’s going to be the easiest thing in the world because it’s with him.
Read next: 30 Best Places to Find a Good Man to Marry