Sending DMs for the first time to a girl you like on Instagram can be a little bit scary.
You don’t know what will happen or if she will reply at all.
You may also be worried that she may think that you are creepy or weird for messaging her out of the blue.
It is true that there is always a chance that you will not get the reply you want but if you don’t try you will never know.
Do you really want to lose a chance to meet your future girlfriend or maybe even a wife just because you are afraid of rejection or what some random women on Instagram may think about you?
Probably not, life is too short for that.
To make it easier for you we came up with a big list of the best DM examples that you can use to message your Instagram crush.
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What to Do Before Messaging a Girl You Don’t Know on Instagram?
First of all, you need to keep in mind that Instagram is not a dating site and you will have to be more indirect and patient when messaging girls there.
If your main goal is to get dates, it might be worth giving online dating a try before jumping into Instagram – browse photos of single women in your area.
On Instagram, you don’t want to come too strong by asking a random girl you’ve never met before for her number in your first message.
Instead, get to know her by liking and commenting on her posts before sending her a DM for the first time. Also, don’t forget to follow her!
The goal is to make her notice you before you send her your first DM.
This brings us to another important step – making sure that you have an awesome Instagram profile yourself!
After a few days of following a girl you like, it is time to DM her.
One of the easiest ways to DM a girl is to reply to her Instagram stories.
Another way to improve your chances is to message girls who liked or commented on your photos because it usually means that they are already interested in you.
Now let’s jump into some examples that you can use to DM your Instagram crush!
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Examples Of How to DM a Random Girl on Instagram

1. I love your last post. Where was it taken? It looks so familiar.
2. Hi just wanted to stop by and say hi. I really enjoy your content!
3. I really like your photos from your Thailand trip. When did you go there?
4. Hey, I saw you are friends with Mike G., how do you guys know each other?
5. Hey, you look very familiar, did you go to UBC by any chance?
6. Love the photos from your last hiking trip. I really want to get into hiking myself. What are your top 3 hikes?
7. Hey, I am Mike. I really like your photos so just wanted to stop by and introduce myself.
8. Hey, what is your nationality? Are you Italian by any chance?
9. I like your style. Where do you usually go shopping?
10. Looks like you are quite a surfer. I am just getting into it. What are your favorite surf spots?
11. That beach in your last photo looks so familiar. Where is it?
12. You have amazing photos. I especially enjoy your nature shots. Where do you usually hike?
13. Your puppy is so adorable. How old is he?
14. Your winter photos look so awesome. Where do you usually ski?
15. Looks like you spent some time in Mexico. What is your favorite spot there? I want to go to Tulum this year. Do you know if it is any good?
16. Hi, you probably get this a lot but you have very entertaining IG stories.
17. How was your Brazil trip? I really love all your photos from there.
18. I really like your hair. Is it your natural color?
19. What color are your eyes?
20. Hey! How are you?
21. Your dog looks very photogenic in all the photos! What is his name?
22. Hi there! I am Mike!
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Example Instagram Conversation #1
You: Hey just saw you went to Costa Rica recently. Did you enjoy it? I am going there next month. So excited!
Girl: Yeah I had a blast there. Definitely one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
You: Yeah I can’t wait to go snorkeling there and see the rainforest.
Girl: Nice! Who are you going with?
You: A few of my friends
Girl: Awesome!
You: Yeah, it’s going to be a lot of fun.
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23. Your photos are so pretty! I am Mike by the way
24. Hey, can I ask you a question?
25. Your IG stories always make me smile!
26. You have beautiful tropical photos. How often do you travel?
27. I don’t usually DM anyone on Instagram but I really like your style and I wanted to say hi.
28. Hi, are you from Vancouver?
29. You have a lot of positive energy in your videos!
30. I am obsessed with your snowboarding videos. What is your favorite hill?
31. So jealous of your Philippines trip! Looks like you had a lot of fun. Can’t wait to go back to South East Asia.
32. Hi, I think you are cute and I wanted to say hi!
33. Hi, you look extremely adventurous! What was your favorite trip this year?
34. You have a very unique profile!
35. Love your IG reels! Are you from Toronto by any chance?
36. Looks like you travel a lot. Any big trips planned for this year?
37. You seem very adventurous and outgoing! I am looking for a hiking partner. Would you be interested in joining me for a hike someday?
38. Hey! I am quite a fan of your Instagram page. You sound like a lot of fun. I am Mike by the way.
39. I’m loving your tan, how was your trip to Hawaii?
40. I love your style! Where do you shop?
41. You’re hilarious! I love reading your captions.
42. I’m jealous of your hair!
43. You look so cute in your last photo, I just had to compliment you!
44. I love the mix of colors on your profile photo, they go so well together!
45. Your lipstick color looks amazing on you!
46. Your photos always look so cool. Do you edit them before posting?
47. I love your hair, it always looks so great! What kind of products do you use?
48. You look like you had a lot of fun on your vacation! Where did you go?
49. Love the new profile picture!
50. You look great in that dress!
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Example Instagram Conversation #2
You: You look very active in all of your photos! Do you work out?
Girl: I love to go hiking, run and rock climbing, or just do some yoga. What about you?
You: Well I do some yoga too, but I prefer running and lifting weights. It’s my stress relief.
Girl: Nice! So did you go to the gym today?
You: Yeah, I did. I usually go after work, but I’m trying to get in the habit of going in the morning too.
Girl: Nice! I love to work out in the mornings.
51. I love your photos, they always put me in a good mood.
52. I’ve always been a fan of your photos, I really love that you’re so open about everything.
53. Your Instagram photos always look so awesome. What filters do you use?
54. I love your photos, they always look so natural. What’s your secret?
55. I’m loving the view from your top-floor apartment! What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?
56. I’m obsessed with your puppy! How old is he? I really need to get a dog myself.
57. I can’t believe you can eat so much food and stay skinny!
58. Your style is so cute! I love your dress.
59. I love your outfit and your new haircut, you look great!
60. I love your new profile picture, you look like you’re in a magazine!
61. I’m jealous of your ability to let go and live in the moment.
62. I love that you’re always up for trying new things.
63. I saw your Instagram picture of you with your friends at the beach. You look like you had a lot of fun! What’s your favorite beach?
64. Did you get a haircut? It looks great!
65. You look so cute! Love your dimples.
66. You look so cute in your yellow swimsuit. Miss summer so much!
67. I love your new hairstyle! I think it really brings out the color of your eyes.
68. You look so cute! Love your freckles.
Example Instagram Conversation #3
You: I’m jealous of your ability to wake up so early! I could never wake up that early for a hike!
Girl: haha I love hiking in the morning. It’s so peaceful. But yeah, I’m used to it. When do you normally wake up?
You: I wake up around 11 am on the weekends. It’s bad!
Girl: It’s not that bad lol
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69. You have a great eye for photography. I love the way you take photos!
70. I really like the indoor flower you posted on Instagram! Where did you buy it? I need to get some plants for my room.
71. I love photos of your puppy, you have a very cute dog!
72. I don’t usually like girls with tattoos, but you look so good with them, I might have to reconsider!
73. Your photos are so unique! I love how you show so much of your personality.
74. Your photos are so artistic. You have a great eye for composition.
75. I love your recent photos. What inspires you to take pictures like that?
76. Wow, that is some serious style! It always looks great when you throw in some black and white.
77. Your makeup always looks so flawless! Where do you like to go to get your makeup done?
78. I love seeing your photos from different cities. Where is your favorite place to eat?
79. You seem like an awesome girl! I’d love to get to know you.
80. I’m so glad Instagram recommended your profile! I really enjoy all the content you post.
81. I’m in love with your photos! You have a very unique style!
82. I love your pictures from New York. You look like you’re having a great time.
83. I have a friend who’s traveling to Barcelona next month. Do you have any recommendations for him?
84. I love your outfit! Where did you get it?
85. Your photos from New York made me want to visit it so bad. Have you been to the Statue of Liberty?
86. I can’t believe we went to the same high school. How long have you been modeling?
87. I’m liking this new look of yours. You’re so cute!
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Example Instagram Conversation #4
You: I love how you always have the perfect Instagram caption to go with your photos.
Girl: Oh thanks! I am a sucker for a good Instagram caption.
You: I know, right?
Girl: I don’t know, I just have a good knack for them.
You: Yeah, I have been trying to come up with some good captions of my own but I usually suck.
Girl: Haha. Let me know if you need some help next time!
88. You look like you had so much fun on your trip to the beach! Did you ever try surfing?
89. I like your photos from your trip to Rome! It looks like an amazing place to visit.
90. I really love all your photos. I’m in New York this week. Do you think I could buy you a coffee? I’d really like to get to know you better.
91. I just saw your last picture. It looks amazing!
92. I am a huge fan of your Instagram. I have been following you for a while and I really love all the content that you share.
93. I am a DJ and I have a friend who is a promoter. He is trying to get me a gig at The Standard Hotel, but he said I need to bring a girl with me. Are you interested?
94. Hey, I saw you are from Seattle. I was born and raised there. What part?
95. I really like your style. I think you are really unique.
96. I noticed you’re from Sacramento, I was born there as well, we must be distant relatives!
97. I have been following you for a while and I think you are really cute.
98. I love your photos. I especially enjoy your street photography. I’m a big fan of Diane Arbus.
99. I noticed you are following the band Mumford & Sons. I just saw them live in concert earlier this year. It was amazing!
Example Instagram Conversation #5
You: Did you know that you look great in red?
Girl: Oh, thank you 🙂 You are so sweet.
You: You are very welcome.
Girl: You have nice photos! What do you do?
You: I am a photographer.
Girl: Wow, that’s cool. So what kind of photography do you do?
You: I mostly do event photography.
Girl: Okay cool. I have to go now, but it was great chatting with you. Talk to you later!
You: Bye!
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100. I love your last post. I was at that same beach last year.
101. I am not a big fan of selfies, but your selfies are so awesome. They really capture your best angles.
102. Have you ever thought about getting into acting?
103. I noticed that you were following me on Instagram so just wanted to stop by and say hi.
104. Congrats on your 25th birthday! Hope you had a great night.
105. I have been meaning to message you for a while. I have been following your account since I first started my Instagram. It really helped me find my style.
106. It looks like you have been traveling a ton this year! I have been meaning to go to Europe. Any suggestions?
107. So jealous of your trip to Japan. I’ve been to Tokyo and Kyoto and they were awesome cities.
108. Hey, I saw you went to Phuket. I’ve been there last year and really enjoyed it. How did you like southern Thailand?
109. I love your blog. I always find the best recipes there. How do you find the time for writing?
110. I have been thinking about going to Costa Rica for a while now. Do you have any recommendations on how to get a visa, where to stay and what to do there?
111. I don’t know if you like baseball, but if you do, I have 2 tickets to the Cardinals game this weekend.
112. I was looking at your photos from when you were in high school. I can’t believe you look exactly the same. What is your secret?
113. I know this is a bit random but I couldn’t help but notice you have a dog. What’s his name?
114. I am a big fan of your photography. What inspires you to take photos?
115. I love your new bikini photo. Have you been somewhere warm lately?
116. Your dog looks so adorable in this photo. I’m a sucker for cute animals!
117. Your winter photos look so beautiful, I’m jealous! I really like the snow. I know it’s crazy but I’m looking forward to winter this year!
118. I don’t usually message people on Instagram but I’ve been following you for a while now and wanted to say hi.
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Example Instagram Conversation #6
You: Your dog is so cute! It looks just like my puppy.
Girl: Aw thanks! That’s funny you mentioned that because I just got him. It’s always so hard to train puppies but this one is a smartie.
You: Yeah, I hear that. My dog can be a real pain sometimes.
Girl: Haha.
You: But I love him anyway.
Girl: Yeah, I couldn’t imagine living without my puppy.
You: Yeah me too.
Girl: Well I’m going to go for now, but it was great talking to you!
You: Sounds good! I hope I get to talk to you again sometime.
Girl: Me too, bye!
You: Bye!
119. I love your hair! Is it your natural hair color?
120. Wow, you look really great in that swimsuit! Where was this picture taken?
121. That’s awesome! I’ve always wanted to learn snowboarding. Where’s your favorite spot to go snowboarding?
122. Hey! I follow you on Instagram and I think your photos are amazing. You are very photogenic!
123. What was the craziest thing that happened to you during your trip?
124. You have a lovely smile. I really like your page, you seem like a lot of fun! I am Mike by the way!
125. I’m a huge fan of your photos! It’s so inspiring to see a woman hiking and exploring solo.
126. Do you have a boyfriend? I’m not trying to come on to you, I just find it very hard to believe that somebody as beautiful as you isn’t taken!
127. Hey, I really like your photos. I especially enjoy your macro shots of flowers. Where do you usually go hiking?
128. You are very beautiful, I love the color of your eyes, where are you from?
129. You look very pretty in your photos, I like your style.
130. You have a lot of cute outfits! Where do you usually shop?
131. You have a lot of dog pictures. What’s your favorite breed?
132. You have a lot of food pictures, I’m getting hungry just looking at them. Where is your favorite place to eat?
133. I love how you look at the camera in your photos, your eyes are beautiful.
134. You’re very creative and I love seeing the world through your eyes.
135. You’re very brave to post photos like these. I admire you for that.
136. Keep making the world a more beautiful place, one photo at a time!
137. Your confidence is inspiring, keep rockin’ it!
138. You have such positive energy in your photos, it’s contagious!
139. You have a lot of interesting photos, I can tell you’re a very creative person.
140. Your photos always make me smile, you have a great eye for capturing happy moments.
Continue reading: 101 Examples of Best Compliments For a Girl on Her Instagram Photos
141. Your travel photos are giving me major wanderlust. What’s your all-time favorite destination?
142. I see you’re a fitness enthusiast too! What’s your go-to workout routine?
143. I saw your post about volunteering at the animal shelter. How can I get involved with that?
144. Your captions are always so witty! Where do you find your inspiration?
145. Your makeup always looks flawless! What are your favorite beauty products?
146. I see you’re a fan of hiking too! What’s your favorite trail in the area?
147. You have such a beautiful voice! Have you ever considered pursuing a career in music?
148. It looks like you’re quite a coffee aficionado! What’s your favorite local coffee shop?
149. I can’t help but notice all the plants in your pictures. How do you keep them so healthy?
150. I’m a fellow cat lover and your cat is adorable! What’s their name?
151. I noticed you’re really into yoga. Do you have any advice for someone just starting out?
152. I noticed you’re a fan of craft beer! What’s your favorite local brewery?
153. Your pictures from the beach are making me want to plan a trip! Do you have any recommendations for the best beaches to visit?
154. You have such a positive vibe in your posts. How do you stay so optimistic and motivated?
155. I see you’re a fellow wine lover! Do you have a favorite type of wine or winery to visit?
156. I’ve been wanting to get into meditation, and it looks like you have some experience with it. Do you have any tips for beginners like me?
157. Your food photography is amazing! Any recommendations on where to eat around here?
158. I noticed you’ve been to Paris. I’m planning a trip there soon. What are some must-visit places?
159. Your workout photos are really inspiring! What’s your fitness routine like?
160. Your travel photos are stunning! Which destination has been your favorite so far?
161. It looks like you’ve attended some cool concerts recently. Which one was your favorite?
162. You have the cutest pets! How did you choose their names?
163. I noticed you’ve been trying out different types of workouts lately. Which one has been the most fun for you?
164. You seem to have a knack for finding hidden gems in the city. Any spots you’d recommend checking out?
165. I see you’re into yoga. How long have you been practicing, and what got you started?
166. Your travel bucket list is inspiring! What’s the next destination you’re hoping to visit?
167. I see you’re a fellow coffee lover! What’s your go-to coffee order?
168. You always seem to find the cutest cafes! Any favorites in the area?
169. I see you’re a fellow wine enthusiast! What’s your favorite type of wine?
170. Your weekend getaways always look so fun! What’s your secret to planning the perfect trip?
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171. You have a great sense of adventure! What’s the most thrilling thing you’ve ever done?
172. I love how you always find the best spots for stargazing! Any tips for someone who wants to give it a try?
173. You always find the most beautiful hiking trails. Any tips on finding great places to hike?
174. Your photos from the latest food festival look so delicious! What was the best thing you tried?
175. Your bike rides along the coast look so peaceful! How did you get into cycling?
176. Your pictures from the hot air balloon ride look incredible! How was the experience?
177. Hey, I couldn’t help but notice your incredible travel photos! It looks like you’ve been to some amazing places. What’s been your favorite destination so far?
178. Hi there! You have such a talent for photography; your feed is really impressive. Do you have any tips for someone who’s trying to improve their skills?
179. Hello! Your dog is absolutely adorable! What breed is he/she? I’ve always wanted a dog just like that.
180. Hi! Your cooking posts always look so delicious. Do you have a favorite recipe you’d be willing to share?
181. Hello! Your yoga poses are seriously impressive. Do you have any tips for someone who’s just starting out?
182. Hey there, I noticed your tattoos in your photos. They’re really cool! What’s the story behind them?
183. Hello! It looks like we both enjoy trying out different coffee shops around town. Which one is your favorite?
184. Hi there! I saw your post about your recent hike. The view looked incredible! Where was that taken?
185. Hello! Your recent vacation looked like so much fun. What was the highlight of your trip?
186. I saw your post about your adorable new puppy! I have a dog too, and I’d love to share some tips on training and fun activities. Would you be interested?
187. I couldn’t help but notice that we have a lot in common based on the books and movies you’ve posted about. I’m always looking for recommendations – do you have any recent favorites?
188. Your workout posts are so inspiring! I’m trying to get more active myself – can you share some tips on how you stay motivated?
189. Hey, I noticed it’s your birthday today! Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best!
190. Your hiking adventures look amazing! Do you have any recommendations for beginners looking to hit the trails?
191. I came across your art on Instagram, and I’m blown away by your talent. Do you have any upcoming exhibitions or events where I can see your work in person?
192. Your posts about mental health awareness are inspiring. What inspired you to become an advocate for mental health?
193. I saw you attended a yoga retreat recently. How was the experience, and do you have any tips for someone looking to try one for the first time?
194. I noticed you’re into astronomy and stargazing. Have you seen any interesting celestial events lately, or do you know of any upcoming ones?
195. Your posts on personal growth and self-improvement are motivating. What has been the most valuable lesson you’ve learned on your journey?
196. It looks like we both enjoy spending our weekends exploring the outdoors! Do you have any favorite local spots or trails to share?
197. Your knowledge of wine is impressive! Do you have any recommendations for someone looking to expand their palate?
198. I saw your post about attending a comedy show last night – how was it? I’m always on the lookout for great live comedy events in our area.
199. I saw that you just finished a marathon – congratulations! Do you have any tips for someone training for their first marathon?
200. Your posts about hiking and camping are inspiring! Can you recommend any essential gear for someone new to outdoor adventures?
201. Your passion for healthy eating is inspiring! Can you recommend any favorite recipes or meal-planning tips?
202. Your dedication to fitness is inspiring! Can you share any tips for maintaining a consistent workout routine while juggling a busy schedule?
203. Your posts on meditation and mindfulness are intriguing! Can you recommend any apps or resources to help someone get started?
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Is It Weird or Creepy to DM a Random Girl on Instagram?
When sending DMs on Instagram you need to be prepared that not every girl will reply back to you.
Some guys get stuck on one girl they like and keep messaging her even when it is obvious that she is not interested.
This type of behavior not only will make you look desperate and creepy but might eventually result in her blocking your account.
If you don’t want to be known as a creepy Instagram dude, don’t message girls after they reject you.
Don’t take rejections personally and instead message someone else.
You also don’t want to come across as a stalker so don’t tell her that you saw her on Tinder or Bumble even if you did.
To increase your chances try messaging girls that have less than 1000 followers.
The girls with big Instagram followings receive a lot of DMs every day and it will be much harder for you to stand out.
What is the Best Time to DM a Girl on Instagram?
The best time to DM girls on Instagram is between 6-9 pm.
That’s the time when most women are not busy with anything else and are usually more active on Instagram.
Another good time to DM a girl you like is right after she posts something new.
Even though there is no wrong time to message women on Instagram, it might be a good idea to avoid messaging them after midnight because most will think that you are just looking to get lucky.
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More Tips on How to Rizz a Girl on Instagram
There you are, eyes wide, fingers ready to type, but—boom—you hit a wall. How do you compliment a girl you like and let her know, “I’m here, and I’m interesting,” without sounding like all the other guys in her DMs?
Here are some ideas on how to rizz a girl on Instagram.
1. Slide Into Her DMs with Style
Saw a picture of her at a concert? Slide in with, “That concert looked epic! Bet it sounded even better with you there 😉.”
2. Compliment Her Like a Pro
Forget the plain old “you’re beautiful.” Try, “That picture of you in the city was stunning. You really make the skyline look dull in comparison 😍.”
3. Tease Her Interests
If she’s into cooking, “Saw your culinary masterpiece. How about a cook-off? I’ll warn you, though, I’m pretty skilled with a toaster 😜.”
4. Flirt
Spotted a cute pet pic? “Your cat’s got some serious attitude. Guessing it learned from the best? 😏”
5. A Hobby
Noticed she’s into yoga? “Your yoga poses are impressive! Ever thought of teaching? I could use a trainer who’s easy on the eyes 😉.”
6. Her Passion
“Your paintings are incredible. Ever considered doing an exhibit? I’d be the first in line to see your art up close. 😊”
7. Future Plans
“Saw you’re a fan of Italian food. There’s this little spot I know with the best pasta. Maybe we can explore it together? Consider it a date. 🍝😉”
8. Notice Her Sense of Adventure
“Jumping out of a plane? That’s wild! Guess I’ve found my skydiving partner… unless you think I can’t keep up? 😜”
9. Comment on a Night Out Photo
“That dress in your latest night-out pic 😍. Clearly, stars aren’t the only things that shine. How do you feel about lighting up the city together next weekend?”
10. React to Her Fitness Routine
“Seeing your marathon finish was inspiring! Training for the next one yet? Maybe you can show me how not to pass out at the finish line. 😅”
11. Travel Shots
“Your travel photos are out of this world! Do you have any secret destinations you’d share with a fellow explorer, or do I have to earn them? 🌍😉”
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