So you started seeing a new guy and now you think it might be the time to invite him over to your house.
So how can you do it without coming across as too easy or desperate?
There are many reasons why you might want to invite a guy over.
Maybe you always hang out at his place and now you think it might be a good time for him to see your place.
Or maybe he lives with his parents or roommates and going to your place might be a good way to get more privacy.
Or what if you just met a handsome guy while clubbing with your friends and you want to take him home?
Many women hesitate to invite a guy over because they are afraid that it automatically implies that they want to get physical.
Other women don’t mind getting intimate with a guy in their place but are afraid to get rejected.
To make it easier for you we came up with several ideas on how you can invite guys over without making it sound like you want to sleep with them and avoid rejections.
Read more: 17 Biggest Turn Offs For Guys
Examples Of How To Ask A Guy To Come Over To Your House

1. I’m having a bit of a going-away party for my roommate. Do you want to come over and help me with the preparations?
2. My friends are coming over for a game night. Want to join us?
3. Want to come over and make a fire in my backyard? It’s supposed to be really warm tonight.
4. I just bought a new table in Ikea and realized that it is not as easy to set up as I thought lol. Want to come over and help me out?
5. I have a huge test tomorrow. Want to come over and keep me company while I study?
Example #6
You: Do you want to work on a project in my place? I feel lazy to drive all the way to the library today.
Guy: Yeah sure the roads are super slippery. What time should I come over?
You: I am thinking around 6 pm if it works for you.
Guy: Sure that should work
You: Awesome I will get us a take out so that we don’t go hungry
Guy: Sounds like a plan. See you soon!
7. Are you good at math? Do you want to come over and help me study for my quiz tomorrow?
8. I just had a fight with my roommate. I can’t stand being in my apartment by myself. Do you want to come over and watch a movie?
9. Stop by for a beer after work at my place, I want to talk to you about the project.
10. Want to come over and watch the game at my place? My roommate’s out of town, and I can make us some nachos.
11. My parents are out of town, and I want to throw a party. Want to come over and help me decorate?
Example #12
You: My roommate is out of town all weekend and I am so bored. Do you want to come over and watch a movie?
Guy: Sure thing! I am free all weekend. I can bring some beer if you like.
You: That sounds great! I will see you soon.
Guy: See you soon.
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13. Want to come over and help me fix my laptop? I’m totally clueless about how to do it.
14. I made something at work today, and I want your opinion on it. Can you stop by?
15. I just got a new puppy, do you want to come over and help me train it?
16. I’m having a few people over for dinner tomorrow, why don’t you come?
17. I just bought a new Xbox and we should test it out. Do you want to come over today?
Example #18
You: I don’t like to watch movies alone, want to come over and split a bottle of wine?
Guy: Sure, I can come over after 6 pm.
You: Awesome, I will make something for us to eat
Guy: Perfect I am super hungry!
You: Me too! See you soon!
Guy: See you!
19. My roommate and I are going to see a movie — you should come along and we can get some pizza and beer after the movie at my place.
20. I’m having a barbecue this weekend. You should come over!
21. My water heater is broken and it’s cold in here — I’m heading out to Home Depot to get a new one, want to come along? We can meet at my place and carpool from there.
22. I’m having some friends over to watch the game — you’re invited of course.
Example #23
You: I’m in the mood to bake. Let’s meet at my place and bake something together?
Guy: Sure why not. I don’t mind baking!
You: That’s great! I will make sure to get all the ingredients.
Guy: What time should I come over?
You: Around 2 pm is good I think.
Guy: I will see you then
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24. I’m planning a surprise party for my friend, want to help with something?
25. I’ve been working on a painting and could use some feedback. Do you want to come over and see it?
26. I have a terrible headache, and I’m out of Advil at home. Do you think you could stop by a store to get me some?
Example #27
You: I have a new video game I want to try out. Want to come over and try it out with me?
Guy: Sure! I love video games! What time?
You: I think 6 pm is good. I can make us some dinner too.
Guy: Awesome! See you then
28. I have a big paper that’s due in a week. Would you be able to proofread it for me? I’ll make us dinner in return.
29. I’m having trouble with my computer. Are you free?
30. I have a huge test on Monday, and I’ll need to cram all night. Wanna come over and help me study?
Example #31
You: I am feeling a little cold today. Want to come over and warm me up?
Guy: You know I can’t resist this offer. What time?
You: I am thinking 6 pm. I will get us some takeout food.
Guy: Sounds like a plan! See you then
Read next: 30 Examples of How To Text A Guy First Without Sounding Desperate