Many couples meet at work.
However, there are certain challenges that come with dating people in the workplace.
Most workplaces have some type of policy when it comes to dating your boss or other executives.
However, in most cases, it is completely fine to date your coworkers who are at the same level in the organization as you.
If you are single and looking for a serious relationship, your work might be a great place to find a perfect match.
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Top Subtle Signs a Male Coworker Likes You

It is not always easy to tell if a male coworker likes you or is just being friendly.
Fortunately, there are subtle signs that can help you to figure out if your male coworker is really into you.
1. He Talks to You More Than to Other Female Coworkers
If he likes to talk to you more than to other female co-workers, he definitely finds you interesting.
While talking about work-related topics is one thing, talking about more personal stuff is usually a sign that he likes you and wants to know more about your private life.
He may even talk about random stuff that doesn’t really matter just to keep the conversation going and spend more time with you.
If he likes you, he will also listen carefully when you talk and will appear to be very interested in what you have to say even if it is everyday stuff like what you had for breakfast or how was your drive to work.
2. He Smiles at You
Did you notice that he makes eye contact and smiles when you enter a room?
If he only does this to you and no one else, it is a sign that he is interested in you.
He may even make eye contact with you when someone else is giving a presentation.
This is a subconscious sign that he is interested in you more than in anyone else in the room.
3. He Makes Longer Than Usual Eye Contact With You
When you talk, how does he look at you?
Does he keep longer than usual eye contact? Sometimes you may even feel intimidated when talking to him because of the way he looks at you.
You may even notice that his pupils dilate when chatting with you.
If the guy is into you, he will try not to break eye contact and if he does he will usually look down.
You may also notice that he stares at your body in an almost inappropriate way which is another obvious sign that he is attracted to you.
4. He Buys You Coffee
If a guy at work always brings you your Starbucks, it is a sure sign that he thinks you are special.
Whether he brings you coffee, a soda, flavored water, or donuts, it means he is always thinking about you.
Or instead of bringing you coffee, he may invite you to go to the coffee shop during the work break.
Does he do the same to anyone else?
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5. He Asks You About Your Personal Life
If your male coworker wants to know what you do in your spare time outside of work, it is another sign that he wants to get to know you on a deeper level.
He might even ask if you are dating anyone.
Another sign of his interest is if he calls or texts you after work.
He may ask how is your weekend going or tell you about his weekend plans.
He will often remember small details about your private life and use them to initiate a conversation.
6. He Asks You Out to Lunch or Drinks
While being asked to go to lunch is not a date, it still means something.
By taking this step, your male coworker can get closer to you and get to know you better.
This is a basic clue that the guy you work with likes you.
By asking you to lunch, he wants you to see his more casual side – not his workplace personality.
This is especially true if he doesn’t invite your other coworkers.
Some guys might be too shy to ask you directly to lunch and may ask what you are doing during the lunch break instead.
If he does and you like the guy, you can tell him about your plans and see if he wants to join.
Going for a drink is the best way to connect with your coworkers.
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7. He Wants to Be Close to You
Is he always sitting close to you in meetings and work events?
If he does, it is another sign that he likes you.
He might even save a seat for you so that you can be sitting together.
8. He Touches You
Your male coworker may express his intentions by “bumping” against you “accidentally” more than once.
While you might think he is clumsy, that is probably not the reason.
He may even grab your hand or hug you when joking around.
9. He Gives You Compliments
If your coworker likes you, he will usually give you compliments not only about the great work that you do but also about the things you wear.
He might say something like “I like your dress today, it looks exquisite” or “Your hair looks really nice today, did you get a haircut?”
If the guy feels really comfortable talking to you, he may even compliment you about your physical appearance.
He may something like “Your face is glowing today, did you have a good sleep last night?” or “Your red lipstick looks great on you”.
10. He Gets Jealous
Do you get a feeling sometimes that your male coworker gets jealous when you work on projects with other guys or if you go to lunch or drinks with someone else?
It is not going to be obvious all the time, but if you notice it, this is an obvious sign that he likes you and wants to be the one spending the most time with you.
Not all of your male coworkers will show the signs of attraction that we discussed.
If the guy is shy, he might not hold extended eye contact or ask you for drinks.
Instead, he will always stop by your office to say hi or ask about your day and your plans for the weekend.
In cases like these, you may need to help the guy gain enough courage to ask you out by acting friendly when interacting with him.
Trust your instincts when trying to decide if a guy at work really likes you or not.
Make sure there are at least a few signs that we discussed before you decide to make a move on the guy.
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