6 Reasons Why Married Men Cheat and Stay Married

Do you suspect that your husband might be unfaithful to you?

Many women are horrified at the thought that their boyfriend or husband would cheat on them.

They see it as the end of the relationship and are ready to divorce their husband if it ever happens to them.

Other women swear that it will never happen to them and refuse to acknowledge the idea of it being possible.

Unfortunately, cheating is very common among married couples.

However, most men stay married after an affair and very rarely leave their wives for their mistresses – find out if your guy has a dating profile.

Here are the top reasons why married men cheat and stay married.

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Why Do Cheating Husbands Stay Married?

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1. Something is Missing in Their Relationship

Understanding why married men stay married after cheating often has to do with why they cheated in the first place.

Most men choose to consciously cheat because there is something missing from their marriage that they are able to find through an affair.

Perhaps the excitement wasn’t there anymore at home and they had become bored.

Maybe they no longer sleep with their spouse but still, have a strong libido.

Or maybe they want to try something new in a bedroom like roleplaying but their wives are not open to that. 

There are also men who married young—late teens or early twenties—who feel like they missed out on when they settled down.

However, whatever the reason they have to cheat is usually not strong enough for them to leave their wives and that‘s why they stay.

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2. Their Wives Don’t Know

One of the main reasons why affairs lead to the end of a marriage is because the wife has found out about it.

In cases where a man’s wife doesn’t know about his cheating, it is often because he has gone to great lengths to ensure she doesn’t find out.

Some men are good at hiding it and don’t feel guilty about not telling their wives.

Occasionally, some married men who cheat do not reveal their actions to their wives or families until very late in life.

There may also be instances where a wife doesn’t know for sure that her husband is having an affair and won’t end their marriage based on a lack of evidence or unjustified paranoia.

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3. Family or Religious Expectations

Many people are familiar with the concept of a couple staying together for the sake of their children or their family as a whole.

Especially in cases where there are very young children involved, familial expectations can have a significant impact on a couple’s decision to stay together after cheating.

There may also be cultural or religious expectations and restrictions that prevent divorce from being an option.

As commonplace as divorce may be, there is still some stigma in regards to a married couple divorcing that remains across all religions to some degree.

In some instances, getting a divorce may be viewed as worse than the cheating that caused it, regardless of who is involved.

4. It Was a Rare or One-time Event

Often cheating is a one-time event caused by a lack of judgment and involves drinking.

It’s not always going to be something that you are used to seeing on TV dramas.

A cheating husband may tell his wife about his mistake, face the consequences, and promise that it will never happen again.

If the marriage and relationship between the cheating husband and his wife are strong enough to handle the situation, it’s not the end of the world or even the end of the marriage necessarily.

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6. They Choose To Work Through It

Usually, many couples will choose to try and work through the affair.

They‘ll go to therapy, read books on marriage, talk about what happened and try their best to move on.

Working through the situation with the assistance of a professional can also help prevent it from happening again and assist a couple’s children in dealing with it if they have found out about it.

Even in cases where the marriage is clearly over, regardless of the extent of the cheating and other factors involved, attempting to work through it is still done to ensure that the situation is properly addressed and to provide closure.

Lastly, it is important to realize that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes.

What’s far more important is how they deal with those mistakes and whether they learn from them or not.

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