Most women are naturally attracted to alpha males.
Alpha males are usually confident, extremely manly, and often good-looking.
Many athletes, movie stars, and celebrities are alpha males.
Before you start dating an alpha male you need to understand some of the unique challenges that you may encounter.
You may also face some competition from other girls if you want to make an alpha male like you and eventually date you.
In addition, many alpha males are impulsive and unpredictable and that’s why it takes a little more effort to date and keep them interested.
Before we get into the ways to keep alpha males attracted and faithful to you, let’s look at some challenges and benefits of dating them.
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Pros and Cons of Dating an Alpha Male

The Advantages of Dating an Alpha Male
- They are usually good looking
- They are fun to be around with
- Many have strong leadership qualities
- Usually good in bed
- Not afraid of what other people think
- They are good protectors
The Disadvantages of Dating an Alpha Male
- They are not very emotional
- They can come across as rude because they don’t care what other people think
- Not always faithful because there are lots of women who want to sleep with them
- Some can get physical
- Some might be controlling
- They hate to admit their mistakes and think they are always right
- They can be selfish
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How To Make Alpha Male Want You and Keep Him?

1. Take Care of Your Appearance
It is not a secret that alpha males are generally attracted to good-looking girls.
Because of their personalities, alpha males usually have more options when it comes to women.
That’s why trying to look your best will make it much easier to keep an alpha male interested.
Any girl can improve her looks by getting a nice hairstyle, wearing makeup, getting her nails done, and wearing perfume to increase her physical appeal.
Also, don’t forget about hitting the gym.
Not only you will look and feel better but you can also use the gym to meet alpha males.
If you already date one, you can be his workout partner and this will make you even more attractive in his eyes.
3. Try To Act More Feminine
Most alpha males are attracted to feminine women.
Being feminine has a lot to do with the way you look and the way you act.
We already discussed some ways to look the best you can in step one.
Whenever in doubt about how you should act think of yourself as a princess.
- Will the princess get drunk and pass out at the party? Nope
- Will she swear? Nope
- Will she trust and respect her man? Yep
Here are some ideas on how to appear more feminine:
- Wear dresses
- Wear red colors
- Wear heels
- Work on your posture and the way you walk
- Take care of your hygiene
- Try to be relaxed by eating well and getting your beauty sleep
- Be gentle with everything you do
- Don’t be afraid to act vulnerable every once in a while
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3. Don’t be Jealous
If you want to date and keep an alpha male, you need to accept that many women will try to flirt with him both online and offline.
It is okay to have boundaries when it comes to your relationship but if you get easily jealous it can negatively affect your relationship with an alpha male.
4. Intelligence
A combination of good looks and intelligence is one of the best ways to keep an alpha male interested in you.
This will make you more unique and desirable and he will be putting more effort to keep you.
There are a lot of attractive girls but not all of them are smart.
5. Don’t Sleep With Him Right Away
Some girls think that being easy and sleeping with an alpha male will make him interested.
Unfortunately, this is not how it works.
The only thing that you will achieve by sleeping with him right away is becoming his one-night stand or a casual partner at best.
The problem with being too easy is that guys immediately lower your value thinking that anyone can have you.
You also don’t want to be the one chasing him.
It is okay to give him hints that you like him but don’t be the one always texting or asking him to meet up.
If however, you act confidently and wait for some sign of commitment before sleeping with an alpha male, you will be more successful in making him your boyfriend.
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6. Work on Your Personality
Having a great personality can make it much easier to keep an alpha male.
Being able to make a joke and cheer your boyfriend up is a very important skill.
Every guy wants to date someone who understands him and can make him forget his problems when he is feeling down.
7. Have Your Own Interests and Hobbies
If you don’t have any hobbies and spend every single day with each other doing the same stuff, your relationship will get boring pretty fast.
Giving alpha males some space while you are busy with your hobbies is one way to keep them attracted to you.
If you don’t give him an opportunity to miss you, he might start losing interest in you.
8. Show Him You Will Make a Great Wife
Show the alpha male that you are wife material and he will start putting more effort into a relationship to keep you.
Learn how to cook, take care of him physically and emotionally, and make him really feel that you are making his life easier.
Let him know that you have goals and you know what you want in your life.
It can be quite an eye-opener for an alpha male to meet someone like you who is actually good for him in comparison to all other girls who are attractive but have no idea what they want, play mind games, or always keep nagging about something.
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