It is not always easy to tell if the girl likes you because women are usually very good at hiding their feelings.
The easiest way to find out if a girl secretly wants you but is trying not to show it is to pay attention to how she acts around you. Most girls act differently around their crushes than around other guys.
The main reason why some girls hide their feelings from a guy they like is that they are shy and afraid of rejection.
Women also usually expect a guy to do the first step and ask for their number or ask them out.
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How to Know If a Girl Likes You but Is Hiding It?

1. Prolonged Eye Contact
If the girl likes you, she will be holding her eye contact longer than usual when talking to you. You might even notice that she is looking at your lips which is another sign that she is attracted to you.
However, if the girl is very shy and nervous instead of holding eye contact she might be looking down a lot when talking to you.
You might notice the same behavior when you walk in a hallway and see her. She will look at you and smile until you pass her. If she is shy, she will likely smile a little but might look down instead of holding eye contact.
If you are sitting or standing away from her, she might make eye contact across the room.
When talking to her, you may also notice that her pupils dilate but it is not always easy to see it unless you are sitting next to her.
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2. She Stares at You
This might be hard to notice because women are usually good at hiding their stares but if you notice that she is often glancing at you, it is a sign that she secretly likes you.
When she notices that you caught her staring she will either smile or blush if she is shy.
3. She is Always Next to You
The girl that finds you attractive will try to be as close to you as possible to get your attention.
If you notice that a girl constantly seems to be sitting or standing next to you, it is another sign that she likes you.
4. She Likes to Talk to You
If you notice that she is always open to chat whenever you are around it is likely that she likes you and wants to spend more time with you.
You may also notice that she is asking you a lot of questions and you are usually the one that ends the conversation.
Some of those questions might be quite personal especially if she is trying to figure out whether you are single or not.
Lastly, when she is talking to you, her feet might be pointing toward you.
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5. She Initiates Physical Contact
Most girls only touch the guys they are attracted to. So if she touches your hand, shoulders, or legs when talking, she is definitely into you.
When you are standing next to her in a crowded elevator or hallway she might lean her body against you and touch you. This is an even bigger sign that she likes you.
6. She Smiles at You
If the girl likes you, she will smile a lot when you are chatting with her.
You may also notice that she is laughing at all your jokes even if they are not funny.
7. She Licks Her Lips
Women often lick their lips or even bite them when they want to seduce a guy.
8. She is Touching Her Hair
When she knows that you are looking at her or she is talking to you she will likely touch her hair.
Some girls do it to get guys’ attention while others do it because they feel nervous around someone they like.
9. She Asks for Your Help
Some girls show their interest in a guy by asking for his help with small things.
For example, she might ask to borrow your pen, help her with her phone or ask if you want to study or work on a project together.
10. She Stalks You on Social Media
You might notice her watching your Instagram and Facebook stories or liking your posts.
When you talk to her in person, she might mention something that you posted online even though you know that she is not on your friends’ list.
11. She Freezes Around You
Shy girls tend to freeze around their crushes. They do this when they are nervous and afraid to do something that will turn off their crush.
You may notice that she stops talking when you approach her. When you ask her something she might blush or even stutter a little.
Her hands might be shaking when you are talking to her and she is holding something.
12. Your Friends are Telling You That She Likes You
Your friends might be better at noticing the hints of attraction that the girl might be dropping for you.
It is also possible that she might mention to them that she has a crush on you.
13. She Texts You Back
If the girl is into you, she will always reply to you. If she is not, she will take time when replying to your text messages.
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What to Do If She Likes You But is Hiding It?

The signs of attraction that we discussed today should make it easier for you to figure out if she might be interested in you.
However, you will never know for sure if she is attracted to you until you ask her out. That’s why it is always a good idea to assume that she likes you even if she doesn’t display some of the signs that we discussed.
Don’t let your doubt, prevent you from approaching a girl you think might be attracted to you, getting her number, or even asking her out.
Most guys feel nervous when approaching a girl but that’s the only way to meet her.
If you don’t get enough courage and decide to wait for the next opportunity you might miss out and never get a chance to meet her again.
You should remember that you will always feel a little scared when approaching women because of all the adrenaline in your body and this is normal.
Women love confident guys and if you approach her she will most likely react positively.
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