The first thing that you will need to start meeting single men online is to come up with a catchy username that will convey your personality and grab guys’ attention.
Keeping your username interesting will help you to stand out from all the other women on dating sites.
Obviously choosing the right dating site to join is also quite important and can determine what type of people you will meet.
Dating apps like Tinder and Bumble are great for casual dating while premium dating sites that charge a subscription fee might be a better choice if you are looking for something more serious.
Don’t miss: 37 Good Online Dating Profile Bios To Copy For Females
How to Choose a Good Dating Site Username?
Women use different methods to come up with their usernames.
Some use their nicknames while others try to combine their hobbies, age, and names. If you feel stuck, it might help to take a look at what other women use for their dating usernames.
The type of username you should use will depend on what kind of relationship you are looking for.
For example, if you are looking for a serious boyfriend something like ChocolateLover21 or BossyLady26 will work better than KinkyButCute.
If however, you are looking for something more casual HotMommy or NaughtyNights is a better choice than MustLovePugs.
Another factor to consider is your age.
If you are in your early twenties, using CutiePie21 or DramaQueen18 is fine but if you are sixty-five IHeartDogs or LoveToRead might be a little more age-appropriate choice.
To help you out we came up with 500 different usernames that you can use on dating sites like POF, OkCupid, Bumble, and Tinder.
For the best results try to change them slightly to suit your personality.
Don’t miss: 167 Examples of Good Bios for Women (Witty & Funny)
500 Dating Site Username Ideas for Women

1. LatteToGo
2. YouHadMeAtHugs
3. CatchMeIfYouCan
4. YouHadMeAtHello
5. LetsGoToTheMovie
6. HottieNextDoor
7. LovesToShop
8. LookingForFun
9. ChocolateLover
10. LetsHaveTea
11. FunTimes
12. KinkyButCute
13. MustLovePugs
14. CutieNextDoor
15. LetsGetaCocktail
16. JustMeee
17. GoodTimeGal
18. CutiePie
19. WildThing
20. SweetHear
21. BeachBabe
22. CountryChick
23. LilMiss
24. LilRed
25. SweetDreamer
26. HotMommy
27. WildOne
28. BoredHousewife
29. BigCityDreams
30. HappyGoLucky
31. LifeIsABoone
32. MeetMeTonight
33. Babylicious
34. SmartLady
35. QueenOfHearts
36. NightOwl
37. BeachGirl
38. LetsGetLost
39. SugarAndSpice
40. TouchOfFancy
41. SpecialK
42. WeDontHaveTo
43. SkinnyDipping
44. BlowMeAway
45. BeMyValentine
46. LookingForMrWrong
47. HoldMeTight
48. LoveYouLongTime
49. JusSayin
50. FunInTheSun
51. UpAllNight
52. BoredNow
53. LoveToSleep
54. IHeartMyself
55. BeMyBaby
56. AngelLips
57. LoveAtFirstSight
58. EyesLikeMine
59. IHaveABadFeelingAboutThis
60. CupidsArrow
61. LetsDoThis
62. WhyNot
63. IThinkOfYou
64. LetsBreakTheRules
65. SecretAdmirer
66. SweetDreams
67. CrazyForYou
68. DramaQueen
69. TroubleMaker
70. LikeABird
71. BossyLady
72. BeautifulMess
73. MsIndependent
74. TattooedVixen
75. KinkyCupid
76. NaughtyNights
77. CuddlyBunny
78. FineWine
79. DreamingOfYou
80. OneInAMillion
81. TheBlackRose
82. RomanticallyChallenged
83. IHeartDogs
84. SassyGirl
85. NaturalBeauty
86. LovesTheOutdoors
87. FreeSpirit
88. LoveAtFirstSight
89. NaughtyAndNice
90. LetsGoDancing
91. GetItOn
92. CutiePatootie
93. HeartBreaker
94. BlueEyedBeauty
95. LetsHaveABaby
96. HotPants
97. YouHadMeAtBeer
98. LetsGoToTheBeach
99. HugsAndKisses
100. ComePlayWithMe
101. LetUsGetWine
102. HikedFromHell
103. Let’sGetLucky
104. FeistyFairy
105. SugarBaby
106. CuteNerd
107. CurvyGirl
108. CurvyVegan
109. TryMeBaby
110. WildestDream
111. S*xyNightmare
112. YoursForever
113. ItzMe
114. TemptingTemptress
115. S*xOnTheBeach
116. S*xySiren
117. YourSecretLover
118. ThatOFGirl
119. DontBeShy
120. CuteFace
121. TakeMeHome
122. CanBeBossy
123. WantToKnowYou
124. ExtraOrdinary
125. OutgoingAndFun
126. LetsGoHiking
127. CuteAndSilly
128. IlikeitWild
129. LovetoPaddle
130. IamtheOne
131. MissTravel
132. TheDisneyPrincess
133. TheCatLady
134. TheIndependentWoman
135. TheRomanticHeart
136. GymBunny
137. LovetoHike
138. TheDazzlingBeauty
139. CalmGoddess
140. TheBeautyWithBrains
141. LovetoWine
142. HearttoHeart
143. SugarLips
144. MyFavoritePastime
145. LovetoLaugh
146. ForeverYoung
147. LovetoRead
148. PerfectFit
149. CaramelCandy
150. SweetCaramel
151. LusciousLips
152. WildWicked
153. KinkyKitten
154. PoshPassion
155. ChocolateCandy
156. FoxyGirl
157. ConfidentCookie
158. CheekyChick
159. CuddleBunny
160. GorgeousGal
161. SassyLady
162. FunSummer
163. HoneyBee
164. Love’n’Games
165. SassyKitten
166. SmokinHot
167. CutePixie
168. FlirtyPixie
169. BlondeMama
170. CuteCrazyCatLover
171. HottieSized
172. LittleMissSunshine
173. SassySunshine
174. FunSize
175. CuteCandy
176. YourGirlNextDoor
177. WildestWendy
178. IWannaBeYourLover
179. SweetLilOne
180. IWant2Be
181. SweetTart
182. SwankyHips
183. QuietGal
184. MochaSwirl
185. MatureLass
186. LushLips
187. KinkyKat
188. HighHeelsAndGrills
189. GoofballGirl
190. CutesyPie
191. JazzyPants
192. FoxyMomma
193. TooCute
194. MyCupcake
195. ItalianDoll
196. CollegeGirl
197. BlondeHottie
198. CuteRedhead
199. Loveable
200. RedheadRae
201. Bittersweet
202. SpeedyGirl
203. TeaseMe
204. HotThing
205. SmartyPants
206. HottieWithBrains
207. IWantItAll
208. FreeTalk
209. FuseMyMind
210. JustLaugh
211. TakeMeHome
212. AskMeAnything
213. NightFlirt
214. HoldMyHand
215. LetMeEntertainU
216. Loveistheanswer
217. Oneheart4you
218. Neverletgo
219. Onlyonething
220. Onechanceisallittakes
221. Loveisallyouneed
222. MakingMemories
223. Onetogether
224. HopingForLove
225. SillyFox
226. WalkinMyHeart
227. TasteTheRainbow
228. LeapOfFaith
229. FollowYourDream
230. ClimbEveryMountain
231. DontBeAfraid
232. TheRealThing
233. IWant2MeetU
234. AdventureGal
235. CuddlesPlease
236. SweetHeart
237. ShoppingQueen
238. Bookworm
239. QueenBee
240. CuddlyFox
241. TravelFreak
242. FishingAndCamping
243. FoodAndFun
244. YummyEats
245. MyLittleSecret
246. DancerAndPartier
247. YogaAndTennis
248. Ready2Travel
249. Prettyeyes
250. CuteandSweet
251. PinkPrincess
252. ImpossibleToForget
253. AlwaysSmiling
254. ClassyChick
255. BubblyBlonde20
256. SinfullySweet
257. SugaryDelight
258. KittenLady
259. DogMommy
260. CravesAdventure
261. NerdyButCute
262. SunnySideup
263. FunLovingBlonde
264. EmoQueen
265. DivaDramaQueen
266. HighSchoolSweetheart
267. HomeGrownHottie
268. SushiAddict
269. YogaObsessed
270. RunnerGal
271. Luv2Sing
272. FunAndFree
273. LastOneStanding
274. LadyInPink
275. BlushingBride
276. AngelsVoice
277. PrettyInPink
278. RedWineAndDine
279. BakingQueen
280. SunshineOnMyShoulder
281. SarahSmiles
282. LovebugCuddleBunny
283. QuirkyandCharming
284. FunSizedBlonde
285. EnjoyingTheLittleThings
286. SillyBunny
287. NorthPolePrincess
288. AngelFace
289. KnowsHowToCook
290. SpontaneousAndFun
291. CanBeSillyAtTimes
292. ReadyForAnything
293. RedheadAtHeart
294. DontWannaGrowUp
295. ReadyForAdventure
296. ShyAtFirst
297. DogsLoveMe
298. CuddleQueen
299. CurlyBrunette
300. FunInTheWater
301. CountryLiving
302. OceanGirl
303. DanceDiva
304. OneOfAKindLady
305. OutoOfThisWorld
306. SheSaidWhat
307. WhatChaGonnaDo
308. LifeIsaRollercoaster
309. TheNextBigthing
310. CantMissMe
311. ThatOneGirl
312. TooCuteToBeTrue
313. OnceInaLifetime
314. CoffeePlease
315. SassySweets
316. GentleGiantess
317. PeacefulWarrior
318. LivingForToday
319. MerryMischief
320. BohemianChic
321. ClassyButSassy
322. WantsToTravel
323. DontHesitate
324. OnTheProwl
325. IHaveTheKeys
326. CantGetEnough
327. WannaBeBad
328. PinkCupcake
329. GottaGetaway
330. OnMyWay
331. DontWannaGrowUp
332. SweetAndSensitive
333. StarryEyedDreamer
334. FunTimesAhead
335. MoreThanWords
336. IWorkOut
337. SheSavage
338. TooFly
339. CantBeTamed
340. SpontaneousAdventurer
341. SassyAndSingle
342. AngelWithAttitude
343. BusyBee
344. SnuggleBunny
345. LoveMuffin
346. PeachMelba
347. KissyFace
348. HoneyBunz
349. SugarPlum
350. ButterflyKisses
351. LemonadePrincess
352. DoggieMama
353. MermaidAtHeart
354. CinnaBunz
355. SweetFairy
356. KissMyFreckles
357. Wineoholic
358. DimplesnSmiles
359. SugarFairy
360. StarryEyedSurprise
361. GigglyGirlie
362. MischievousMama
363. SunshineQueen
364. CaffeineJunkie
365. CoffeeFirst
366. KaleAddict
367. VeganQueen
368. ImJustCute
369. StarbucksObsessed
370. GlutenFreeGal
371. BadassBabe
372. Coffeeholic
373. YogaGirl
374. PlayfulAngel
375. HappyDancer
376. LikeCats
377. SpoonieLicious
378. LoveToCook
379. SpicyMama
380. DogMomLife
381. NoDramaGirl
382. SheRuns
383. ILoveNaps
384. SportySpice
385. ShortButCute
386. WineAllDay
387. ProudVegan
388. WineNot
389. ShoeObsessed
390. SelfieQueen
391. YogaFreak
392. LoveGuacamole
393. HotIntrovert
394. FineShorty
395. FutureWifey
396. HotMess
397. SmileyNerd
398. CottonCandy
399. KissableBunny
400. SoftSnuggles
401. PuppyLove
402. SweetDisposition
403. DarlingDevil
404. ManEater
405. DollFace
406. SweetPeach
407. SecretAdmirer
408. SweetCurves
409. NurseBettie
410. NightNurse
411. ValleyGirl
412. CityButterfly
413. LetsCuddle
414. WetandWild
415. SweetNothing
416. StickyFingers
417. ToughLove
418. FunnyBunny
419. DancefloorDiva
420. MissAttitude
421. GlamGirl
422. BrownSugar
423. SpiceyLatina
424. CuteMamacita
425. BooThang
426. StarFish
427. PurpleHaze
428. HugMe
429. SugarRush
430. TreatSeeker
431. BlueberryLollipop
432. SweetGummyBear
433. SourPatch
434. CaramelDelight
435. ImpulsiveFairy
436. BubbleGumBabe
437. NaughtySnowWhite
438. HotMermaid
439. SpicyShortie
440. JuicyBarbie
441. Loca4Life
442. WorthTheWait
443. KeepinItReal
444. CuddleMonkey
445. CuteTroublemaker
446. PoshPrincess
447. CaramelLips
448. SpiceyGinger
449. BubbliciousBabe
450. StrawberryFlavor
451. FabulousAtForty
452. GrassIsGreener
453. AquaBabe
454. ShyBombshell
455. FunsizedGoddess
456. PlayfulDancer
457. ChicGeek
458. 50ButFit
459. FitMama
460. LittleBlackDress
461. ShesaCatch
462. MysteriousCutie
463. CharmingEyes
464. SweetnJuicy
465. CarolinaHottie
466. MissLioness
467. BlondeAmbitions
468. ChampagneDreams
469. SleepingCutie
470. AmberAlert
471. BeachesBeCrazy
472. BikinisnHeels
473. BlueEyedBlondie
474. InkedUpCutie
475. MermaidAtHeart
476. PinkAvenue
477. BallerBabe
478. BeachBodyBethany
479. BossyBritney
480. GymHottie
481. BadnewsBarbie
482. BarbieQ
483. DangerNoodle
484. IceCreamObsessed
485. FaithlessGinger
486. FlirtingWithDisaster
487. BigGirlOnCampus
488. BeachBarbie
489. BlondeMoment
490. BrownEyedCutie
491. AmazonPrincess
492. CatchOfTheDay
493. ChattyCathy
494. CampingQueen
495. FlowerChild
496. HikingCutie
497. GardeningBabe
498. FishingQueen
499. OutdoorsGirliee
500. ToesInTheWater
Don’t miss: 150 Best Catchy Headlines for Dating Sites
Short Dating Bio Examples for Women

After creating your username, the next step will be creating a short bio to describe yourself and what kind of guy you are looking for.
Some women make the mistake of leaving their bio blank hoping that photos will do all the work or write something boring like “I like watching Netflix” or “I like working out”.
If you are good-looking, you will likely still get messages and matches from men without writing anything in your bio.
However, most men who only care about a woman’s looks are not interested in any type of commitment.
That’s why if you want something more serious your bio is very important.
Below you will find ten funny bio examples that will help you to get started.
10 Funny Dating Profile Examples for Women
1. I’m a pretty decent cook, but I’m sure there are more important things than food. Like, say, YOU.
2. I’m not looking for an ONS. Unless of course, it lasts for more than one night.
3. If I could go back in time, I’d make more mistakes.
4. I’m usually the quiet type, but after six shots of tequila, I get pretty wild.
5. I once caught the Loch Ness Monster with my bare hands. True story.
6. I would like to be the reason you wake up in the morning, smile all day, and stay awake all night.
7. I’m a simple, sophisticated woman with a taste for the finer things in life, like Netflix and beer.
8. I am looking for a man who will love me and also my three dogs.
9. I’m not a psychopath, I’ve just been in a very bad mood for the past ten years.
10. I’m a lot of fun. However, in a few years, I’ll probably have a mid-life crisis and trade my BMW in for a minivan. But for now, I’m young, adventurous, and available. So it’s your lucky day.
Read next: 51 Dirty and Funny Tinder Dating Bios to Get More Messages