These days, modern dating comes in different forms: hookups, friends with benefits, no strings attached, etc.
Are you looking for a casual relationship instead of jumping into something serious?
Knowing what exactly you are looking for will help you to have a successful casual relationship and will prevent unnecessary disappointments and heartbreaks.
Casual relationships shouldn’t be confused with the Hook-Up Culture (or One Night Stands- ONS).
The keyword is “relationship.”
ONS lacks the major component that sets apart casual relationships from it – connection.
Casual Relationships don’t have the same seriousness or same end-game goals committed relationships have.
However, people in casual relationships are more connected compared to people who would sleep together once or a few times.
What Is The Difference Between a Casual Relationship and Friends With Benefits?
Some people think that both are the same however it is not exactly true.
A casual relationship is similar to a regular relationship where you go on dates and do all the romantic stuff. There is also an emotional link between the partners.
Friends with benefits usually only revolves around sleeping with each other. There are no dates and zero strings attached.
Basically, a casual relationship is more “serious” than friends with benefits and involves not only physical but also emotional intimacy.
What Kind of Dater Are You?
Before delving into a casual relationship with someone, you have to be certain that you know yourself and what you want first.
Knowing what type of person you are will determine how you navigate your relationships.
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1. The “I Just Need A Break” Type
Being in serious relationships one after the other may have finally caught up with you.
You started dating when you were in high school and have only been in serious relationships.
For the first time in forever, you’re single.
You have the freedom to experience everything that is available to untethered birds: the apps, the bar pick-up life, and the casual relationships.
You want to experience firsthand all the things your single friends have been telling you about all these years.
But most importantly, you really just want to take time to work on yourself, regardless of what aspect of your life that may be.
Even so, you’d like to meet new people and still have fun without all the responsibilities and seriousness of being in a committed relationship.
2. The “Forever Bachelor/Bachelorette” Type
You have never longed for the things most people aspire to have.
You don’t really want to get married, start a family, or build a house with a picket fence.
The whole “settling down” idea does not appeal to you at all.
You enjoy your singlehood and the freedom that comes with it.
Being single is your choice and there is little to nothing that can change that fact.
You are still down to spending time with people though.
You still like having fun, learning from other people’s experiences, and being intimate with them.
3. The “Open-Minded” Type
You aren’t necessarily coming out of a long-term relationship.
You’re not completely opposed to the idea of being in a committed relationship nor are you in a rush to start planning a wedding with someone.
You want to play the field, cast a wide net, and see what and who’s out there.
You’re open-minded in the sense that you are open to the possibility of a casual relationship turning into something more given it’s with the right person.
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What are the Rules of Casual Relationships?
Just like for any other type of relationship, there are also unwritten “rules” when it comes to casual relationships.
1. Being Honest with Your Partner
As we’ve established, knowing what type you are will help you determine what you want.
Whether you are strictly not interested in pursuing anything more than a casual relationship or are open to the possibility of it turning more serious, you have to honestly communicate that with the other person.
Casual relationships sometimes get vague when intentions aren’t communicated in the beginning.
Make sure you spell it out in a way that they understand it 100% and agree to it.
That’ll save you both from the possibility of heartbreak.
2. Setting Boundaries in a Casual Relationship
Be open with what you’re comfortable with. There are certain lines that you shouldn’t cross with your casual relationship.
Do not expect them to go beyond what is normally convenient or do any special favors for you.
In the same way, communicate with them whenever they ask you for something you’re no longer comfortable with.
Since it’s a casual relationship, you shouldn’t expect it to have the same level of intimacy serious relationships would have.
3. Being Respectful
This should go without saying. It is still a relationship so treating the other person with respect is a must.
Treat them the way you’d like to be treated.
If you promised to go with them somewhere, show up.
Do not just ghost them. Practice discretion.
If you are seeing other people, don’t muddle the water by bringing it up with your other partner; this will only bring unnecessary jealousy that will complicate your relationship.
4. Being Aware
Are you beginning to catch the “feels?”
Being aware of your current emotional state will help you navigate the relationship better.
If you feel like you are getting more attached to your partner than you should be, distancing yourself will help maintain everything in check.
How about the other person?
If they’re beginning to catch the “feels”, try to address this as soon as possible to avoid any misunderstandings.
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5. When to End a Casual Relationship
Knowing when to throw in the towel might be the suckiest part of any relationship.
But for casual relationships, it is an inevitable ending from the get-go.
Agreeing to be in one is agreeing that the relationship you’re getting into has an expiration date.
As they say, all good things must come to an end.
The relationship might have reached its peak and is starting to fizzle out and that’s okay!
The time you spent with a person you enjoyed being with won’t go to waste because it has allowed you to learn new things and experience them with someone awesome.
How Long Do Casual Relationships Last?

Most casual relationships only last for a couple of months because one of the partners usually ends up falling for someone else.
However, some people are able to stay as casual partners for years even after getting into a serious committed relationship with someone else but this usually involves cheating.
Sometimes the casual relationship may become more serious especially if one of the partners is ready for commitment.
Top Signs a Casual Relationship is Getting Serious
If you want to have a casual relationship without getting hurt, it is important to end it if you start feeling that it is becoming more serious, unless you both agree to enter a committed monogamous relationship.
Here are the signs that a casual relationship is becoming more serious:
- You become jealous when your partner hangs out with someone else.
- You meet the parents.
- You start to share secrets that are only reserved for your closest friends.
- You start to care a lot about your partner and always think about him
- You start to really miss your partner.
- You feel like saying I Love You every once in a while.
- You start building future plans together
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At the end of the day, casual relationships are all about companionship – to whatever degree it might be.
You’re at a point in your life where you just want to date.
You just want to have fun, enjoy, and maybe have a meaningful connection with other people.
And as long as you’re going about it respectfully and honestly, navigating your casual relationship should be a breeze.
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