What can be more fun than chatting with random hot girls online?
Omegle is a free video chatting site where you can meet and anonymously chat with complete strangers.
In fact, you don’t even need to register to start using Omegle.
So how can you use Omegle notorious for complete and total anonymity to find and chat with girls?
Let’s look at some easy steps that you can take not only for finding girls on Omegle but also for keeping the conversation rolling.
7 Steps to Meet and Chat with Girls on Omegle
1. Relevant topics
One of the few tools Omegle gives you to narrow your searches is the ability to search for chat partners based on interests.
So your best chance at finding an actual girl on the site is to look up topics relevant to a female demographic.
Look for topics like music, TV, movies, or makeup.
2. Have conversation starters ready
You need to use some type of opener or conversation starter to start chatting with girls on Omegle.
Have a list of potential ice-breakers ready to avoid awkward silence and potentially losing your chance in making a girl interested in chatting with you.
This way you’ll have an easier time beginning the conversation and will be more likely to impress the girl.
10 Examples of How to Start a Conversation With a Girl on Omegle
- Hi there!
- Hi! M25 here 🙂
- Hey, how are you?
- 20-year-old guy looking to chat. What are you up to?
- Hey, so what brings you here?
- Hi, did anything exciting today?
- Hey, so what was the funniest message you received so far here?
- Hi, so what are your Friday night priorities: movies, partying, or going to bed early?
- Hey, how is your Saturday night going? Any exciting plans for tonight?
- Hi, so do you have a secret that you want to share with me?
Related Reading: Best 170 Free Dating Messages, Openers, and Conversation Starters
3. Do not ask if they’re female off the bat
Bluntly asking the other person whether or not they’re actually female tends to turn people off.
If you ask this right away, most people will assume that you only want to have a dirty chat or just want to get laid.
Let the conversation flow naturally, and pick up subtle clues from the way they talk and what they talk about to find the answer yourself.
4. Make sure the girl is real
Omegle comes with a video chat function, which makes it easy to figure out the gender of your chat partner.
However, this comes with its own problems.
For one, it may be a recording instead of an actual person, put there as a prank for anyone unlucky enough to be matched with it.
One way to test the waters on this is to start out with a really random topic, like how raccoons are more closely related to bears than rodents.
Based on their reaction you should be able to tell if they are a real person or just a recording.
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5. Light conversation
After you managed to get a girl on text/video chat, the first step in keeping the conversation going is to stay on light subjects.
Ask her where she lives, what is her favorite hobby, her favorite food, etc.
Stay away from heavy topics, nothing derails a conversation and ruins a potential friendship like religion or politics.
Also, try to avoid boring conversations as much as possible because most girls use Omegle to have fun.
What to Talk About With Girls on Omegle?
- Did you watch any awesome movies lately?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- Are you currently seeing anyone?
- Do you go to school?
- What do you like to do for fun?
- Did you meet anyone from Omegle in real life?
- What was your longest relationship?
- What was your craziest experience on Omegle?
- Do you like to travel? Where have you been so far?
- Have you ever tried skinny dipping?
Related Reading: How to Start a Flirty Conversation on Facebook?
6. Find common ground
Few things fire up a conversation faster than common interests.
7. Funny, but classy
Crack the jokes by all means, but stay classy about it.
Everyone has a threshold for how far they’re willing to go with their jokes.
Her behavior and dialogue during the conversation will give you a clear indicator of how dark her sense of humor is but make sure she’s comfortable enough with you to make those sorts of jokes before you start walking that tightrope.
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How to Increase Your Chances of Meeting Hot Girls on Omegle?
You need to understand that there are more guys on Omegle than girls.
This means that finding very attractive women will be challenging. That’s why meeting girls on Omegle is a numbers game.
The more time you spend on Omegle the higher your chances of meeting the right girl.
If you are not having much luck, try using Omegle during different times of the day and see what works best for you.
Some see Omegle as an experimental new way of interacting with new people and getting to know complete strangers.
Others see it as, put bluntly, creepy.
But if you want to give Omegle a try, these steps will help you in finding girls and keeping a conversation going.
Even though Omegle is great for meeting and chatting with girls, it was not created as a dating platform and that’s why getting actual dates on Omegle might be challenging.
Instead, if you are looking for a girlfriend you might want to join a regular dating site.
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