If you are using online dating apps like Tinder or Bumble, you probably receive a lot of “Hi”, “Hey”, and “How are you?” messages.
Or maybe it is “howdy”, “hey beautiful”, “wow”, “hey cutie” or “hey there handsome”?
Why can’t your matches come up with something more creative?
Are they boring, lazy, and don’t want to put any effort into their messages, or is there another reason for that?
Some people ignore anyone who sends them these boring messages but you might be missing a lot of potential dates if you do so.
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Why So Many Singles Send “Hi”, “Hey”, and “How are you?” Messages on Tinder and Bumble?

It is easy!
Writing creative long messages takes time and if you are not even sure that you will get a reply, it might be tempting to send something short like “hey” to check if your match is interested in chatting.
It doesn’t take much effort to swipe right but it is time-consuming to message your matches.
The second reason might be a lack of information on your profile.
If there is not much info about you, it might be hard for your matches to come up with more unique messages.
Finally, some people are shy and like to play safe by sending simple messages like hi or hello.
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27 Examples of How to Respond to the Boring “Hi”, “Hey”, “How are you?” Messages

The best way to deal with these plain messages is to assume that the sender is just checking if you want to chat.
Think of meeting singles in the bar.
Some people approach with pickup lines, others ask a question while most use a simple “Hey! How are you?” approach.
The same goes for apps like Tinder or Bumble.
When you receive a message like that, decide if you are interested in chatting with the sender.
That’s a good time to check their profile to see if there is anything that grabs your attention.
Next, instead of replying with hi or hey, just start a regular conversation.
It helps a lot if there is something in their profile that you can use for your reply.
1) Hey (name)! How are you?
2) Hi (name)!
3) Hi! Doing anything exciting?
4) Hey! How is your weekend going so far?
5) Hey! I saw on your profile that you like to hike. What was your favorite trail so far this summer?
6) Hey there, I think you’re cute!
7) Hey! Noticed you don’t have much info on your profile 🙂 What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
8) Hi! What are you up to?
9) Hey! Just finished watching (movie name). Did you see it?
10) Hey (name)! So what do you like to do for fun?
11) Hey! So what brings you to Tinder?
12) Hi (name)! So what’s your ideal Tinder date?
13) Hey! I see that you like to travel. Any big plans for this summer?
14) Like your shirt! Any exciting plans for tonight?
15) Hey! So which of my photos made you message me?
16) I bet you can do a better opener than hey 🙂
17) Hey (name), I am (your name). How is your day going?
18) Hi (name)! Like your eye color, do you wear lenses?
19) Hey! Love your hair? Are you a natural blonde?
20) Hi! I just noticed you have a dog. I think my puppy would be interested in meeting him.
21) Hi! Coffee or drinks?
22) Hey (name)! Gym or Netflix?
23) Good morning! How are you?
24) Hi! Had a wild night yesterday! How was your Friday?
25) Hi! I am going for ice cream and a stroll in the park. Do you want to come along?
26) Hey, so what are you up to tonight?
27) Hey! You look like trouble! 🙂 Are you naughty or nice?
Apps like Tinder and Bumble are mostly used for casual dating and that’s why most singles don’t put much effort into their openers when messaging their matches.
That’s why if you send more creative replies to common messages like “Hi” and “Hey”, it will be much easier for you to stand out and be more successful in getting dates.
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