Are you attracted to the guy but don’t know how to make him notice this?
Do you wish to get that one special guy to kiss you but don’t know what steps to take?
Well, don’t worry because we’ve got you covered!
If you are you’re expecting the guy to make the first move, you will need to make sure that you’re giving the right hints.
There are many ways to help the guy to make that first move.
This is especially important if he is shy or has never been with a girl before.
How To Ask a Guy To Kiss You Over Text?
1. Keep Your Texts Extremely Flirty
All you need to do is to make sure that you’ve set the mood for the guy.
You can always send a flirty message asking him when he will kiss you.
This will make him think about it happening in real and perhaps by the time you two meet, this will actually happen!
Light, flirty conversations are always the way to get the action that you want.
Examples of flirty texts to send to a guy to put him in the mood for a kiss:
“How do you think my lips taste?”
“I really miss being alone with you”
“Do you think this skirt is too short?”
“Do you think you will be able to keep your hands off me if I wear this dress?”
“If I was there with you right now, where would you kiss me first?”
“I think my lips taste a lot better than those strawberries over there.”
“I’m curious – do you believe in love at first kiss?”
“What are some of your favorite kissing techniques?”
“How do you feel about making out in the moonlight?”
Don’t miss: 101 Ways to Tell Someone You Want to Kiss Them Over Text

2. Talk About the Next Time You Two are Going to be Together
Texting each other can be confusing because the guy you are chatting with cannot see your body language.
To make your intentions and desires clear, mention how much you’re hoping to meet him sometime soon.
You can plan out your date and make sure that you set the tone for what you expect from him.
This is the right time to mention how you want him to kiss you, in a subtle way, of course.
Don’t go overboard, be charming and confident about it.
He’s sure to respond in an overly excited way!
Don’t miss: How to Flirt on Snapchat (Tips and Ideas)

3. Use Emojis to Make Your Intentions Known
Texting is all about the proper use of emojis.
It is pretty easy to give the guy the right kind of hints using emojis.
Text conversations can be difficult to interpret but if you add the right emoji to your text, it can change its complete meaning.
If you want your guy to kiss you, all you need to do is be direct with him with the help of the kiss emojis.
There is quite a variety available, so choose the one that seems to be more appropriate for your situation.
This will make him realize your hints.
If he still doesn’t get it, just ask him directly.
“How kissable are you? Let’s find out tomorrow when we meet”
“I was waiting for you to kiss me today”
“Do you regret not kissing me last night?”
“Are you excited about our first kiss?”
“How long are you going to make me wait before you kiss me?”
“Where are you planning to take me to kiss me for the first time?”
Or you can initiate the kiss yourself if the guy is too shy to make the first move.
What’s the worst that can happen?
A quick kiss on the cheek might be all you need to show the guy what you really want.
These are only a few of the ways that you can ask a guy to kiss you over texts.
Just be confident, no matter what.
If you’re going to ask the guy to kiss you in a charismatic and flirty manner, you’re sure to get the right response!
Don’t miss: 75 Examples of How to Tell a Guy You Want to Cuddle Over Text
What Does It Mean When a Guy Doesn’t Want to Kiss You?
Before you start to use the tricks that we covered in this post it might be good to understand why the guy didn’t kiss you yet.
1. It is too early.
Not every guy will kiss you on the first date.
Many guys like to build some connection and comfort before going for a kiss.
Unless your first date went extremely well and there was a lot of chemistry, first-date kisses can be quite awkward.
Definitely wait until the third date before texting a guy to kiss you.
2. He is shy.
This is another common reason why the guy might delay kissing you even if you were dating for a month or two.
Shy guys are afraid of rejection and also don’t want to make the girl feel uncomfortable.
If you are dating a shy guy, make him comfortable, and show him that you want to be kissed.
You can do that by sitting really close to him, hugging him, touching him, and romantically looking into his eyes.
You can find a lot of handy tips on how to make a shy guy kiss you for the first time here – 9 Steps to Get a Guy to Kiss You for the First Time
3. He is not into you.
It should be pretty easy to tell if the guy likes you or not.
Does he treat you like a romantic partner or a friend?
Is he comfortable with you touching him?
If you are still not sure whether he likes you or not, the best approach is just to ask him.
Read next: 50 Ways to Reply When a Guy Says He is Not Interested