Do you want to make your boyfriend miss you and want to see you all the time?
It is actually easy to do if you know what really makes men obsessed with women.
One benefit of making a guy miss you is that it helps to keep the chemistry alive.
When you start dating a new guy, the first few months might feel like magic, you text all the time and want to see each other every day.
However, with time you might start to get used to each other, and relationships might become boring.
Is he still happy to see you every time you meet?
When was the last time he gave you flowers or gifts?
Did you notice that at the beginning of your relationship when you used to have a fight with him, he would immediately start missing you and texting you, but now he goes hours or days without speaking to you?
Sounds familiar?
Don’t miss: 53 Examples Of How To Make A Guy Jealous Over Text
How to Make Your Boyfriend Miss You Like Crazy?
Here are a few great techniques to make the guy miss you again and bring the spark back into your relationship.
1. Make Him Wait for You
If you like him a lot, you are probably replying to his text messages right away.
You meet him all the time and you are always available for him.
If you want your guy to miss you, you need to stop him from taking you for granted.
You can do that by not being always available to him.
If he texts, reply to him after a couple of hours. Make him wait for your text.
If he wants to meet, tell him you are busy and don’t meet right away.
After that, he will eventually notice your changed behavior and will start worrying about losing you.
If you are constantly around him, he will begin to take you for granted so give him some space and time to miss you.
Don’t Miss: 7 Ways to Make A Guy Want You Over Text
2. Let Him Text You First
It might be very hard for you to stop communicating with the person you love.
You want to be with him all the time but if you want a guy to miss you then you have to give him some space.
Stop messaging and stop calling him. Let him reach out to you first.
Are you always the one who texts first?
This needs to stop if you want him to miss you.
Don’t call him at all and see if he messages you first or not.
3. Stay Mysterious
Do you love sharing everything with your guy? Maybe even over-sharing at times?
It is important to be a little mysterious to make a guy wonder what have you been up to.
This way he will think about you more often and will also miss you when you are not around.
Related Reading: How to Tell if a Younger Guy Likes You?

4. Be the First One To End the Conversations
It is very common, especially with text messages, that conversations tend to get very boring at times.
But because you like the guy, you don’t want to stop talking so you usually continue dragging the conversation.
The key is to end conversations when you feel like it is becoming one-sided or you have to make an extra effort to keep it going.
5. Take Control Of The Relationship
Decide your own pace and move the relationship at that pace.
Even if he is getting impatient. Let him.
Do not force anything, not on yourself or on him.
The key is to be confident and have faith in yourself.
Be independent and never let your partner feel like you are nothing without him.
How to Make Your Boyfriend Miss You Physically?
Another powerful way to make a guy miss you like crazy is to tease him by sending him flirty text messages or even suggestive pictures of yourself.
Let his imagination go wild and if you want to go a step further when he asks to meet up tell him that you are too busy and propose to meet some other time.
You can also do this when you hang out together by dressing up in something revealing and then telling him that you cannot go home with him tonight because you need to take care of something.
Making him wait is one of the easiest ways to ensure that he will miss you.
This is also a great way to reignite the spark in the bedroom if your intimate life became boring and predictable.
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