Do you feel a little intimidated about asking a girl you like out on a date?
Do you keep thinking of the worst thing that can happen, what if she says no?
What if I end up making a fool out of myself?
It is pretty normal to assume all these things.
However, there are many cute and witty ways to ask girls out that will significantly lower the chance of rejection.
The first step is to understand what girls like when it comes to going on a date.
What does SHE like? Girls usually like it when boys put in some effort.
If you like a girl and you think you can have a future with her, ask her out!
Many guys make the mistake of waiting for too long before asking a girl out on a date and end up losing their chance.
Either the girl friend zones them or she just starts dating another guy.
We don’t want this to happen.
So let’s look at some creative ways to ask that special girl out.
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Cute Ways to Ask a Girl Out on a Date

1. Give Her a Letter
Some girls are BIG on handwritten letters!
Write a cute letter telling her what you find interesting in her, and how you want to take her out.
Along with a letter, give her a few chocolates or a cute piece of jewelry. She will LOVE it!
2. Sing a Song
If you can sing and play the guitar, then this is one of the BEST ways of asking someone out.
If not, then just play a romantic song for her and once it ends, ask her out!
You can even try doing this on TikTok and tagging her.
3. Send Her Flowers
Another way to ask a girl on a date is to send her flowers with a note asking her to go out with you.
Most girls will find this really cute and will text to thank you and will agree to go out.
In the worst-case scenario, the girl will just ignore your efforts and you don’t have to face any public rejection.
4. Write a Message for Her on Sand, Snow, or on Pavement with a Chalk

If you want to make a girl feel special, ask her out by writing a message somewhere where she will see it.
In your message tell her that you want to take her out.
Not only she will feel good about it but a lot of other girls will see it and get jealous.
You might even start getting random texts from other girls who thought that what you did was really sweet.
This will definitely increase your chances of getting a date.
5. Use Your Pet to Ask Her Out
If you are looking for an unconventional way to ask a girl out, why not use your pet?
For example, you could put a note around your pet’s neck with the words “Will You Go Out With Me?” and ask your crush if she wants to pet him so that she sees your note and hopefully says yes.
6. Get Her Friends to Help You with a Date
If you know her friends, you can ask them to help you with taking the girl that you like out.
For example, you can ask them to pretend that they are meeting in a coffee shop or cinema but instead, they will stay home and you will show up.
7. Leave a Note on Her Desk
If you work or study at the same place you can leave a handwritten note on her desk with your number and ask her to text you.
Or you can even leave a note on the windshield of her car.
If you want to be even more romantic, you can leave a rose with your note as well.
Even if she is not single, she will likely text you to thank you for your romantic gesture.
This works great with asking cashiers at coffee shops, malls, or even grocery stores.
If you want to be really proactive and increase your chances, you can have a few of those notes with your number ready.
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What to Do When a Girl Says NO When You Ask Her on a Date?

There is always a chance of getting rejected when asking a girl to go out with you.
It might feel a little awkward when the girl tells you that she can’t go on date with you but this shouldn’t stop you from asking girls out.
Girls love confident guys and if you are afraid to even ask her out, do you think she will date you?
The interesting thing about rejections is that getting rejected is not as bad as many guys think.
Most girls try to be nice when rejecting a guy and may say something like “I am seeing someone” or “I am not looking to date at this moment”.
The reasons why the girl will not date you:
- She is not into you
- She is dating someone else
- Maybe she prefers to date women
- She is not ready to date
- She is too busy with work or school and doesn’t have time to date
- Maybe you dated someone she knows and she doesn’t want to make things complicated
- Maybe her parents don’t allow her to date yet
As you can see, it is possible that the rejection has nothing to do with you.
If you do get rejected, just move on. There are thousands of other single girls that you can date.
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