Do you have a crush on your neighbor and want to make him or her fall in love with you?
Well, there is nothing wrong with dating your neighbor, if you do it the right way.
It is convenient and you have a lot of time to build rapport and get to know them before making your move.
However, before you try to make your neighbor fall in love with you here are some advantages and disadvantages to keep in mind.
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What are the Pros and Cons of Dating Your Neighbor?

- The main advantage is convenience. You don’t have to travel to see them.
- You have a lot of time to make them fall in love with you. If you miss your chance today, you will see them again.
- Even if they say no to your advances, you will always be around if they change their mind.
- Just by living in the same neighborhood you two already have something in common even before you talk to each other.
- The biggest disadvantage is if you break up, you still going to see him or her almost every day.
- They might be asking you to do a lot of favors like cutting the grass, watering plants, or removing snow.
- They can hear or even see what you do in your house. This can be really awkward if, for example, you tell them that you can’t hang out but then they see you drinking beers on your patio with your buddies.
- They will probably spy on you if you do anything remotely suspicious.
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How to Ask Your Neighbor Out Without Getting Rejected?

The main reason why some guys are afraid to ask a girl next door out is the fear of rejection.
However, you can decrease the chance of rejection by never officially asking your neighbor on a date until you are 100% sure that she is into you.
It always starts with small talk.
Introduce yourself and make her comfortable before you proceed any further.
Make it look like a random encounter by approaching her when you see her in the backyard, elevator, or hallway.
After she knows you and comfortable chatting with you, here are some ideas on how to get closer to her.
- Ask her if she wants to join you for a barbeque, drink in your backyard, or a walk in your neighborhood.
- Tell her that you want to show her something around your house.
- Another idea is to invite her to the party at your place. “I am throwing a little party tonight and you are welcome to join if you have time”.
- Offer to help her with something in her house or even give her a ride. It would be a little awkward to offer this to a complete stranger so make sure that she already knows and trusts you.
- Give her a small gift once in a while if there is an occasion like a holiday or her birthday.
The most important thing to remember when you want to make your neighbor fall in love with you is to be patient and just let her get used to your company.
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Signs Your Female Neighbor Likes You

You want to be sure that your neighbor likes you before you take things to the next level.
By the next level, we mean getting intimate with her.
If you never make your move, you might get friend-zoned.
It is okay to take your time but while getting to know her, try to create some chemistry without directly hitting on her.
If you already tried some of the tricks that we discussed and spent time with your neighbor, you should have a pretty good idea if she is into you or not.
Obvious Signs That Your Female Neighbor Likes You
- She stares at you. Did you notice her staring at you when you were not looking? If she does, it is highly likely that she finds you attractive.
- She smiles when she sees you.
- She stops to chat with you whenever she sees you. However, if she is shy, be the one to say hello and see how she reacts.
- If she is really into you, she might even keep her curtains open when she is going to sleep or changing her clothes.
- She invites you for a drink.
- She tells you that she is single.
- She texts or wants to talk to you late at night
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What to Avoid When Trying to Date Your Neighbor?

1. Avoid Gold Diggers
You have to use common sense and make sure that the girl is genuinely interested in you and not in the stuff you own.
The first red flag is when she asks if she can move into your place without offering to pay for any of the bills.
This often happens if you start dating your tenant and can make things pretty messy and awkward.
2. Stay Away if She is Married
Never try to sleep with your neighbor if she is married.
This might be exciting at first but when her husband finds out it will be a complete mess.
3. Know When to Stop
If she completely ignores your advances, stop pursuing her.
You don’t want to be known as a creepy neighbor.
Continue being friendly with her but nothing more.
If she changes her mind, great, and if not, well there are other people you can date.
4. Be Safe
Just because it is your neighbor, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to your gut.
If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
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