Not being able to hold a funny and engaging conversation over text can significantly decrease your chances of getting a date if you are using online dating to meet people.
Before meeting you in person most of your matches will judge your communication skills based on the way you text.
If you sound boring in your texts, they will assume that you are also boring in real life and might change their mind about going on a date with you.
Dry texting someone, you already dating, can make them wonder if you are not interested in them or don’t want to put any effort into a relationship.
This can create a lot of challenges in relationships and sometimes can even be one of the reasons for a breakup.
No one wants to date someone who sends one-word texts, takes forever to reply, or has trouble carrying on even a simple conversation over text.
The good news is that improving your texting game is pretty easy and we will share with you some examples that you can implement into your texts to stop being a dry texter.
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How to Not Be a Dry Texter?

1. Avoid One-word Texts
It might be tempting to reply with something like “ok”,” maybe”, “yes” or “no” but texts like these can make it look like you are busy or not interested in keeping the conversation going.
Instead of using one-word replies here are some ways to be more creative.
Them: Do you want to grab some drinks on Friday?
You: That sounds like a great idea. Friday works for me. (instead of “Okay“)
Them: Do you want to go hiking this weekend?
You: That sounds like fun. I am not sure if I need to work this weekend but I will let you know tomorrow. (Instead of “Maybe“)
2. Avoid Excessive Use of Acronyms
Similar to sending one-word replies, using too many acronyms like “atm”, “lmk”, “tbh” or “IMO” can make you look uninterested and busy.
Another problem is that not everyone is familiar with all these texting acronyms and might have no idea what you are talking about.
The last thing you want is for people you are texting to Google your texts to get an idea of what you meant.
Them: Do you want to go snowboarding this weekend?
You: Sure let me know (instead of lmk) which hill you are thinking about
Them: Are you going to be free this Friday?
You: I am not sure at the moment (instead of atm)
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3. Don’t Make Them Wait
There is no point in playing mind games if you are interested in someone.
Replying 3 hours later to your crush’s texts will not make them feel more attracted to you.
If you are busy and can’t reply right away, let them know that you are in the middle of something and will text or call them later.
When you get free, don’t forget to reply back.
Ignoring their texts will make it look like you don’t care and they will likely stop texting you.
4. Use Their Name
People love to hear their names so use them to make your texts more personal.
Instead of texting “How are you?” use “How are you Kate?“.
5. Use Emojis
Emojis can add more excitement to your texts so don’t be afraid to use them.
Another benefit of emojis is that they are great for flirting and joking.
Examples of emojis to spice up your texts:
- 😛 Face with Tongue
- 😍 Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes
- 🤣 Rolling on the Floor Laughing
- 😃 Grinning Face with Big Eyes
- 😂 Face with Tears of Joy
- 🤗 Smiling Face with Open Hands
- 🥵 Hot Face
- 🥶 Cold Face
- 😰 Anxious Face with Sweat
- 😈 Smiling Face with Horns
- ✋ Raised Hand
- 💋 Kiss Mark
- 👅 Tongue
- ❤️ Red Heart
- 🔥 Fire
6. Don’t Always Be the One to End a Conversation
If you are always the one who ends the conversation, your partner might think that you don’t have time for them, or even worse you are too busy chatting with someone else.
7. Don’t Wait for Them to Message You
Messaging first is one of the best ways to show your crush that you are interested in them.
If you are both waiting for each other to text first, you will not get far.
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8. Send Photos or Selfies
Adding photos to your texts will make them more exciting and will give you more things to talk about.
Even better send a selfie to your crush when appropriate.
This can be a great way to flirt and show your silly side. You can even ask for a selfie in return.
- “Just woke up 😂 ” (send your selfie)
- “What do you think about this dress?” (send a photo of your dress)
- “This steak looks so good. Hopefully, you are not hungry!” (send a photo of your food)
9. Send a Funny Meme or GIF
Sending memes or GIFs is another way to make your partner smile and make your conversation more engaging.
Not sure where to get funny GIFs? is a good place to start.
10. Say “I Miss You”
If you were seeing each other for a while, don’t be afraid to tell your partner that you miss them.
This is a great way to show your emotional side:
“I’m in class right now, but I was missing you so much that I had to text you.“
11. Send an Audio Message
Another way to add some variety to your text messages is to send audio recordings.
This can be a fun way to flirt with your partner and show off your humorous side.
12. Send Them a Video
An even better way to make your conversations more fun is to send your crush a short video of you doing something fun or silly.
13. Tell Them a Story
Most people sound boring over text because they have no idea what to talk about.
To avoid being one of those people, when a conversation comes to a stall use this as an opportunity to tell a story.
“You will not believe what happened to me yesterday…“
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14. Ask Them Questions
Asking questions is a very effective way to keep the conversation going and let your partner talk about themselves.
This will make you look like an effective listener and a great texter even though your partner will do most of the writing.
- “So when did you learn to golf?”
- “I like your style! Where do you usually shop?”
- “Any vacation plans for this summer?”
15. Say “I Love You”
If you are in a committed relationship, text “I love you” before ending your conversation.
This will put your partner in a great mood for the rest of the day.
“I have to run now, talk to you later! Love you❤️“
16. Show That You’re Thinking of Them
Tell your partner that you were thinking about them today and decided to text.
- “I was just thinking about how much fun we had last Friday. We should grab drinks this weekend again!”
- “I saw this (attach photo) and thought of you.”
- “I was thinking about you in class today.”
17. Tell Them Goodnight
Messaging your crush before bed is a great way to make them think about you.
“I’m going to bed but I wanted to say goodnight first 🤗“
18. Sound Exciting in Your Messages
Avoid sending negative messages to your partner and instead be the one who cheers them up.
“I’m really excited about our date tonight, are you?”
19. Don’t Assume They’re Not Interested
Many people come across as dry texters because they automatically assume that the person they are texting is not interested in talking to them and only replies to be polite.
This is often the result of low self-esteem and a lack of dating experience.
Stop assuming how people feel about you and instead show your best side in your texts.
Even if they are not really interested in you, sending engaging messages might change how they feel about you.
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20. Don’t be Repetitive and Predictable
Try to make your conversations dynamic and unpredictable instead of always discussing the same thing.
Being predictable and repetitive can make you come across as boring and no one wants to hang out or date boring people.
21. Don’t be Afraid to Flirt
Flirting can make your conversations more fun and memorable.
If you’re not sure what to say, you can use the following example texts to get your creative juices flowing.
- I’m surprised you haven’t taken advantage of me yet.
- I don’t usually do this, but I’m going to send you a picture of my body.
- I like the way you take your time when you text back. I can tell you’re very thoughtful.
- I’m trying to get you to like me, so here’s a cute picture of me.
- You looked really cute today.
- I’m thinking about you… and your body.
- I’ll visit you in your dreams tonight.
- I’m thinking about you too.
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22. Be Comfortable
It is much easier to open up and write engaging texts when you are comfortable with a person you are texting.
One way to do it is to think of them as your friend instead of someone you have to impress.
Many people sound boring in their texts because they are afraid to say something that will make the other person judge them or even reject them.
23. Make a Joke
Showing your humorous side can make your conversation more fun and keep your partner wanting to continue chatting with you.
Here are some silly fun jokes to get you started:
- Did you hear about the man who got hit in the head with a can of soda? – He was lucky it was a soft drink!
- Which side of the tree does the moss grow on? – The outside!
- Why did the cow cross the road? – Because plants can’t do that!
- What do onions and dreams have in common? – They make you cry!
- Why did the man throw his clock out the window? – Because he wanted to see time fly
24. Ask for Their Opinion
Another way to make the conversation more engaging is to ask the other person for advice or their opinion on something.
- “What ski hill do you think gets the most snow in early winter?” (Works if they are into skiing or snowboarding)
- “What do you think about my outfit?
- “Do you know how to prepare chicken teriyaki by any chance?” (If they like to cook)
25. Compliment Them
One way to make the person you are texting feel good and want to keep talking to you is to compliment them.
- “I think you’re so amazing.”
- “I’m going to bed but I wanted to tell you how beautiful you are before I do.”
- “I love your style!”
26. Avoid Boring Questions
Asking boring everyday questions will get you boring answers.
Try to avoid discussing your work or school and instead focus on things you both enjoy doing in your free time.
27. Ask Them Out
No matter how good you are at texting it will not substitute for face-to-face communication.
If you are chatting with someone you met online, try to ask them out as soon as you build some basic rapport.
Don’t become their texting buddy.
If it is someone you already know, try to get together every once in a while instead of only talking to each other on the phone.
Continue reading: 70 Examples of Text Messages To Get Her In The Mood