Do you suspect a married guy you know likes you more than a friend?
How can you be sure that he is just being friendly and not trying to sleep with you?
You don’t want to come across as rude but at the same time, you also don’t want to take things too far with a married man.
Let’s look at some obvious signs that you will notice when a married guy likes you.
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10 Top Signs a Married Man Likes You More Than a Friend

1. He likes to text you without any reason
If you receive a lot of random texts from a married guy, especially later at night it is one of the signs that he likes you more than a friend.
Even stronger signs are good morning and good night texts.
Another warning signs are any texts where he says that he misses you.
The same goes for any intimate texts, photos, and even jokes.
2. He keeps telling you that his marriage is not working
If he likes to share his personal life and tells you that his marriage is not working out, he is likely trying to show you that he is available.
He might also complain that his wife doesn’t want to be intimate with him anymore or she is cheating on him.
Unfortunately, it is not always easy to be sure that what he is saying about his wife is true so be careful before falling in love with him.
He may even try to invite you to his place when his wife is out of town.
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3. He asks about your dating life
He might ask if you are married, have a boyfriend, or looking for one.
In general, if he is asking too many personal questions about your dating life, it is a clear sign that he likes you and is checking if you are available.
He may also ask you about the type of guys you like or even about your preferences in a bedroom.
4. He stares at your body
If you notice him staring at your body more than what is considered to be appropriate, it is a pretty strong sign that he wants to sleep with you.
Pay close attention to how he looks at you when you are not watching.
Is he staring at your back when you walk away?
Does he look at your chest when you are working on a computer?
If you find it uncomfortable the way he looks at you, listen to your gut, and stay away from that guy if possible.
5. He initiates physical contact

If he likes to touch you, it is an obvious sign that he finds you attractive.
He might playfully touch your arm, give you longer than acceptable hugs, or even squeeze you when hugging.
Other types of physical contact that indicate that he likes you are him touching your face or neck, resting his head on your shoulder, rubbing your leg or hand, and touching your hair.
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6. He never brings his wife to any social events
If he tries to keep his wife away from you, it might be because he is trying to hide his attraction to you from his wife.
If you know the married guy pretty well but he never introduced you to his wife, then it is a definite red flag.
The next time there is a social event, ask if his wife is coming and see how he reacts.
7. He asks you out and doesn’t invite anyone else
If you notice that he only likes to invite you to lunches or to grab a coffee, it might be a sign that he wants to have alone time with you.
Pay attention to the type of conversations you both have.
Do you talk about hobbies or work-related topics or does he use this time to get to know you on a more intimate level?
8. He gets jealous when you are flirting with other guys
If you notice that he behaves a little differently when you talk or flirt with other guys, it is a pretty obvious sign that he likes you.
See how he reacts when you tell him that you went on a date last night.
Is he happy for you or is he trying to tell you that the guy you are seeing is not a good match for you?
9. He removes his wedding ring when around you
If you know that he has a ring but never wears it around you, it is a pretty strong sign that he is trying to pursue you.
10. Things get out of control when he gets drunk
Probably the easiest way to figure out if a married man is attracted to you is to go for a few drinks with him and see how he behaves after a couple of glasses.
Does he still treat you as a friend or is he trying to get more physical with you?
Or maybe he even opens up a little about his feelings?
Just make sure you don’t get too drunk and do something that you might regret later.
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What Should You Do If Married Man Is Pursuing You?

Getting into a relationship with a married man rarely ends well.
In the best case, you will have a short fling and no one will find out about it and in the worst, it might result in him divorcing his wife.
Keep in mind that this will not only affect you but also his children.
In addition, being a mistress can hurt your relationship with your friends and coworkers.
Ultimately it is up to you to decide whether to accept the advances from a married man or not but it is important to keep in mind possible negative consequences that can affect both of you.
If a married man, asks you to go out with him, the best way to deal with it is to tell him that you are not interested.
There are plenty of other single available guys that you can date without ruining somebody’s marriage.
Read next: 25 Signs a Married Man Likes You But is Hiding It