Do you want to give a hint to your crush that you like him or her without directly confessing your feelings?
Well, there are many subtle ways to do it through your actions and not just words.
Today we will share with you fifty examples of how you can show a guy or a girl that you like them.
There are many reasons why people are afraid to confess their feelings.
Maybe you just met your crush and don’t want to scare them away or maybe you are not sure if the feelings are mutual.
Getting rejected by someone you like sucks and that’s why hinting about your feelings is a safer way to go.
Read more: 17 Biggest Turn Offs For Guys
Examples of How To Tell Someone You Like Them Without Saying It

1. Compliment their physical appearance
One of the easiest ways to show someone that you are attracted to them is to compliment their physical appearance.
- You look amazing
- Your eyes are so beautiful
- I love your hair
- You are so fit!
You can use these compliments to make your crush feel comfortable around you and to show that you are interested in them.
Pay attention to how your crush reacts to your compliments.
If they smile and look a little embarrassed, it is a good sign.
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2. Ask them out to dance
Tell your crush that you really want to go dancing and ask if they want to come along.
If you don’t want to make it sound like you are asking them out on a date, invite your friends as well.
Dancing can be a great bonding experience and an excellent opportunity to get physical with your crush.
However, remember when getting physical with someone is that you need to be respectful.
Make sure that your crush actually enjoys the physical contact before getting more intimate or trying to go for a kiss.
3. Buy them flowers
Giving flowers to someone is one of the best ways to show them that you like them.
You can’t go wrong with red roses if you don’t know what flowers you should get for your crush.
Roses are a symbol of love and romance.
If you give someone roses, they will know that you really like them.
4. Give them a shoulder or neck massage
One of the easiest ways to create chemistry and show someone that you like them more than a friend is to get more physical with that person.
If you see that your crush is tired or stressed, ask if they want a shoulder or neck massage.
5. Let them know you’re thinking about them
Tell your crush that you were thinking about them on the weekend.
6. Give them a long hug
When hugging your crush, hold on to them a little longer than usual.
This is a great way to show that you like them and don’t mind getting a little more physical.
You can give your crush a hug when you meet them or when you are saying goodbye.
Also if you see that your crush is upset about something, ask them if they want a hug.
7. Touch them gently on the arm
Touching on the arm is a great way to break the touch barrier with your crush.
Remember that if you want to show your crush that you like them more than a friend you should try to be more physical with them.
If you don’t, they might think that you are just being friendly.
8. Tell them a special memory you have of them
Tell them how excited you were when you met them for the first time.
9. Tell them what you like about them
Giving compliments to your crush is an easy way to show them that you like them.
When you compliment someone, they will feel better about themselves and will start to like you more as well.
Tell them that you like their smile or even the smell of their perfume.
10. Ask if they want to go to the movies with you
Being alone with your crush will give you more opportunities to show them how you feel.
Cinema is also a great place to get a bit closer to your crush physically without seeming too forward.
11. Send them a cute selfie of yourself
Text your crush a photo of yourself wearing a cute outfit and ask what they think.
This is a good way to start flirting with them over text when you are not together.
12. Tell them you missed them
If you were away from your crush for a few days, tell them that you miss them either when you see them again or by sending them a text.
13. Give them a kiss on a cheek
If you haven’t seen your crush for a while or you find yourself in a romantic environment like for example in the restaurant, in addition to hugging your crush give them also a quick peck on a cheek.
This is also a good way to prepare them for an actual kiss on the lips.
14. Give them a nickname
Using nicknames is another way to show your crush that you like them.
A few nickname examples for your crush are Sweetie, Sweetheart, Cutie, Babe, or Babygirl.
15. Get them a cute stuffed animal
Give your crush a stuffed animal so that they will think about you whenever they see it.
16. Write them a love letter
Writing a love letter to your crush is a great way to confess your feelings without actually saying how you feel about them in person.
17. Send them a cute text message
Sending cute texts is another way to show your crush that you like them.
- You looked so cute in your outfit
- I really enjoyed going to a movie with you
- I really want to hug you right now
- You looked so hot today 🥵
18. Use emojis to show your feelings
Use heart emojis to show your crush that you like them.
- Today was so much fun! Goodnight 💖
19. Give them a handwritten note
Another way to show your crush that you like them is to give them a handwritten note.
This works great for waitresses, people working in a shopping mall, or anyone else that you often see but cannot directly ask for a number.
On your note, you can put your number instead so that they can text you if they want.
20. Send them a song or video that reminds you of them
If you found a romantic song or video that makes you think of your crush, send it to them.
21. Check up on them when they’re sick
When your crush is sick, check up on them and ask if they need help with anything.
This way they will know that you really care about them and aren’t just trying to sleep with them.
22. Look them in the eyes
Prolonged eye contact is universally known as a sign of attraction so use it to your advantage.
There is something so intoxicating about eye contact that in some cases it can lead to a first kiss.
23. Tell them you like spending time with them
If you only see your crush at work or school, tell them that you really like spending time with them and propose to meet up after work.
24. Invite them for a coffee
Inviting someone for a coffee is the easiest way to get some alone time with your crush without making it sound like an official date.
If you want to make it clear to your crush that you like them after the coffee give them a goodbye kiss on the cheek when hugging them before you leave.
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25. Share personal stories with them
One way to make someone feel more connected and attracted to you is to share your personal stories with them.
Tell them about something that you don’t usually share with a lot of people so that your crush can see that you really trust them.
26. Send them flowers
If there is an occasion, send the flowers to your crush with a note.
As we already discussed, red roses work the best.
27. Comfort them when they’re upset
If your crush is feeling down, be the one who cheers them up.
This way they will know that you are serious about them and will stay with them even when the times get rough.
28. Share a secret with them
If you want to show your crush that you really trust them, share some of your secrets and they might share one with you as well.
Sharing secrets can be a good bonding experience and will help you to really connect with your crush.
29. Take them out for a walk
Another way to get more alone time with your crush is to invite them out for a walk in a park or on a beach.
Use this time to get more physical with them by holding their hand or giving them a hug if they feel cold.
30. Share your jacket with them
An easy way to get more physical with your crush is to use the weather to your advantage.
If it is too cold, give them a long hug or share your jacket with them.
Most people will find this type of behavior extremely romantic.
If you are a girl, tell the guy that you are cold and need a hug
31. Take a selfie together
If you find yourself in a picture-worthy spot, snap a quick selfie of you and your crush together.
Don’t be afraid to hug your crush while taking a picture and text them the photo later so that they always remember you when seeing the photo.
32. Play footsie with them
Playing footsie under the table is a fun innocent way to show your crush that you like being physical with them.
33. Send them a goodnight text
Remind your crush that you are thinking about them by sending them a cute goodnight text.
This way they will think about you while laying in bed and who knows what kind of fantasies they may have.
You can also send them good morning texts especially if you hung out the night before.
34. Invite them over to your place
Casually invite your crush to your place by asking if they want to watch a movie, play a game together or even cook something.
You can also tell them that you need help with something like for example doing your homework or putting together a desk you just purchased at IKEA.
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35. Hold their hand
If the time and situation are appropriate, hold their hand while walking together or watching a movie.
Holding hands is the first step in getting more physical with your crush.
36. Whisper in their ear
If you are in a loud place, instead of screaming whisper in their ear.
This can be extremely romantic if done the right way.
37. Show more skin when around them
Try to get them thinking about you in a more intimate way by dressing in more attractive and revealing clothing.
You can go even further by showing more skin than usual by bending to pick something that “fell” on a floor or sitting in a way that shows more of your body.
38. Invite them for a drink
Instead of going for a coffee, you can invite your crush for a drink.
You don’t have to plan this in advance and instead if you see a bar while walking on a street ask your crush if they want to stop for a few drinks.
This way they will be more likely to accept your invitation because they are already with you.
39. Put your head on their shoulder
If you are sitting next to your crush on a couch or in a car, put your head on their shoulder to make it look like you are falling asleep.
40. Look at their lips
Looking at someone’s lips when talking to them is a strong indicator of physical attraction.
41. Sit on their lap
If the time is right, you can ask your crush to sit on their lap or invite them to sit on yours.
For example, if you find yourself in a place where only one seat is available.
You can make it sound like a joke if you are afraid to scare your crush away.
42. Mention that you want to cuddle
While hanging out with your crush, casually tell them that you want to cuddle and see how they react.
For example, you can say something like “It is so cold outside, I just want to stay at home, drink hot chocolate and cuddle in front of the TV the whole day“
43. Let them catch you checking them out
One way to show your crush that you find them physically attractive is to let them see that you are checking them out.
If they catch you, just smile and tell them that they are really fit or you like their outfit.
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44. Joke about dating them
Making a joke about dating your crush is a good way to get the idea that the two of you should be together in their head.
You can use their reaction to find out how they feel about it.
45. Make sure they know you are single
Tell your crush that you are single so they know that you are available and looking.
46. Smile at them
Whenever you meet your crush at school or work smile at them even when you see them across the room.
This will make them feel good and will be a clear sign that you like them.
47. Ask about their personal life
Another way to show your crush that you like them and you are available is to ask about their personal life.
If they are single tell them that you are looking as well.
48. Be the first one to text them
To show your crush that you like them don’t wait for them to text you first and instead do it yourself.
49. Get physically closer to them
Whenever spending time with your crush, try to be as close to them as socially acceptable.
Physical proximity is a strong sign of physical attraction.
50. Pick them up from work or school
Picking your crush up is another great way to show them that you like spending time with them.
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What If Your Crush Doesn’t Get Your Hints?
After you tried to show your crush that you like them, a couple of things will happen.
Either your crush will start showing more attraction to you or they will do the opposite if they don’t have any feelings for you.
If you are still not sure how your crush feels, it might be a good time to be more direct and actually, tell them that you like them since they are not getting any of your hints.
If you get rejected, don’t beat yourself up and instead be proud that you tried.
Maybe he or she is just not the right match for you and it might be a time to move on.
You can’t make everyone fall in love with you no matter how smart or attractive you are and that’s what makes dating fun.
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