Breakups are never easy especially if you were dumped for no obvious reason. If you were dating for a long time, it might be very hard to move on and start dating again.
Often your ex will still have feelings for you and this can make it harder to move on because it is not always obvious if he is truly done with you.
In most cases, no matter what was the reason for the breakup your ex probably still misses you and might do something that can make you wonder if he is only pretending to be over you.
Today we will take a look at some of the signs that you will notice if your ex still misses you and only pretends to be over you.
This way you can decide for yourself if you want to give your ex another chance and fix the issues that caused your breakup.
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Signs Your Ex Still Has Feelings for You and Secretly Misses You

1. Your Ex Stays in Touch With You
If your ex continues to get in touch with, you even though you clearly decided to go separate ways, it is likely that he still has feelings for you.
He might do this to find out whether you moved on or are still interested in getting back together.
You might notice that your ex still has your contact number saved on his phone as “Babe” or something similar. He will also continue to follow you on social media.
People who are really serious about moving on don’t chat with their exes right after the breakup and often unfollow or even block them on social media.
2. Your Ex Tries to Make You Jealous
You might notice that your ex is trying to be extra flirty with other women when you are around or posts photos of him having fun with other women on social media.
This behavior is especially common if you are the one who dumped him.
He might be doing this to make you jealous by showing you that other women are interested in him. Some guys think that this jealousy can change their ex’s mind and make her regret the breakup.
3. Your Ex Still Has Photos Of You Together On Social Media
Most people that are ready to move on remove all the photos of their exes from social media. They do this to stop thinking about them and to show other people that they are single and available.
If your ex still keeps your photos online, it is likely that he didn’t fully move on yet and still misses you.
Especially if he has photos of you kissing or hugging still on his profile a week or two after your breakup.
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4. You Still Have a Lot of His Belongings
If your ex is serious about moving on, he will try to get his stuff from you as soon as possible to avoid meeting you again.
However, if he is still not sure he might keep his stuff at your place and use it as an excuse to get in contact or visit you.
5. He Asks Your Friends About You
If your ex still misses you, he might talk to your friends or relatives to find out how you are doing and whether you already moved on and met someone else.
Some guys might even go as far as trying to get together with one of your best friends or even sisters to make you jealous.
He might also be stalking you on social media to see what are you up to.
6. He Still Visits All the Places You Used to Go to As a Couple
The people who want to move on with their lives after a breakup try to avoid things and places that remind them of their exes.
If he still goes to the same coffee shops, restaurants, or parks that you visited together it means that he didn’t move on yet.
He might be doing this because he misses the times you spent together and possibly hopes to run into you.
7. Your Ex Calls You When He is Drunk
If you get texts or calls from your ex in the middle of the night when he is drunk, it is a clear sign that he didn’t fully move on yet and still misses you.
Many people delete their ex’s number to avoid these drunk calls that they regret the next morning.
8. He Seems to Show Up Out Of Nowhere
If you keep running into your ex for no reason, it is possible that this is not as random as you think.
If he still misses you, he might stalk you on social media or ask your friends to find out where are you.
You might also notice that he acts very friendly both with you and your friends like a breakup never happened.
9. He Wants to Meet Up With You
If he gives you random reasons or asks for your help just to meet up with you, he definitely still misses you.
When you meet him, you might notice that his behavior changed or he might even apologize for some of the mistakes he made while dating you.
10. He Tries to Befriend Your Best Friends or Even Siblings
If your ex wants you back, he might try to befriend people close to you to increase his chances of running into you.
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3 Steps to Get Your Ex Back

It is not easy to get your ex back but some couples are able to reconcile after a breakup and continue having a happy relationship.
If your ex is showing some signs that he still misses you and you believe that you should give him another chance, follow the steps below to increase your chances of getting back together.
1. Try to Relax
The first week after a breakup is the worst. It might be hard to sleep, eat or concentrate on everyday tasks however things do get better.
Realize that it hurts but this pain will make you a stronger person so treat it as something that you need to feel to grow.
Try to spend more time with your friends or do things that can keep your mind away from your ex.
Many people completely burn bridges with their exes by doing or saying things that can cause irreparable damage in those few days after the breakup.
This can be sleeping with random people or spreading false rumors about your ex, his friends, or his family.
If you are able to keep it cool for a week, you will be more prepared for getting back with your ex.
2. Fix The Problem
First of all, you need to figure out what was the reason for the breakup and if it is something that can be fixed.
Was it because of cheating, lack of effort, complacency or did you just get bored of each other?
Try to fix these issues by either eliminating them or by asking for forgiveness from your ex. While doing so don’t ask to get back together but tell him that you are sorry and that you have changed.
3. Give Your Ex Time
If you had a bad breakup, it might be worth giving your ex some time and space before trying to get back on friendly terms with him.
This is especially important if your ex doesn’t want to talk to you and is ignoring your texts and calls.
It takes weeks while in other cases it can be years. Some people have to date someone else to realize that their ex was better.
Sometimes the best you can do is to wait until your ex tries to contact you. If he is just pretending that he is over you, it shouldn’t take long.
Lastly, remember that breakups are part of life and they happen for a reason. Use them as a learning experience to increase your chances of meeting your true soulmate.
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