Are you pretty and smart but have no boyfriend?
Well, there are a few reasons some men might be scared and feel intimidated to date you.
Not every man can handle ambitious smart women so don’t blame yourself if you are still single.
Why Is It Hard For a Successful Woman To Find a Man?
1. Successful Women have higher expectations
Usually, successful women have higher expectations than average girls when it comes to dating.
This means that there are fewer available guys that meet the standards.
No one wants to date a loser but money and a prestigious job shouldn’t be the only requirements when you are looking for a boyfriend.
You can significantly increase your chances of finding your soulmate if you show your interest in guys who might not be as successful in their careers but have great personalities.
Dating someone who can understand and support you emotionally can be more fulfilling than dating someone who earns more.
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2. Guys might feel intimidated to date someone more successful than them

Society expects men to earn more than their wives and that can make some men feel insecure around women who hold higher positions and earn more.
Some successful women brag a lot about the things they own or want to buy without even noticing it.
It might be completely natural for you to go on a tropical vacation every few months or want to buy an expensive house, but for guys who make less money, this might sound like bragging.
They may get intimidated by your lifestyle and feel like they will never be able to be on the same level as you are when it comes to things that you can afford.
3. Men want to be needed
Successful women are usually extremely confident and can solve most of the problems that come their way without any help from men.
This can make some men feel like they are not really needed.
Guys usually find it attractive when a woman can show her weaknesses or asks her man for help.
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4. Men are programmed by society to be providers
Over the last few thousand years, men were expected to be the providers which means earning more than women.
Even if the guy himself doesn’t care about the roles society forces upon men and women, he may still be pressured up and made fun of by his friends or even relatives if he is not as successful as you are.
This can take a toll on a guy especially if he is not really confident.
5. They think that you only want to get laid
Some men might feel like you are only interested in them physically.
In their mind, if you have money and power, why would you need a man except for getting laid?
Obviously not every man is like that but it is always a good idea to avoid bragging about your salary or position when you are just starting to date someone.
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6. They think you are too dominant
Most men like feminine women who can act vulnerable every once in a while.
This means showing the guy your weaknesses and letting him make some of the decisions.
For example let him choose where to go for a date, which movie to watch or where to go hiking on a weekend.
Alternatively, try to look for more dominant men but this might limit your choices and it is also not a secret that a lot of alpha males are not faithful and can be abusive.
7. Men think you are out of their league
Many men who are not as successful as you might think that you will never give them a chance when it comes to dating.
That’s why they may not even try to show any romantic interest in you to avoid rejection.
In cases like this, it might be good to help out a guy by hinting that you are interested in him.
Ask if he wants to grab a coffee and beer which will help him to relax and open up to you.
8. Some successful women don’t have time to meet men

Many successful women work long hours and don’t really meet a lot of men outside of their work.
It might be worth dedicating some of your time every week to go to places where you can meet single men like lounges, gym classes, or meetup groups.
Alternatively, look into online dating or social media to meet single men.
Don’t limit your options when it comes to finding your partner.
9. You don’t have any time for him
It might be challenging for a successful woman to keep a boyfriend for the simple reason that she is too busy with her career to spend time with him.
If you can’t go to parties, spend time with his friends, or simply watch Netflix and get drunk with him at home, he might think that you only care about your work.
It is important to show your partner that you are willing to put some effort into the relationship to make it stronger.
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It is not uncommon for successful women to have trouble meeting suitable single guys.
Generally, guys are not as attracted to money and status as women.
Men are usually more turned on by feminine women who can act vulnerable and show their men that they need them.
You don’t have to change your personality but if you act a little more feminine around the guys that you find attractive you will be far more successful in finding a boyfriend,.
If you do have an extremely dominant personality, you might be better off finding a guy who is even more dominant but as we already discussed this might limit your dating pool.
Don’t be discouraged by that because you will meet the right guy sooner or later if you are actively searching.
If you tried conventional dating venues for meeting men and still struggle to find a serious boyfriend look at dating websites that cater to educated professionals.
With a boom in online dating, most couples nowadays meet online so definitely give it a try to increase your chances of meeting that right guy.
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