When it comes to giving compliments to guys most women usually say something like “You are handsome!” or “You are cute!”
Unfortunately, these two compliments are not very unique and can even sound a little insincere because they apply to any guy.
If you want to compliment a guy on his looks in real life or over text try to mention something specific that only applies to him.
For example, tell him that you like his blue eyes or his solid posture instead of the usual “You look good!” compliment.
The type of compliment you will use also highly depends on how well you know the guy.
If you just matched with a guy online, “You’re so hot!” is probably not the best compliment unless you are just looking for a fling.
However, if you are already dating a guy, there is nothing wrong with telling him that he is hot.
If you’re scared of coming off as desperate by complimenting a guy, you should remember that most men are just as insecure as women, and they want to feel appreciated as well.
By complimenting a guy not only you will make him feel good but likely will make him feel more attracted to you.
To see how powerful compliments can be in attracting guys, try a few examples from the huge list of awesome compliments below.
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How To Compliment A Guy On His Looks Over Text?

1. You look so hot with your glasses 🔥
2. I’m ready to climb a mountain in a rainstorm just to get a glimpse of you.
3. I can’t stop staring at you in class.
4. I still haven’t gotten over that smile of yours 🔥
5. I don’t know how you do it, but you always look fantastic.
6. I think you’re the most attractive guy in our class.
7. I can’t get enough of your beautiful blue eyes.
8. I’m a huge fan of your jawline.
9. You look great in whatever you wear.
10. I love your sense of style.
11. You have a great body 🥵
12. I love the way you smell when you wear perfume.
13. You have such a lovely smile.
14. I love your tattoos. How many do you have?
15. The way you look at me makes my heart skip a beat.
16. I’m not sure what to do with my hands when I’m around you 🔥
17. I love your hairstyle. It looks great.
18. You’re the most handsome guy in the school.
19. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you look at me.
20. You are so handsome that it’s almost unfair to the rest of the guys in our class 🥵
21. You have such a great smile!
22. I love your eyes, they are so beautiful.
23. You look so good with your new haircut.
24. When you smile, it makes me feel so good inside.
25. I’m speechless when I see you. You are so handsome 🔥
26. You’re a handsome devil, you know that?
27. Your hair looks so good when it’s messy
28. Those muscles are just so damn hot. Can I get a selfie? 🥵
29. You’re so handsome it’s a crime…
30. I just love the way you walk.
31. Do you know what’s even hotter than your face? 🍑🔥
32. You have a great body. You should be on a calendar.
33. Your body is making me want to rethink my gym membership.
34. You look so good in that shirt, I can barely handle it.
35. Your body is perfect. Everything about it. The things I could do to you…
36. I’m so jealous of your 🍑
37. Your body is basically a work of art.
38. Your muscles are just so damn hot.
39. Your abs are so hot, I could eat a 🍕 off of them.
40. Looking at you gives me 🦋
41. I bet you set all the ladies’ hearts on fire with your smile.
42. Your green eyes are so dreamy. I could stare at them all day.
43. You have the best hair ever 😊
44. I’m not sure why you always look so good, but I’m not complaining 🔥
45. You always look so damn hot 💦
46. I have a crush on your abs 😉
47. I’m not sure if it’s the beard or the eyes, but your face looks so kissable.
48. You’re so cute I could just eat you up.
49. Your eyes are mesmerizing!
50. Your body…😵
51. I want to touch you so bad!
52. Is it hot in here or is it just you? 🥵
53. You have a hypnotizing smile.’
54. Your arms look so hot. I want to feel them around me.
55. Those legs are to die for.
56. You have the most amazing blue eyes.
57. You are so hot that it doesn’t even matter what you’re wearing.
58. I think you have the best beard I have ever seen.
59. You look like you could be a frontman for a rock band.
60. I love how manly you look at the gym.
61. The last time I saw a beard this hot was in a painting in the museum.
62. I hope you don’t mind me saying, but I think you have great style.
63. It’s like you were made in some sort of lab to be perfect.
64. Why do you have to be so handsome? It’s not fair!
65. I love the way you look in your green sweater. It brings out your eyes.
66. If you were a cartoon, I’d watch you all day long.
67. The world would be a better place if everyone looked like you.
Read next: 50 Ways To Respond When A Guy Sends You A Picture Of Himself