There are a lot of attractive women in supermarkets and department stores.
How can you approach one of those gorgeous girls without embarrassing yourself?
Or maybe you have a crush on a cute cashier girl and want to get her number?
Picking up girls in the stores is not different from meeting women anywhere else.
As long as you have some courage to approach them and follow the tips that we will discuss in this post, you shouldn’t have problems getting phone numbers from the girls there.
Most guys are comfortable with picking up women in clubs or bars.
In fact, most guys go to bars and clubs just to meet women.
But have you ever thought about picking up women in a grocery store?
Well, this might sound a bit weird and risky for most guys.
Surprisingly, most women react positively and take it as a compliment if a guy approaches them and starts a conversation.
Most women never get approached in stores and they realize that it takes a lot of courage for a guy to do that.
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How to Pick Up Women in a Supermarket, Grocery, or Department Store?
1. Be Well-dressed
You should always try to look presentable every time you step out of your house.
Always look clean and fresh.
Make sure to take a shower, put on well-ironed clothes, have a proper shave, and do not forget to put on deodorant and some perfume.
However, make sure you are not overdressed for a grocery store – don’t need to wear a suit and tie.
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2. Make a Comfortable Eye Contact
Not every woman will be interested in getting to know you.
One way to figure out if the woman is interested is to use eye contact.
Try to make eye contact naturally and don’t make her feel awkward.
If the woman looks back at you and smiles, then you are in.
If she smiles back, it means that she is comfortable enough to be approached.
3. Start a Conversation
Walk towards her and don’t be shy.
Be confident in yourself, show her that you are a gentleman, and talk to her.
When approaching a girl in the store, approach her from the front so she can see you.
It might get a little weird if you approach her from the back and start talking before she notices you.
Don’t be too desperate by directly throwing some old pickup lines or asking for her number right away.
When you approach a girl try to smile, to appear as a friendly confident guy.
Start off by talking about the store.
For example, if the store is too crowded, comment on it, and ask her what is a good time to visit to avoid the crowd.
Example (while standing in a line to pay): “This place is pretty crowded. Do you know if it is always this busy here?”
You can also use products to come up with openers to approach women.
This works especially well if you are trying to buy female products or clothing.
Just tell the woman that you are buying a gift for your female friend, sister, or mom and ask for her advice.
Example: “Hi, can I ask you a quick question? I am buying a makeup set for my sister. Do you know what type of products most girls use?”
If you realize that she is married or you can sense that she doesn’t want to continue the conversation, just tell her that it was nice meeting her and walk away.
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4. Get Her Phone Number
If you had a great conversation and you feel like it is time to go, ask for her number.
Tell her that it was nice talking with her and ask if she wants to chat more someday over coffee.
Example: “Sorry but I have to go now. It was really nice meeting you! Do you want to grab a coffee someday?”
If she gives you her number, text her right away “Hey! This is me!” while you are still together.
This way she will have your number as well.
After getting her number, don’t text her right away, or otherwise, you may look too desperate.
Instead, wait a day or two before texting or calling her.
Next Step: What To Text A Girl After You Get Her Number?
How to Pick up and Flirt with the Cashier Girls?
The first step to getting a phone number from a cashier girl is to make her feel comfortable.
If you know that you will see her again, take it slow and don’t ask for her number the first time you chat with her.
It will be easier to get her number if she knows you because you always shop in that store.
Most girls are scared to give their numbers to complete strangers.
It is important to gauge how busy is she or if there is a line of other customers around before asking for her number.
She might feel uncomfortable sharing her number if her coworkers or other customers are around.
To be successful in getting her number visit the store just after it opens or before the closing time when there are will be fewer people around and you will have a chance to chat with a girl and get to know her better.
Here is a simple example of how to ask a cashier girl for her phone number:
Example: “Hey I know it is a little random but do you want to grab a coffee sometime?”
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Giving Attractive Cashier Your Phone Number on a Piece of Paper
One easy way to pick up a cashier girl without making her uncomfortable is to tell her that she is cute and to give her your number on a piece of paper.
If she likes you, she will text you, and if not you don’t have to face any public rejection.
You can use the same method with your number on a piece of paper to pick up girls working at the drive-thru, bar, ticket office, nightclub, or even hair salon.
Read next: What Does It Mean When A Girl Gives You Her Number Without You Asking?