Have you been seeing a guy for a while now but still have no idea if he is serious about you? Is he planning to marry and settle down or is he just playing around?
Or maybe you just met a guy and are not sure if he wants to be exclusive with you or just keep things casual?
No matter what is your situation it is always a good idea to find out what your partner is looking for to avoid unnecessary drama and heartaches in the future.
Some women do it the wrong way and scare the guy away by sounding demanding, desperate, or even possessive.
Asking a guy directly “What are your intentions with me?” is usually not the best way to do it either.
Fortunately, there are better ways to find out how the guy feels about you without making it awkward and scaring him away.
Today we will take look at a big list of questions that you can ask a guy you are seeing to find out about his intentions.
Even if you already know that the guy loves you, these questions will help you to get to know him on a deeper level and will strengthen your relationship.
Some of the questions that we will discuss today will work great if you just met the guy while others are better suited for someone who has been dating for a while.
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Questions To Ask A Guy To Know His Intentions

1. Are you looking for something serious?
2. Would you be devastated if you lost your girlfriend?
3. What do you think about casual dating?
4. What are some things you like about me?
5. What are some things you don’t like about me?
6. Are you looking for a girlfriend?
7. How do you feel about kids?
8. Do you see yourself ever getting married?
9. Do you think it’s important to be married before starting a family?
10. What is the most important thing in a relationship?
11. How do you feel about life-long commitment?
12. I’ve been hurt in the past. How do you feel about commitment?
13. Do you think that people should get married before having children?
14. Are you really looking for a serious relationship?
15. Do you know what you want in life?
16. What are your dreams when it comes to the family?
17. Do you see yourself in your future married?
18. Are your parents still married? Are you planning to get married someday?
19. Where do you see us in 3 years?
20. How many serious relationships have you had?
21. Do you think it is okay for couples to live together before getting married?
22. What are your thoughts about having a family?
23. Do you think you are ready to settle down?
24. What is the most important thing to you in a relationship?
25. What is your definition of commitment?
26. What do you think about sleeping together before marriage?
27. What do you think it means to take a relationship to the next level?
28. Do you think it is possible to be in a relationship without being in love?
29. Do you think that intimacy is an important part of a relationship?
30. What do you think makes a relationship successful?
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31. Why do you think most couples break up?
32. Are you trying to date casually, or are you looking for something serious?
33. What’s your idea of a perfect relationship?
34. What do you think about couples with an open relationship?
35. Why do you think you’ll make a good husband?
36. How important are kids in a serious relationship?
37. Do you think a man should take care of his woman?
38. If you marry, what are your plans for your wife?
39. What do you think is the most important thing in a marriage?
40. Do you like being single?
41. Are you looking for commitment?
42. Do you have any reservations about being in a serious relationship?
43. What do you feel is a good age to settle down and get married?
44. What are your thoughts on settling down?
45. Which comes first: the relationship or the chemistry?
46. Do you want to get married by a certain age?
47. Do you have a fear of commitment?
48. Do you know what you want out of a relationship?
49. If you were to get married, how long would you wait before having kids?
50. What do you think about your parents’ marriage?
51. What do you think about divorces?
52. Do you have any ex-girlfriends that left a bad taste in your mouth?
53. How would your last girlfriend describe you?
54. What are your views on raising children?
55. How do you feel about the roles of husband and wife?
56. What would you do if you found out that your girlfriend was pregnant?
57. What are your thoughts on the idea of spending the rest of your life with only one partner?
58. How would you react if you found out that your girlfriend is a virgin?
59. Are you a giver or a taker in relationships?
60. What’s your idea of a good girl?
61. What’s your idea of a bad girl?
62. Do you think that it’s important for a man to be faithful to his wife?
63. What are your thoughts on chivalry and romance?
64. What do you think is the most important quality in a woman?
65. How serious are you about finding a relationship?
66. What is your opinion on cheating?
67. How do you feel about married men who flirt with other women?
68. Do you think that marriage is necessary for a committed relationship?
69. What do your friends say about your dating life?
70. How does your family feel about your relationship status?
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71. How would you feel about your partner working while you’re at home with the kids?
72. Where do you see yourself living 10 years from now?
73. How do you feel about children from previous relationships?
74. Do you believe in soul mates?
75. Do you believe in love at first sight?
76. Do you believe in happy endings?
77. What do you expect from your new partner?
78. Why did you break up with your last girlfriend?
79. Do you want a family that’s traditional or progressive?
80. What are your short-term goals?
81. Do you have any secret fantasies?
82. What do you think is the best thing about being single?
83. What is the worst thing about being single?
84. How long did your last relationship last?
85. If you could be a fictional character, who would you choose to be and why?
86. How do you feel about married women who flirt with other men?
87. If a child came into your life, how would that change your relationship?
88. How important is it to you to have children of your own?
89. Are you turned off by the idea of raising a family?
90. How would you feel about dating or marrying a woman who is divorced because she was unfaithful?
91. When is it too early to get married?
92. How many dates should people go on before sleeping together?
93. What do you think about couples that get engaged after only a few months of dating?
94. Do you believe in fate or destiny?
95. How do you feel about polygamy?
96. How do you feel about monogamy?
97. What is your idea of infidelity?
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