You’ve just met a young beautiful woman.
Now, what exactly should you text her to start a conversation and hopefully get a date?
What should you say to make her interested without coming across as desperate, boring, or creepy?
Most men have no idea what to do after they get a woman’s number.
However, it is important to start texting her before she completely forgets about you and loses interest.
Once you get her number, you only have so much time to make a good impression.
That is why knowing how to text a younger woman is crucial if you want to date her.
If you don’t, you will just make it easier for another guy to take your place.
Do you really want that?
If not, let’s look at some important steps that you should take when texting a younger girl.
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How to Text a Younger Woman?

1. Have a plan before you start texting her
When it comes to texting a younger woman, you want to achieve the following goals:
- Make her laugh and make her feel comfortable with you.
- Build some interest and attraction.
- Make her say “Yes” to a date.
Many guys are afraid to text a girl because they have no idea what to say.
It is important to realize that texting should be fun and exciting and not something you would rather avoid.
Below we will cover some tips and tricks that will help you to transform your texting game.
Learn More: How Can an Older Man Attract a Younger Woman?
2. Use emojis in your text messages
When texting a younger woman, it never hurts to use smiley faces – they help to make the conversation more casual and friendly.
You are not able to convey your body language and the tone of your voice with your text messages, so use emojis instead.
Emojis will also lighten up the conversation and show a girl that you are a fun easy going guy.
However, it is important not to overdo it with lols and emojis especially if you are much older than her.
3. Choose the right time to text her
Timing is extremely important when it comes to texting a younger woman.
You don’t want to appear “too available.” Otherwise, she might think that you don’t have a life or is just too desperate.
So, how often should you be texting her?
If she takes 30 minutes to reply to your first text, you don’t want to reply immediately. Instead, take your time as well.
When you take some time to reply back, you create more interest.
This, in turn, will create more attraction.
Although it may sound counterintuitive, it works.
People are attracted to things that are not readily available.
Basically, take a little longer to reply to her than she takes to respond to your messages.
Doing so builds anticipation and creates chemistry.
Instead of waiting for her texts, work on something, go to gym, listen to music, or watch a TV show you’ve been wanting to watch.
Learn More: How to Get a Younger Woman to Sleep With You?

4. Pay attention to your grammar when texting a girl
This one is pretty obvious.
While a text is not an official document, you should still try to do your best to avoid any spelling mistakes and typos.
You are not going to impress a younger woman with texts like these: “Hay, how r u hun?” or when words, such as “cool” or “know” are spelled as “kewl” and “kno.”
Very few intelligent women will date an older guy who writes like an illiterate 12-year-old kid.
So try to spell your words correctly.
However, with that being said, you still want to mirror her texting style to a certain degree.
For example, if her writing reveals that she does omit some punctuation or her spelling is not perfect, you can slacken your texting a bit to match her texting style.
5. Don’t pretend to be someone else when texting her
Most guys mess up when texting a woman, especially someone younger because they do not text as they talk in person.
They turn into someone who is completely different on the phone compared to real life.
For example, some guys pretend to be super cool guys or say things that are a little over-the-top.
When she meets you, she will expect an entirely different guy – one who is outgoing and cool instead of your true personality – maybe down-to-earth and quiet.
There is nothing wrong with being cool or quiet. Just be authentic.
If you portray yourself as someone else in your texts, you will break the trust from the start even before you two started officially dating.
Yes, it is okay to be funny or edgy, even if you are not super cool.
Just make sure that those are the types of things that you say in person as well.
6. What should you say in your first text to a younger woman?
Before you text anything, make sure the woman’s number is actually hers.
Text her when you get her number to make sure it’s correct.
You don’t want to wait too long after getting her number.
Send the first text as an introduction and say something like: “Hi Kate, it is Mike. It was great to meet you. Can’t wait to meet you for that coffee soon!”
This type of message will let her know that you are happy that you met and will open the door for future dates.
7. Text her to meet up

This next step consists of several texts.
You need to make her comfortable chatting with you before you actually ask her to hang out.
Spend some time texting and getting to know her better.
Does she have any hobbies?
Where does she work?
What does she do in her free time?
What movies or music does she like?
This will help you to figure out what time she may be available for a date.
For example, you can say something like: “I am a little busy for the next couple of days but I am free on Thursday and Friday if you want to meet up for a coffee or a drink”.
Chatting this way shows that you are busy but still want to make time for her.
When you are busy, you become more valuable in the eyes of the girl.
Learn More: The Pros & Cons of Dating or Marrying a Younger Woman
8. What Should You Text When the Younger Woman Does Not Text Back?
If a woman does not text you back, don’t take it personally.
Don’t text her continuously, hoping she will have a change of heart. This will only make you look desperate.
Instead, send one text. If she doesn’t answer, send another one in a couple of hours.
No reply? Stop texting her.
She may be feeling under the weather or may just be getting over a breakup.
Or maybe her work keeps her from answering you.
Stop texting her for about a week before trying again.
Usually, this approach works well and you can start where you left off.
Another great way to contact her is to try an old-fashioned approach – call her.
If she does not answer your texts, just call her. Pick up the phone and dial her number.
If you have to, leave a voice mail, you can still get things back on track – as long as you convey a warm and genuine tone and a bit of enthusiasm.
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9. What Mistakes Do Older Men Make When Chatting with Younger Women?
There are some mistakes that can potentially ruin your chances of ever getting a date with a younger woman.
- Lying about your age and trying to act too young
It is okay to be older. Many women are attracted to older guys.
You don’t have to pretend to be a younger guy by texting her your outdated photos or lying about your age.
Be authentic – women like that.
- Being desperate, needy, or overly suggestive
All women are turned on by desperate men.
If she senses that you are too desperate to meet or sleep with her you will never get a date.
Take things easy when chatting with younger women.
Show her that you have options when it comes to women.
Some women can get turned on by dirty jokes but many will be creeped out so save your dirty messages for later.
10. What Does It Take to Become Good at Texting Younger Women?
It may take some practice to become good at texting younger women but if you follow the tips that we discussed it shouldn’t take long before you will be able to text any woman and get a date with her.
One last tip is to take advantage of online dating to meet younger women and practice your texting game.
This way you will be able to text several women at a time and really see what works for you.
A few sites you can try to meet younger women are eHarmony, Zoosk, and EliteSingles.
Read next: 100 Funny and Flirty Conversation Starters for Online Dating