Did you ever wonder how could you use Instagram to find and meet single girls?
There are thousands of extremely attractive women on Instagram that you can meet and date.
Almost every single woman has an Instagram account from teen girls in high school to famous models.
Just think about the number of girls you could date if you figured out how to use Instagram to contact women you like and then ask them on a date.
Although Instagram is not designed to be a dating platform like some conventional dating sites, you can still use it to meet women near you.
Many guys avoid using Instagram to meet women and the ones who do use it have no clue what they are doing and often come off as creeps.
This means that you will have an advantage over all those guys if you follow the steps that we will cover today in this post.
To get started you will need to have an Instagram account and decide for yourself what kind of girls you want to meet.
There are many ways to find girls on Instagram.
Some examples of tools that you can use are geotags, hashtags, and locations.
If you are ready to take your dating life to the next level, let’s take a look at what it takes to start meeting hot girls on Instagram.
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How to Find And Meet Single Girls On Instagram?

1. Finding Single Girls Near You on Instagram
There are many methods you can use when trying to find single girls on Instagram.
Instagram Locations
Log into your Instagram account, click on the search icon at the top right, then on the right side you will see ‘places’ where you can type in your current location (maybe your home address) or the location where you want to meet girls.
After you’ve done that, you will be able to see all the posts taken at your target location.
From there you can pick the girls you are interested in.
Instagram Geotags
You can also use hashtags (#) by searching the posts with the hashtag of your target location.
From there you will see the tabs for the most recent and top posts.
The top tab shows the most popular posts in your location while the recent tab has the latest posts.
Instagram Hashtags Like #single, #dating,#singlemom or #singlelife
Another method is to search for hashtags that start with #single to find available girls.
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2. Create a Good Instagram Profile
Your bio should be short and simple. You don’t want it to look like your resume.
When you message women on Instagram, they will likely check your profile before deciding whether to reply back to you or not and that’s why it’s important to leave them with a good first impression.
Try your best to make your Instagram page look pleasing to the eyes.
You don’t have to be a professional photographer to take good Instagram pictures.
Your Instagram page should convey that you are a trustworthy, cool, and friendly guy.
Having a dozen photos of yourself shirtless in the bathroom will not help you in getting girls’ attention.
Instead upload photos of yourself doing fun activities such as traveling, playing sports, hiking, etc.
Also, make sure you have some photos with other people so that the girls know that you are not a social outcast.
Photos of nature, sunsets, and the ocean work great as well.
It also helps to have some likes and discussions going on in the comments to show that you have social proof.
Your profile shouldn’t be empty because there are a lot of fake accounts on Instagram and you might appear like one if you don’t have enough posts and followers.
3. Engage With Her Posts
This is very important if you plan on messaging her later.
The first time you come across her profile, you should follow her and like at least 5 or 6 of her pictures.
This will make her curious and she may decide to check out your profile as well to find out who you are.
There is a high chance of your messages getting ignored if you send a direct message (DM) to a random girl on Instagram without engaging with her posts.
10 Examples of How to Comment on Girls’ Instagram Photos
- I love the colors
- Like your hair
- This hike looks awesome!
- I need to add this to my bucket list
- This is so refreshing
- Like your smile
- This looks exotic
- Awesome
- This is so cute
- You are adorable
Don’t miss: 101 Examples of Best Compliments For a Girl on Her Photos

4. Send Her a DM
Now that the girl knows who you are you can send her a message.
You may feel a bit scared messaging a girl on Instagram for the first time but there is nothing really for you to lose.
In the worst case, she will ignore your DM and in the most likely case she will get back to you and you will have a chance to chat and connect with her.
When messaging a girl on Instagram, try to be more creative than “Hi,” “Hello,” or “What’s good babe?” because she will have tons of similar messages from other guys in her delete folder and you don’t want to join them.
How Can You Introduce Yourself to a Girl on Instagram?
Start with a little introduction; make it short and simple and avoid telling her your entire life story.
Just give some details that will let her get a glimpse of who you are and why she should chat with you.
You can tell her your name, your college (if you are still in school), and a few more details about where you live.
You can also reply to some of the stories she posts on Instagram.
This is another great way to get in her DM box without having to appear out of the blue.
Another safe way to get replies is to first message the girls by commenting or asking them a question about something they posted.
From time to time, she may also post an “ask me” story so take this opportunity to get on her radar.
10 Instagram DM Examples
- I really like your last photo. Where was it taken?
- Hi! I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your work.
- I love your Instagram. Your captions always make me smile.
- I love the way you take photos. Where do you get your inspiration?
- Hi, I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I really love all your content.
- Hi, I’m a big fan of your IG stories.
- Hi, I think you are so funny. Your posts always make me smile!
- I just wanted to say that I think you are one of the most authentic girls on Instagram.
- I love all your travel photos! Have you ever been to Vietnam? I’m going there this winter.
- Hi, your photos are really cute. I really like the ones from your last Mexico trip.
Need more ideas? 140 Examples of How to DM a Girl on Instagram
5. Spend Some Time Chatting with Her
This is where most guys seem to mess up.
Either they get too bored or they suddenly lose interest.
Talk to her regularly to make her feel comfortable chatting with you.
When the girl is comfortable she will respond quickly and will ask you a lot of questions. She may even be the first to message you.
The next step is to ask for her number so that you can start texting her.
This not only makes chatting easier, but you get to take out some of the competition you may have on Instagram by talking to her outside of this platform.
However, don’t try to rush things, just let everything happen naturally.
If she doesn’t want to give you her number, don’t force it because it will only make you look desperate and creepy.
Learn More: What To Text A Girl After You Get Her Number?
6. Call and Ask for a Date
If you followed the steps that we discussed and you got a girl’s number, now is a good time to ask her out.
Don’t be in a hurry to meet up if you’re not getting enough responses from her. It can fail miserably.
Set a time and place during the day so she can feel comfortable.
Don’t ask her to go on an official date and instead ask her to hang out, go for a hike, or go for a coffee.
If you put too much pressure, she might not accept your invitation so make it easy for her to say yes.
There are lots of single girls around you; you just need to be confident and patient to meet them.
Social media has made it easier for us to find lost friends, make new friends, and even find a partner.
Unfortunately, there are always will be people who will tell you that it is creepy to pick up girls on Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram but you should just ignore them.
Those are the same people who think that it is creepy to approach girls on a street or talk to strangers because most likely they just lack the confidence to do it.
Lastly, it is important to keep your expectation in check.
Not every girl on Instagram will reply to your DMs so don’t take it personally.
You will see a much higher reply rate if you message girls with less than 500 followers versus someone with 100,000 followers.
Good luck!
Read next: 150 Sassy and Flirty Texts to Send to Your Crush