Asking a guy you like out can be intimidating because you don’t know what to expect.
Will he say yes or will he reject your advances?
But if you never ask him out how will you ever know?
Is It Okay To Ask a Guy Out?
You will be missing on a lot of great guys if you wait for them to ask you out instead of being more proactive yourself.
There is nothing wrong with approaching and asking guys you like out on a date.
There is always a chance of getting rejected but by following the steps that we will discuss in this post you can significantly decrease that chance.
Why Would a Guy Reject A Pretty Girl?

Knowing the main reasons why guys usually reject girls might help you to decrease the chance of rejection when asking a guy out.
- He is already taken. It is always a good idea to find out if he is dating anyone before asking him out on a date.
- He doesn’t know a girl good enough to agree to go on a date with her. This is especially common among younger or shy guys. Get to know him before asking him out on a date.
- He doesn’t like her body type, personality, age, or previous relationship history. Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to dating. You can’t make every guy feel attracted to you. We will share the most common signs of attraction in this post that will help you to find out if the guy finds you attractive before asking him out.
- Some guys who have never been asked out by a girl before may reject you thinking that you are joking or pranking them.
- He is not into women.
Here are the steps to significantly decrease the chance of being rejected by a guy.
Read next: 7 Ways to Make A Guy Want You Over Text
Chat With Your Crush Before Asking Him Out On a Date
Before you ask your crush out you should spend some time just chatting with him.
This way you will get a better idea about his personality and build a connection so that it wouldn’t be completely out of the blue when you ask him out.
10 Examples of How to Start a Conversation With a Guy You Like
- Hi! (If you are really shy start with a simple hi)
- Hey, how was your day?
- Hey, I am new here, my name is Kate.
- Hi, do you know if this seat is taken?
- Hey, what do you think about the history class?
- Hey, do you know if the gym is any good in here?
- Hey, do you have an extra pen/eraser by any chance?
- Hey, do you know any good places to get lunch around here?
- Hi, do you think you can give me a hand with something?
- Hey, where are you from?
It doesn’t really matter what you say because the goal is just to start a conversation and slowly build some rapport.
You don’t have to ask him out the first time you meet him unless you know that you are not going to see him again. In this case, get his number before leaving and tell him you should hang out.
More ideas: 17 Simple Tinder Opening Lines to Use on Guys to Get More Dates
Find Out About His Interests

After the initial small talk, find out about the things he enjoys doing. While doing so be enthusiastic about it and show him that you are curious about his life.
Most guys want to be understood by women and if you can show this understanding, it will be much easier for you to build a connection.
An even better approach is to ask him if he can teach you something that he is good at. For example, if he says that he enjoys playing golf. Tell him that you never golfed before but really want to try it one day.
If he likes you and is not shy, he might invite you to play with him without you even asking.
10 Questions to Get to Know the Guy
- What do you study/what do you do for work?
- Where did you grow up?
- Do you like to travel? Where did you go on your last trip?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- Did you watch any good movies lately?
- What music do you like?
- It looks like you are working out. Do you go to the gym?
- Any plans for summer?
- Are you into any sports?
- Do you like to party a lot?
More questions to ask a guy: 50 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
How to Look Good in Front of Your Guy Crush?
Looking attractive can help you in getting the guy you want. You don’t want to show too much skin but wearing something nice and fitting will make a guy start thinking about you in a more intimate way.
Also smiling and showing him that you are friendly and easy-going will help him to relax around you.
10 Ways to Look More Attractive to Attract Guys
- Get a better haircut or even color your hair
- Color your nails
- Get eyebrows extensions
- Wear tighter clothing
- Show more skin
- Wear makeup/lipstick
- Wear heels
- Wear perfume
- Have a proper posture
- Workout/join a fitness class
Even small changes in your attire and posture can make a huge difference in making you look more physically attractive.
Don’t miss: 19 Examples Of How to Turn a Guy on Over Text Without Being Obvious
How to Find Out If Your Guy Crush is Attracted to You?

Before you ask a guy out on a date it might be a good idea to find out if he is actually attracted to you.
Here are the most commons signs of attraction that you will see if a guy is interested in you.
10 Sings That Your Guy Crush is Interested in You
- He tries to spend more time with you
- He is always sitting close to you in class or during work meetings
- He touches you when you are chatting
- He checks you out when you are not watching
- He often approaches you and starts a conversation
- He always smiles or even acts silly around you
- He keeps prolonged eye contact when talking to you
- He doesn’t move away when you get close to him
- He is comfortable with giving you a goodbye hug
- He asks for your help even though he doesn’t really need it
If based on these signs you know that he is into you, don’t wait too long to ask him out if he doesn’t do the first move.
Read more: 17 Examples of How to Text an Older Guy
How to Ask a Guy You Like Out?
The easiest way to ask him out without making it sound like an official date is to ask him for a coffee or drinks right after work/classes/meetings.
Another way is to ask what he is doing on Friday for example, and if he says that he is not sure or says that he doesn’t have any plans, tell him that maybe you should both go to a movie or wherever else you want to take him.
When you are asking him out, try to find a moment when he is completely alone and nobody can hear you, because the guy might give you a completely different response while he is with his buddies to look cool.
Don’t miss: 9 Steps to Get a Guy to Kiss You for the First Time
10 Examples of How to Ask a Guy Out
- Do you want to grab a coffee after class?
- Do you want to go to watch a movie tomorrow?
- Do you want to grab a drink after work? I think I need one.
- Hey, do you want to hang out after gym?
- Do you want to grab a fruit shake after a meeting?
- Let me know if you want to hang out on a weekend sometime
- Do you want to go bowling someday?
- The weather is so nice today. I really want to go for a walk. Do you want to join me?
- Looks like it is going to be warm this weekend. I really want to go hiking but all my friends are busy. Do you want to come with me?
- Do you want to do a picnic someday?
What If You Still Can’t Get a Boyfriend?
If you follow the tips in this article, you shouldn’t have problems getting dates.
However, if you end up going on a date and realize that you are not really attracted to the guy, don’t feel discouraged because it takes time to meet the right man.
Also, it is a smart idea to try meeting guys both offline and online. Most couples meet online nowadays and you might have more choices when it comes to guys online.
Here are actionable tips to find a boyfriend online.