35 Signs a Guy is Nervous on a First Date

We’ve all been there – the anticipation in the days leading up to a first date, the butterflies in your stomach as you get ready, and the hope that this could be the beginning of something special.

But along with all that excitement comes a dose of nerves, both for you and your date. After all, making a great first impression is important, and no one wants to mess it up.

However, sometimes it can be difficult to figure out whether your date’s behavior is due to nerves or if they’re simply not that interested in you.

Fortunately, there are subtle signs that can help you determine if your date has those natural jitters or if he is just not feeling any chemistry with you.

So how can you tell if a guy is genuinely nervous or just not that into you?

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The key lies in paying attention to his body language, tone of voice, and overall behavior on a date.

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Signs a Guy is Nervous on a First Date

1. Excessive Fidgeting

When people are nervous, they tend to fidget to release some of that energy.

If he is playing with his spoon or fork, tapping his feet, or constantly adjusting his clothing, it could be a sign that he’s feeling anxious about making a good impression.

Keep in mind that fidgeting isn’t always a bad thing – sometimes, it’s simply a coping mechanism for dealing with nerves.

2. Sweating

Sweating is a natural response to stress and anxiety, so if you notice your date wiping his brow or attempting to discreetly fan himself, chances are he’s feeling a bit nervous.

It’s important to remember that everyone sweats, so try not to judge him too harshly for it. Instead, focus on making him feel more comfortable.

3. Stammering or Stuttering

When anxiety takes hold, it can often impact our ability to speak clearly and confidently.

If your guy is stammering or stuttering throughout the conversation, this could be an indication that he’s feeling nervous about making a good impression on you.

Try to be patient and understanding or even gently tease him about it to lighten the mood.

4. Avoiding Eye Contact

Nervousness can make maintaining eye contact feel incredibly intimidating for some people.

If your date is constantly looking away or avoiding direct eye contact, he may be simply feeling shy or anxious.

To help alleviate some of that pressure, you can also occasionally break eye contact or focus on something else in the room before returning your gaze to him so that he has some time to calm down.

5. Talking Too Much or Too Little

Finding the right balance in conversation can be difficult when nerves come into play.

Your date might end up talking too much to fill any awkward silences, or he might clam up and struggle to find anything to say at all.

6. Shaky Voice or Hands

Anxiety can manifest itself physically, causing shaking or trembling voice and hands.

If you notice your date’s hands shaking when reaching for a glass or his voice quivering during a conversation, it’s quite likely that he’s feeling nervous.

7. Formal Language

When people are nervous, they tend to use more formal language to maintain control of the situation.

If your date is using an unusually formal tone or vocabulary, it could be a sign that he’s feeling anxious about impressing you.

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8. Awkward Laughter

Laughter can be a natural response to nervousness because it can help to diffuse tension and awkwardness.

If a guy seems to laugh too much or at inappropriate times, it might be because he’s feeling anxious and trying to lighten the mood.

9. Asking Too Many Questions

Nerves can sometimes cause people to overcompensate when it comes to conversation, leading them to ask an excessive number of questions.

If your date is firing off questions like an interview, he might simply be trying to keep the conversation going and avoid any awkward silences.

10. Scattered Conversation

Anxiety can make it difficult for some people to focus on one topic.

If your conversation with your date seems to jump from one topic to another, it could be an indication that he’s feeling a bit nervous.

Gently steer the conversation back on track by asking open-ended questions and showing genuine interest in what he has to say.

11. Constantly Checking the Time or Phone

If your date is frequently glancing at his watch or phone, it might appear that he’s not interested.

However, this could also be a sign that he’s feeling anxious and seeking reassurance that everything is going according to plan.

12. Blushing

Blushing is a common physiological response to anxiety and embarrassment. If a guy’s cheeks are flushed, it could be a sign that he’s feeling nervous.

13. Over-Apologizing

Nerves can lead people to become overly apologetic for even the smallest mistakes.

If your guy seems to be always apologizing, he’s likely feeling anxious about potentially upsetting or offending you.

14. Easily Startled

Anxiety can cause people to be more easily startled or jumpy than usual. If a guy seems on edge or jolts at sudden noises, it could be a sign that he’s feeling nervous.

15. Indecisiveness

When people are nervous, they often second-guess themselves and struggle to make decisions.

If a guy you met is having a hard time deciding what to order or where to go after dinner, it might be due to anxiety rather than disinterest.

16. Inability to Sit Still

If your date can’t seem to sit still and is constantly shifting in his seat or getting up to use the restroom, it could be a sign that he’s feeling anxious.

Nervous energy can make it difficult to relax, so try to engage him in conversation and create a comfortable environment.

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17. Fast-Paced Speech

When people are nervous, they tend to speak more quickly than usual. If a guy is speaking too fast, it could be a sign that he’s feeling anxious.

18. Revealing Personal Information Too Soon

Anxiety can sometimes cause people to overshare personal information to connect more quickly with others.

If your date seems to be divulging too much too soon, it might be a sign that he’s feeling nervous about making you interested in him.

19. Avoiding Touch

Physical touch can be intimidating for some people, especially when they’re feeling nervous or anxious.

If a guy you met seems hesitant to initiate any physical contact or pulls away when you try to touch him, it could be a sign that he’s feeling uneasy.

Respect his boundaries and focus on building emotional connection first.

20. Clumsiness

Nerves can sometimes result in clumsiness, as anxiety can impact motor skills and coordination.

If he is dropping things, spilling drinks, or tripping over his words, it could be a sign that he’s feeling nervous.

21. Shortness of Breath

Anxiety can cause shortness of breath, making it difficult for the person to breathe normally during conversation.

If a guy seems to be struggling to catch his breath or is taking deep breaths frequently, it could be a sign that he’s feeling nervous.

22. Overthinking

If your date appears to be lost in his thoughts or constantly second-guessing himself, it might be a sign that he’s feeling anxious.

23. Excessive Thirst

Nervousness can cause dry mouth, leading to excessive thirst. If your date is constantly sipping on his drink or asking for water refills, it could be a sign that he’s feeling anxious.

24. Tense Body Language

If your date’s body language is stiff and tense, it could be another sign that he’s feeling nervous. Look for crossed arms, clenched fists, or a rigid posture.

25. Interrupting

When people are nervous, they might find it difficult to listen and wait for their turn to speak. If a guy you met is frequently interrupting you or others, it could be a sign that he’s feeling anxious and struggling to focus on the conversation.

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26. Overexplaining

Anxiety can sometimes lead people to overexplain themselves, as they worry about being misunderstood or judged.

If a guy seems to be constantly clarifying himself, it could be an indication that he’s feeling nervous.

Be patient and show interest in what he has to say, reassuring him that you understand his point of view.

27. Lack of Appetite

Anxiety can cause a loss of appetite for some people, making it difficult for them to enjoy a meal during a date.

If your guy is barely touching his food or seems uninterested in eating, it could be another sign that he’s feeling nervous.

28. Repeating Himself

Nervousness can sometimes cause people to forget what they’ve already said, leading them to repeat themselves.

If your date seems to be saying the same things over and over, it might be a sign that he’s feeling anxious.

29. Rapid Blinking

Nervousness can make people blink as a way to cope with their anxiety. If your date is blinking more than usual, it might be a sign that he’s feeling nervous about your date.

30. Excessive Clearing of Throat

If your date is constantly clearing his throat during the conversation, it could be an indication that he’s feeling anxious.

31. Nail Biting

Nail biting is a common nervous habit for many people. If your date is biting his nails during your time together, it could be another sign that he’s feeling nervous.

32. Becoming Easily Flustered

Anxiety can cause people to become easily flustered or overwhelmed by even small issues.

If your guy appears to be getting flustered over minor obstacles, it might be a sign that he’s feeling nervous about making a good impression.

33. Restless Legs

Restless legs are another indication of anxiety and nervousness. If a guy can’t seem to keep his legs still while seated, it could be a sign that he’s feeling nervous about your date.

34. Touching His Face or Hair

Touching the face or hair can be a self-soothing behavior for people who are feeling nervous or anxious.

If your date is frequently touching his face or running his fingers through his hair, it might be an indication that he’s feeling a bit nervous.

35. Talking Too Loudly or Softly

Nervousness can also impact the volume of one’s voice, causing them to speak either too loudly or too softly.

If your date’s voice is varying in volume during your conversation, it could be an indication that he’s feeling anxious.

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