Not getting texts from a guy you like can be frustrating.
It can make you wonder whether he is actually interested in you or not. Or maybe he is just a player and already moved on to some other girl?
What makes it even more confusing is that not every guy is the same.
If your ex used to text you every few hours when you just started seeing each other, it doesn’t mean that your new guy will do the same.
For some guys texting once a day is more than enough while others like to text every few hours. There are also guys that expect a girl to text them first.
As you can see there is no solid rule that states how often a guy should text a girl he likes.
Instead, we will focus on how often most guys text on average. This will give you a pretty good idea if you should be concerned about the guy you are seeing.
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How Often Should the Guy Text You Before the First Date?

If you haven’t met in real life yet, the guy will likely text you every couple of days. As long as he is replying fast to all of your texts, you shouldn’t worry.
The most important thing is that he actually asked you out on a date.
Some guys don’t text more often for the fear of coming across as clingy.
There is no need to text every single day before the first date unless you have something interesting to share with your crush.
You don’t want your match to cancel your date plans thinking that you are as boring in real life as in your texts.
That’s why it is very important to meet up in real life before one of you loses interest.
Try to arrange a date within a week of meeting online because until you are officially dating it is fair to assume that he is talking to other girls and it is possible that some of these girls are available to meet up right away.
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How Often Should the Guy Text You After the First Date?
If the date went well and there was a lot of chemistry, the guy will usually text you on the same day after your first date.
He might say something like “I had a great time”, “It was so much fun” or “We should meet up again!”.
After that texting once a day is pretty normal.
However, if he is not texting you and when you text him he is not suggesting meeting up again, he is probably not into you.
How Often Should the Guy Text You After You Hooked Up?
If the guy doesn’t text you the next day after you hooked up, don’t immediately assume that he is trying to ditch you. However, if it was more than a day since his last text it can be a red flag.
There are many reasons why the guy might stop texting you after you slept with him.
Maybe the lovemaking wasn’t good, something happened that turned him off or maybe he was just looking to get laid without getting serious.
It is also possible that he misinterpreted your body language or your intentions and is thinking that you only wanted a one-night stand.
Before blaming yourself or making any assumptions you should text him to make sure that he is not just waiting for your text.
If however you did text him and you know that he doesn’t want to meet up again, it is time to move on and use this as a learning experience.
There are many other great guys out there and you just didn’t meet the right one yet.
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How Often Should the Guy Text You After You Started Dating?
Texting a few times a day is pretty common for most guys. However, there are also guys that hate texting and might prefer a call once a day instead of texting you every couple of hours.
At this stage, you shouldn’t wait for the guy to text you first, or otherwise, he might start thinking that you don’t really like him.
Many guys will also text you good morning and good night texts.
What to Do If the Guy is Not Texting You?
It is important to keep in mind that some guys wait for a girl to text them to avoid being clingy.
That’s why if you like a guy but he is not texting, you might need to text first yourself.
If however, he takes forever to reply to your texts and doesn’t want to meet up it is likely that he is just not into you.
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