Do you want to meet and date engineers but have no clue where to start?
Well to have a successful relationship with an engineer it is important to understand what makes them unique.
Most engineers are intelligent, highly goal-oriented, and have above-average salaries.
However, engineers are also usually introverted and not great when it comes to interacting with women.
It is important to keep these things in your mind when trying to impress and attract engineers.
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Why Most Engineers are Single?

A lot of engineers are single while in school or university simply because they don’t have enough time to date.
There is a saying “by the time he lost his virginity he already had a six-figure salary” that perfectly describes most engineers.
However, most engineers don’t stay single for a long time.
After graduation, many engineers get married fairly quickly because they start meeting more people and their social skills start to improve.
They also get paid well right after finishing university and this makes them quite attractive and more women start to pay attention to them.
Especially single women who are tired of dating around and want to find someone to settle down with and start a family.
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Advantages: Reasons to date an engineer

Here are some good reasons to date an engineer:
1. They are very smart and logical
You can’t fake your way through engineering classes at university unless you are actually smart.
If you prefer to have a partner who shares your interests in science and technology than dating an engineer is a way to go for you.
2. They usually earn a lot
Not always but most engineers earn more money than the rest of the university graduates.
Engineers are also good at saving money because they are not very attracted to material things.
If you want a partner with a well paid secure job, then you should consider dating an engineer.
3. They are loyal
Most engineers work in an environment with a higher men-to-women ratio so there is no much temptation to cheat.
They are also loyal because they didn’t date around in high school or university and you might be their first partner which makes you very special.
That’s why extramarital affairs are usually not an issue when dating an engineer.
4. They can fix things around a house
Most engineers are mechanically inclined and love to fix things.
Dating an engineer can save you a lot of money that would otherwise be spent on buying new equipment.
5. Your parents will approve of him
Your parents will never be against you dating an engineer because they know that he is responsible and can take care of you financially.
If he is the art major, on the other hand, you will have a much harder time persuading your parents that he is the right match for you.
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Disadvantages: Reasons NOT to date an engineer

Here are some reasons why it is hard to date an engineer:
1. Most engineers are introverts and lack social skills
It is not necessarily a bad thing but it means that you might be the one who will have to take the first step when it comes to getting phone numbers or even asking on a date.
You may also notice that a lot of engineers are not very chatty and often you will have to be the one who initiates the conversation.
That’s why some women have a hard time when trying to date an engineer.
You just never know if he is into you or not because of the lack of initiative from his side.
Another challenge with dating highly introverted people is that they will likely try to avoid any parties or social gatherings in general.
Depending on your personality this might create a lot of problems.
Read this article – How To Date An Introvert When You’re an Extrovert? to find out if dating an introvert is for you before you jump into anything serious.
2. It takes time for engineers to open up
Engineers in general don’t like to talk about their emotions and feelings.
This can be very hard if you love to share your feelings and want your partner to do the same.
However, as they get to know you and become more comfortable, most engineers will start to open up to you.
This behavior is very common to most introverts.
3. They like to be factually correct
They might be pretty blunt when it comes to telling you that you are wrong.
Some engineers can also be condescending when talking to people who may not be as smart academically as them.
That’s why they can come across as arrogant.
4. They are very detail-oriented
If you promised something, it is important that you fulfill it.
Engineers love details and can get pretty frustrated if, for example, you said you will meet them at 12 but then arrive one hour later.
5. They are bad at communication and often miss social cues
Engineers spend their days working from their computers and that’s one of the reasons why they are not good in social settings.
Sometimes they might misread the emotions of the people they are talking to and may appear rude or tactless even if it is not their goal.
However as they spend more time working with other people after graduation and start to move up the ladder in their organization, their social skills improve significantly.
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There are advantages and some disadvantages when dating engineers.
Most engineers make great loyal boyfriends and husbands.
However, it may take some time and patience to get used to their personality and communication style.
If you want to date an engineer, try not to judge them based on the first impression and instead give them some time to get comfortable with you.
That’s when you will start seeing their true personality.
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