How to Make an Older Man Want You?

Are you interested in older men but don‘t know how to make them want you as well?

Do their age and maturity intimidate you?

This guide is here for one purpose – to give young women insight into what makes an older man tick.

Whether it’s your professor, boss at work, family friend, or colleague, attracting an older man is actually much easier than you think – meet older men online

With a few simple tips and tricks that we will share with you today, you can easily make any older guy interested in you. 

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Best Ways to Make an Older Man Want You

Dating Hacks for Guys With Zero Game

1. Be Confident

Confidence is one of the most attractive qualities a woman can have.

Men of all ages are attracted to selfassured women who know what they want and arent afraid to go after it.

Speak up for yourself and don‘t be afraid to voice your opinion no one likes a wallflower!

The same goes for physical intimacy don‘t be too shy to let him know what you want and how you like it.

Older men are more understanding of the physical aspects of a woman’s body, so don’t be self-conscious about any imperfections you may have, such as wrinkles or stretch marks.

2. Respect His Choices

Older men have more life experience which means they generally know what works best for them when it comes down to decision-making.

So respect these decisions without trying to interfere since there is nothing worse than someone else telling us what we should do with our own lives.

3. Keep Things Interesting

Most older men are interested in younger women because they want someone who is more interesting and open-minded than women their own age. 

Keep things fresh by talking about different topics and activities, going out to new places, or trying something that neither of you has ever done before.

The same goes for keeping things exciting in a bedroom by experimenting and trying new things.

Changing small things like positions and the time of the day you do it can make a huge difference and make your intimate life more satisfying.

Don’t miss: What do Guys Like to Hear in Bed? 

4. Be His Equal, Not His Mother or Child

Men over 30 are usually fully capable of taking care of themselves and that’s why taking on a motherly role will not be much of a turn-on.

Similarly, acting like a child is not attractive either, since he probably either has children or doesn’t want any.

He is meant to be your partner, not a replacement for a father or son.

5. Act Mature

As we discussed, older men aren’t looking for a child figure in a relationship, they’re looking for an equal.

They want a woman who is confident and mature, so its important that you show him you can handle yourself by acting like an adult and not a spoiled teenager.

6. Show Interest in His Life

Older men like to feel appreciated by the women they date, so make sure he knows how much you care about them by showing an active interest in their life.

Ask questions about what he does for work, who he wanted to be when he was younger or if he has a bucket list he wants to complete. 

Don’t miss: How to Tell If an Older Guy Likes You? (6 Ways to Tell)

How to communicate with older men

7. Be Honest with Him

Most older men dont want to play games. They appreciate honesty and respect it more than anything else, so make sure that you are always honest with them about your feelings and intentions.

This is way more attractive than playing mind games and pretending that you dont care about him.

8. Be Understanding

An older man may not be as virile as he was when he was younger, so it’s important to encourage and reassure him.

Let him know when you are enjoying yourself, but don’t be dishonest of course.

Draw attention to his skills by letting him know what feels good.

It is always a turn-on when you’re able to make a man feel more confident about himself in bed.

Don’t miss: 8 Ways to Flirt with Older Men

9. Make Him Feel Special

When it comes to attracting an older man, making him feel special is one of the easiest ways to make him interested in you. 

Compliment him on his looks, his achievements, and anything else that you think he would appreciate.

Also, dont forget to tell him how much you admire him and what you appreciate about him.

10. Show Genuine Affection

Older men are more likely to appreciate genuine displays of affection, such as being kissed on the cheek or having your hand held.

This type of intimacy makes an older man feel secure and wanted, which is something he may not have experienced for years.

Read next: 10 Things Men in Their 40s Want in a Woman

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