Did you catch a girl looking at you while you were standing in line to get your morning coffee?
It is easy to assume that she was checking you out, but was she?
Most women are very good at checking guys out without getting noticed. Often it is just a quick glance instead of a prolonged stare like most guys expect. However, the challenge is that a quick glance can mean a lot of other things that have nothing to do with her checking you out.
To make things even more challenging for guys, women have much better peripheral vision which makes it easy for them to check guys out without directly looking at them.
The important thing is to pay attention to your surroundings instead of staring at your phone and you will be able to catch more women that are looking at you. The next time a girl looks at you, here are 8 signs to watch out for.
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8 Signs That a Woman Is Checking You Out

1. She Makes Eye Contact
In most cases, if a random woman makes eye contact with you it is one of the most common signs that she is checking you out. After making eye contact she might look down which means that she feels a little shy because you noticed it.
There are also girls that might want you to notice that they are looking at you. If she looks away but then looks at you again, it is a pretty sure sign that she wants to talk to you.
A single stare might not mean much but if a girl looks at you twice it is not a coincidence.
Also, pay attention to small details that further indicate attraction such as lifted eyebrows, legs pointed in your direction, and mouth slightly open.
2. Your Friends Tell You That a Girl is Checking You Out
It is much easier for your friends to notice if a girl is checking you out because she will usually do it when you are not paying attention. However, for a third person, it will be pretty obvious.
That’s why it is a good idea to ask your friends to tell you right away if they notice that a girl is checking you out.
3. She Smiles at You
When you notice that a girl smiles while there is no one around and she is not looking at her phone it is possible that was checking you out.
If a girl looks at you with a smile, it is an even more obvious sign that she finds you attractive and wants to get to know you.
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4. She Plays or Fixes Her Hair
Have you ever noticed that some girls try to adjust their hair when passing you? They might brush it back, try to straighten it, or something similar.
In most cases, their hair doesn’t need fixing and it is just a subconscious reaction that some women have when they see an attractive guy. This is known as preening.
5. She Stops Whatever She Is Doing When She Sees You
This is a very subtle sign and it is easy to miss. If a girl is chatting with her friends, she might stop talking to them for a second and look in your direction.
Another example would be a girl that completely stops whatever she is doing when she notices you. You might even notice that she looks a little disoriented.
Pay attention to her facial expression to figure out her intentions. If it is relaxed and almost smiley, she likes what she sees.
6. She Looks at You From Head to Toe
Most girls only look at the guy’s body while he is not looking but if you are good at paying attention to your surroundings you might notice it.
She will likely look down as soon as she realizes that you caught her staring at you.
7. She Looks “Funny” When You Look at Her
Some girls might feel embarrassed and make funny faces when they realize that they have been caught.
8. Trust Your Gut
Most of the time your conscious mind will not be able to notice if the girl is checking you out but you might get a gut feeling that she does. In most cases, that feeling is right.
Just think about the last time you made eye contact with a girl while walking on a street. If you are not the type of guy that makes eye contact with every attractive girl who walks by but you for some reason made eye contact with her, it is likely that she was the one who checked you out first and your unconscious mind noticed it and that’s why you looked back at her.
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What Does It Mean When a Girl Checks You Out?

In most cases, all it means is that she finds you interesting and usually attractive. It might be your physical appearance or even your style. It is possible that she likes your outfit and that’s why she is checking you out.
She might also be looking at you to see if you are looking back at her to determine if you are interested.
What to Do When a Girl Checks You Out?
If you are in close proximity to a girl that looks like she is checking you out, just say hi. It is the best way to respond and you will be able to find out if she actually finds you attractive.
When she is too far or you feel shy to say hi, just smile and see whether she smiles back. If she smiles and says hi back, it means she is into you. Try to get enough courage and approach her to start a conversation.
The worst thing you can do is to look down and don’t look back at her or continue staring at her without approaching. This can quickly escalate from a potentially romantic to a creepy encounter.
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How to Approach and Start a Conversation With a Girl Who is Checking You Out?
It might feel scary to approach a girl that you just met but you will feel good about it afterward so just do it without thinking or worrying that she might reject you.
When you approach her, start a conversation by asking how is she doing or how her day is going. Take it slow and if she doesn’t show signs that she wants to leave ask for her number.
“Hey, it’s awesome how we ran into each other. Would like to grab a coffee someday?”
If you want to be a little cocky tell her that you noticed that she was looking so you decide to approach her and introduce yourself. Most women will appreciate your confidence even if they are not looking for a boyfriend.
Here are more conversation starters to use:
- Hey! I know it is a little random but I really like your style/haircut/outfit.
- Hi! I saw you looking at me so I figured I should approach and say hi 🙂
- Hey, I think you look really cute so I just wanted to stop and say hi
- Hey, do you know any good coffee shops around here?
- Hey, you look very familiar. What’s your name?
Here are some ideas on how to get her number after you approached her – 12 Examples of How to Ask a Girl for Her Number