I am a fairly attractive woman. Why don’t I get any messages on dating sites?
Older women who are new to online dating usually make mistakes when creating their dating profiles, which results in a lower number of messages from men and ultimately fewer dates.
One of those mistakes is to use outdated photos in an attempt to appear younger which usually backfires.
It is important to be honest online because ultimately you will meet the guy in a real-life and all the things that you tried to hide will show up and will likely ruin your chances with a guy.
You don’t have to pretend to be someone else to meet your soulmate online.
Let’s look at some tips that will help you in meeting your perfect man.
Fill Out Your Dating Profile
If you are interested in serious dating and finding that special someone, fill out your profile
If the profile is not completed all the way, it sends out the message that you are not really serious about dating.
Most people who have empty profiles and only use their photos to attract potential matches are mostly looking to get laid.
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Double Check Your Grammar and Vocabulary
If your written profile looks messy – full of slang words, typos, misspellings, and poor grammar, it tells others that you are lazy and sloppy.
Lazy and sloppy do not attract dates.
However, don’t overdo it. If your profile sounds like a quarterly earnings report, some men might be too intimidated to contact you.
Use Action Words in Your Dating Profile
Using action verbs will convey that you are an active person.
Just make sure you are telling the truth.
For example, you might say – I jog, practice yoga twice a week, and garden.
When you write this way, you appear interesting and energetic.
Even if you only like to read or enjoy binge watch TV, you can still make yourself sound active.
For example, you may say, “When I have free time, I like reading fiction novels and binge-watch my favorite shows, such as “Friends”.
Be enthusiastic in your bio. This is a much better way of conveying that you are young at heart than using outdated photos.
You don’t want to sound boring and desperate like “I am giving this app one last try”.
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Upload Good Photos
As we discussed before it is important to upload recent photos of yourself.
It doesn’t mean however that you can’t upload the best photos taken at the right angle that show you in the best light.
For your profile picture, have a smiling photo where you are looking directly at the camera.
You should also include a full-body profile photo.
Some women only show photos of their faces on their dating profiles if they are not comfortable with their bodies.
However, you need to remember that at some point you will meet the guy so there is no point in hiding your body until the first date.
Make sure each photo is family-friendly. No need to upload suggestive photos unless you are just looking for a casual relationship or a hookup.
The idea is to be confident about who you are and show yourself in the best possible light to your potential matches.
If you don’t feel confident about your photos, it might be worth booking a professional photo session.
Don’t Mention Previous Relationships and Be Honest
Your bio should be interesting and engaging.
Again, feel free to tell others what you love to do.
Don’t write too much about the past.
Write about what you are doing right now – your passions and projects.
Don’t mention anything negative about your ex or your previous relationships even if you were really hurt.
Start your dating with a blank sheet.
What you are doing right now or how you are living now, is more important.
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Make a List
If you are not good at expressing your thoughts on paper, try making a list.
Begin by listing your hobbies.
Next, write down your daily routine.
You can make a list of activities that you enjoy.
Think about what you want to share now and what would be better to share with someone later.
Spy on Your Competition
Writing a profile as an older woman is different than writing a profile for someone younger.
You have different interests and expectations.
That’s why it is a good idea to analyze what others are saying online.
See what other older women are doing with their profiles and copy the best pieces to optimize your own dating bio.
This is important if you want to be able to stand out.
Don’t copy and paste what you see. Just review the profiles and remember what stood out and why you liked it.
Have a Friend Review Your Profile
Once you are done with your profile, ask one of your friends who you can trust to review it.
Listen to their feedback and decide if you want to change anything.
Dating can be fun at any age.
Just treat online dating like an adventure or an experiment.
You don’t have to take it seriously and jump into a new relationship right away.
Test the waters and see what really makes you happy.
Which Dating Website Should I Join?
There are a lot of dating websites and sometimes making a decision on which one to join is the hardest part.
The first step is to decide what you are looking for
Are you looking just to date and have fun without any commitment?
Maybe you are looking for a serious relationship.
Or maybe even for someone to marry?
If you are looking for something serious, a couple of sites you can try are eHarmony and Silver Singles
If you are just looking for casual dating without any commitment, you can also try Tinder but it works better for a younger crowd.
Should I Message Him First on a Dating Site?
One mistake that many women make is waiting for men to message them first.
Yes, you will get messages from guys.
But do you really want to limit yourself by only talking to men who message your first?
Nope if you want to meet the most desirable men.
A better approach is to start browsing men’s profiles and then message the guys you are interested in.
Yes, it takes some courage to initiate the contact but you are a mature grown-up woman and nothing should stop you from getting the guy that you deserve.
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