Where can you meet single middle-aged women above 40 years old?
There are surprisingly a lot of places where you can meet older lonely women who are looking to date.
Even though nowadays most couples meet online there are still a lot of conventional spots where you can meet your soulmate.
Best places to meet single middle-aged women:
1. Shopping Malls, Grocery, and Department Stores
There are always hundreds of middle-aged women in the malls and stores.
Some of them are already taken but many are single and interested in meeting someone special.
Approaching them and asking for advice is one of the ways to start the conversation.
You can also ask them for directions, get their opinion or just be direct – introduce yourself and get their number.
2. Coffee Shops
Many women visit coffee shops to enjoy a cup of coffee and relax.
The relaxing atmosphere is great for meeting and chatting with women there. You can start a conversation by asking her how is her coffee or for recommendations on the best flavor.
3. Gyms
You will meet some of the best-looking women in the gym.
Many of the women there are single and working on themselves to increase their physical appeal.
The best way to approach a woman in the gym is to either do it in the stretching area or ask her if you can work together on a machine that she is using.
From there you can start making a conversation by commenting on how it is busy in the gym or asking her when is the best time to work out to avoid the crowds.
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4. Parks
There are always women in the parks and most of them come there to relax and what can be more relaxing than talking to a nice guy like you?
If you have a dog, going to dog parks is a great way to meet single women.
You already have one thing in common – your pets. This can be a great conversation starter.
5. Beaches
Beaches are always packed with hot women. The best way to approach women on a beach is to lay close to them and then just start a casual conversation.
You can comment on how hot/cold the water is, ask if there are any other good beaches around, or see if she is into any water sports.
Another good approach is to invite her to play Frisbee, volleyball, or a card game with you.
6. Parties
Not every party will have older attractive women but if you pick the right spot you can meet a lot of single women in one night.
It is not hard to approach women at parties and almost any conversation starter will work.
Some examples are “How do you know the host?”, “What is your name?”, “Are you enjoying the party?”, “How do you spend most of your free time?” or “What is your favorite drink?”
7. Upscale Bars and Lounges
There are always good-looking women in bars and lounges.
Most of them don’t mind if a guy approaches them especially if they are single and bored. A simple “How is your night going?” is a good way to start a conversation.
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8. Nightclubs
Meeting women in clubs is easy but most women there are not looking for anything serious.
Making a compliment or asking if she is enjoying the party will help you to break the ice. Most clubs have younger clientele so you have to choose carefully which club to visit.
9. Hotels
There are a lot of single women above 40 who travel either for work or leisure.
To meet women in hotels visit the hotel bar area and after getting a drink strike up a conversation with a woman you find attractive by asking her where is she from or how is her night going.
If you live in town, you can offer to show her around and visit the best spots.
In many cases, she will agree if she is staying for a few days because she probably doesn’t know anyone else in town.
10. Libraries
Some libraries have good-looking women who go there to study or enjoy a book and most of them wouldn’t mind taking a break from whatever they are reading if you know how to approach and chat them up.
An easy way to start a conversation in the library is to ask for a recommendation on the book.
11. Workplace
Meeting single women in the workplace is easy because you have plenty of time to talk to them, build rapport and learn about their personalities.
This is definitely a long-term game so try to avoid being direct by asking women out.
It also might be a good idea to check your workplace policies to ensure that dating between coworkers is allowed.
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12. Sports Events
Some women enjoy watching sports and most of them are quite athletic themselves and that it is why sports events are great places to meet those women and at the same time enjoy the game.
Start the conversation by asking who she is cheering for, how long she has been following this sport, or ask if she ever played it herself.
13. Social Networks (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat)
There are millions of women who use social networks and apps.
One thing to keep in mind is that meeting women on social networks is not the same as using dating websites. You will have to build some rapport and make her comfortable before revealing your intentions.
14. Museum and Art Galleries
Many older mature women like art, so museums can be great places to meet these sophisticated women.
You don’t really need to know anything to start meeting women at art galleries or museums.
Use your ignorance to your advantage – ask these women what they think about a specific piece of art.
15. Food Courts
You can meet a lot of single women at food courts. All you need to do to meet single middle-aged women there is to get a seat at the table close to someone you find attractive and initiate a conversation.
You can’t go wrong with something simple like “How is your day going?”
16. Street
There are always women on a street and if you see the one you like, why not approach her there?
You can ask for directions, compliment her style or ask about the best places to eat.
17. Yoga and Dance Classes
Those classes usually have more women than guys and if you don’t mind yoga or dancing then you should join some of these classes.
18. Wine Tasting Events
Women like wine the same way most men like their beer.
If you don’t mind expanding your horizons and learning the difference between the wines these events are great for meeting single older women.
In addition, the wine will help those women to loosen up so approaching them will be pretty easy.
You can simply start the conversation by asking what her favorite wine is.
19. Cruises and Vacations
Many single middle-aged women are financially independent and able to afford to go on vacations more often than younger women.
While on vacation, most women are relaxed and open to meeting single men especially if they are traveling alone without their girlfriends.
20. Online Dating Websites and Apps
The easiest way to meet single middle-aged women is online.
There are thousands of single women online and you can chat with more than one woman at the same time without leaving the house.
Online dating is great if you don’t feel comfortable approaching women in the places that we mentioned or just don’t have any free time.
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How to Find out if the Older Woman Above 40 is Single?
One obvious way to find out if the woman is single is to check if she has a ring or not.
Most women above 40 are married so an absence of a wedding or engagement ring will help you to be 80% sure that she is single.
To be 100% sure you will need to approach and get to know her.
Older women are mature and will appreciate that you approached them. They know that it takes courage to do that and will not embarrass you in front of everyone like some younger self-conscious girls do.
However, you should still keep in mind that some of those women might actually be married but pretend to be single.
There are many reasons why married women might lie about their relationship status: unhappy marriage, cheating partner, or desire to try something new and more adventurous.
In any case, it is worth getting to know a woman you just met before jumping into anything serious to avoid being a reason for her affair.
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