Want to ask a girl on a second date, but not sure if she’ll say yes?
No matter how great or bad the first date went, don’t be afraid to ask for a second date.
As a guy, it is hard to really know for sure if the girl enjoyed your company during the first date so there is no need to be worried.
Instead, let’s focus on steps that you can take to improve your chances of getting a second date with that special girl.
How to Ask a Girl for a Second Date by Text?
It is beneficial to build a foundation or even make an arrangement for the second date by the end of your first date but if you didn’t, don’t worry.
The easiest way to ask a girl for a second date is by texting her.
1. Send her a thank you note after the first date
Before asking for a second date, send her a thank you text after the first date telling her that you really enjoyed the time that you spent together.
It is also a good idea to mention what you are doing later that day to start building some rapport.
Example: “Tonight was fun. I really enjoyed hanging out with you. Talk to you later. Have a good night 🙂“
Don’t miss: 55 Ways to Ask for a Second Date Without Sounding Desperate

2. Don’t Think Too Much and Just Text Her
Now that you have made up your mind to text her and ask for a second date, do not waste time thinking about every small mistake you made while on the first date.
Most people are shy when meeting someone for the first time so cut yourself some slack if the first date didn’t go as planned.
Don’t wait too long before asking her out for the second date or otherwise she might think that you are not interested and will start looking for someone else.
You: “Hey Kate! How is your morning going so far? Any exciting plans for today?”
Girl: Hey Mike, just taking care of some laundry nothing too crazy lol
You: “The weather is supposed to be great this weekend. I am really looking forward to doing some hiking. Do you want to come with me?”
3. Show That You are Thinking About Her
Now it is time to get a bit cheesy and flirty.
You should text her in a way that shows how much you are thinking about her.
Make her feel more special. Tell her that you really liked hanging out with her and you would like to do it again.
Don’t make the mistake of asking for a second date after a week or two.
If possible, try to get a second date within a few days of your first date.
An easy way to ask for a second date is to mention some cool events happening in your city and then ask her if she wants to join.
You can even tell her that your friend bailed out on you and now you have a second ticket that she can use.
Example: “Hey Kate, I have two tickets to a wine-tasting event. I remember you mentioned that you are really into wine. Do you want to join me this weekend? Should be a lot of fun!”
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4. What NOT to Text a Girl After the First Date?
The easiest way to ruin your chances for a second date is to be needy or insecure.
Don’t text her asking if she liked you or apologizing for a first date.
“Sorry I was too quiet today” or “Sorry I was too nervous last night” will not make a girl feel attracted to you.
Also, don’t be overly suggestive when texting her.
If she doesn’t reply to your text right away, don’t ask her if she is avoiding you or why she is not replying.
“Hey sorry just checking if you received my last text” – will kill any chemistry that is left between you too.
You are a desirable confident man so behave like one!
What If She Says NO to a Second Date?
Not every girl will agree to a second date no matter how great you are.
Maybe she didn’t like your personality or maybe you are not her type.
Or maybe she got back together with her ex…
There is no need to feel bad about it.
In fact, it is better to find out that you are not compatible after a first date instead of after you marry a girl.
Dating is a game so if one girl says no just find another one who might be more suitable for you.
Many guys get really upset when they can’t get a second date because they are afraid that it will take a while to find another girl.
However, this is not true.
There are thousands of available single women who you can start dating right away.
With the invention of online dating, it is very easy to get dates.
Just look at how many single women are available in your area online.
However, you don’t want to completely forget about the girl if she says no.
Give her another chance by texting her a couple of weeks later to see if she changed her mind in case there is something important happening in her life right now that prevents her from going on a date with you.
If she says no again, then it is time to forget about her and move on.
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What to Do On a Second Date?
Let’s assume that your texting game worked and the girl agreed to hang out with you again.
How can you make sure that you will get more dates with her after this second date?
On the second date, you both will feel more comfortable around each other and that will be a perfect time to get to know your date on a deeper level.
Be casual and open about yourself.
Make her feel more comfortable by asking her some personal questions and really listening to what she has to say.
Show her that you have many things in common.
This will encourage her to open up to you and will make it easier to build some chemistry.
Try to make her comfortable with physical contact.
Hug her when you meet her and don’t be afraid to touch her lightly or even hold her hand during the date.
Should you kiss her after a second date?
Everyone is different so see how the girl behaves and whether she is comfortable with you touching her before going for a kiss.
Most girls expect a kiss after a third date so don’t push yourself to go for a kiss if you can sense that the girl is not ready.
Read next: 9 Signs of Chemistry on a First Date