More and more women find themselves being single in their late thirties and forties.
Some are not willing to settle down until they meet their perfect guy while others are single because their long-term relationship or even marriage didn’t work out.
If you find yourself being single at 40, the most important thing is not to freak out and instead realize that there are still a lot of single men that you can date and marry.
There are a lot of people like you and there is nothing wrong with you. You just didn’t meet the right guy yet.
Some women get lucky and meet their husbands in college while for others it might take a little longer than that.
If you look around the internet, you will find a lot of success stories of women finding love in their 40s so don’t give up or get discouraged if it takes longer than you expected to find a boyfriend or a husband.
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How to Find a Husband or Boyfriend After 40?

1. Take Care of Yourself
Paying attention to the way you look and act around men can significantly improve your chances with men. It is not a secret that physical attraction plays a huge role at the beginning of any relationship.
Stay active, take care of your hygiene and try to act more feminine to get more men to ask you out.
Working out will not only make you look more attractive but it will also help you to meet more men. There are a lot of single good-looking guys at the gym.
If you don’t like going to the gym, you can stay active by working out at home or running, biking, and hiking instead.
5 Ways to Be More Attractive After 40
- Wear makeup – you don’t have to use a lot of it but a little makeup will always make you look more youthful and attractive.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help – use this as an excuse to chat with men you are interested in. Most men enjoy it when women ask them for help and they are able to help out even if they are not single.
- Be flirty – don’t be afraid to flirt with men you find attractive. Flirting is the easiest way to show your interest in guys without being direct.
- Color your nails – this will make you look more trendy and youthful.
- If you have any grey hair, color it – grey hair can make you look older. Coloring your hair can easily make you look 5-10 years younger.
- Wear dresses instead of pants – most men are attracted to women in dresses.
- Wear heels – wearing heels is another way to look more feminine.
- Practice good posture – with a good posture, you will look much more attractive even if you are not very fit.
- Wear a necklace or bracelet – wearing some jewelry can get you more attention from men. They can also use it as an excuse to start a conversation with you.
- Use moisturizer – it is important to keep your skin hydrated so that it stays healthy, smooth, and free of premature signs of aging.
Lastly, it is a good idea to get hold of your financial situation. Most men prefer to marry a woman that knows how to handle money and has some type of job.
If you are not happy with your current job, take some courses either in college or online to get skills that will help you to earn more money or get a different job that you will enjoy.
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2. Be Open to Meet Men Everywhere You Go
You should try to look more approachable if you want men to approach and chat you up.
Most guys are scared to approach women especially if they look like they don’t want to be bothered by anyone.
However, if you have an open posture, smile, and avoid staring at your phone or wearing headphones more men will be willing to start a conversation with you.
3. Don’t Be Desperate
Some women scare men away by being too desperate.
It is understandable that you want to start a relationship or even family as soon as possible but you need to remember that the guys you meet need some time to get to know you before they will be ready to commit.
If you go too fast, you might scare a lot of guys.
Wait until you are dating for at least a few months before mentioning moving in together, family or kids.
4. Try Conventional Dating Venues
Spots like bars and even clubs are not the best places to meet a husband but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a try. Go out a couple of times and see what kind of men you meet there.
Coffee shops, gyms, and even malls are other great spots where you can meet single men.
Try to look approachable and smile when you see a guy you like so that he knows that you want him to approach you.
If you are feeling brave, you can approach him yourself and ask something just to strike up the conversation.
You don’t have to ask him out or even ask for his number. If the guy likes you, he will likely do it himself.
5. Try Online Dating
Nowadays you cannot ignore online dating if you are looking for a husband in your 40s. Everyone is using it and you will be missing a lot of great single men if you don’t.
In addition, it might be easier for you to screen the men to find the ones that are interested in something more long-term instead of just casual dating.
Usually, premium dating sites like eHarmony cater more towards people looking to settle down versus Tinder where most singles just want to have fun without much commitment.
There are numerous websites and dating apps that you can try.
6. Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities
Getting involved in different social events, volunteering, and joining meet-up groups where people come together to do various activities is another way to meet more single men.
Lastly, it might be a good idea to get a part-time job that will allow you to interact with a lot of men.
Anything from being a waitress to a flight attendant will help you to meet more men while getting paid.
7. Don’t Be Afraid to Make the First Move
You can meet a husband in your 40s much faster if you are willing to make the first move. This means approaching guys you find attractive instead of waiting for them to approach you.
The same goes for online dating. Don’t be afraid to message a guy you like or even ask him out to hang out.
Yes, sometimes you will get rejected but waiting until you are 80 to meet your match is not an option either.
You are a confident mature woman who knows what she wants so don’t let your fears keep you from meeting your future husband.
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8. Don’t Judge Too Early
It is always a good idea to give men a benefit of the doubt.
If you met a guy online and you like his personality but not the way he looks on his profile picture, meet him anyway. He might look more attractive in person because many guys are not good at taking photos.
It is also possible that you will feel more connection in person than you get from messaging him back and forth online.
Some guys are just not good at the online talk and might come across as boring or even slightly rude.
9. Be Open to Change and New Things
If you have trouble meeting guys, maybe you are just living in a place where there are not enough suitable guys. So why not try to move somewhere else where it will be easier for you to meet men?
It is usually much easier to meet single men in big cities in comparison to small towns.
Also, don’t be afraid to travel more if you can afford it. You never know where you will meet your perfect match.
10. Try Dating Men Outside of Your Age Group
It is perfectly fine for women to date men that are either older or younger than them.
Don’t limit yourself by only trying to meet the guys your own age. There are many successful marriages where the woman is 5 or even 10 years older than the guy or the other way around.
When you are eighteen dating someone 5 years younger or older might not work out but at 40 the age gap doesn’t matter as much.
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11. Let Your Friends Know That You are Looking
Let your friends and family know that you are available and looking to meet the right guy. One of them might know someone who might be a perfect match for you.
Don’t keep it a secret that you are looking for a husband because of the fear that people will judge you.
12. Don’t Give Up
Lastly, it is important not to give up when searching for a husband no matter how old you are.
For different women, it takes a different amount of time to find a husband so don’t be discouraged if you didn’t meet one yet.
Usually, the women that end up staying single all their life are the ones that are not willing to change or give up too early on men.
Don’t be like them!
There are almost 8 billion people in the world and there is a guy somewhere for you as well.
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