If you are looking for good conversation starters that you can use on Bumble, you came to the right place. We put together a bunch of great examples that will help you to get more replies from guys on Bumble.
Most women are used to guys messaging them first and when the tables are turned many women struggle. That’s why most of the first messages on Bumble sound something like “Hey”, ”Hi” or ”How are you?”.
If you want to stand out and get more replies from guys, you will need to send more creative messages.
Here are some examples of dating messages to try today.
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Examples of Bumble Conversation Starters for Women

- Favorite Friday night activity: Netflix, sipping wine while relaxing in a bathtub, or going to the bar?
- Favorite cheat day snack: ice cream, pizza, or pasta?
- You are very handsome ;). Do you have any hidden talents?
- What is the most inappropriate message you received so far here? Mine was from an old lady asking if I want to join her and her husband for a night of passion lol
- Your dog is so adorable… and so are you 😉 Can all three of us meet up?
- Your skin looks so glowing. What do you use?
- It looks like you work out. Are you more into lifting weights or running?
- I like your taste in dogs. What’s the name of your puppy?
You: I never dated a tall guy before…
Guy: Why is that?
You: I don’t know… I’ve just always gone for guys my height or shorter.
Guy: Oh, I see… I never dated a girl much shorter than me either lol
You: haha. What’s your idea of the perfect date?
Guy: I would definitely say I’m a simple guy. I would just like to go out to dinner and then maybe catch a movie.
You: I like this!
- What do you like to do on Sunday mornings? Brunch, staying in bed, or working out?
- What is the last thing you do before falling asleep?
- I have 3 questions for you. Pizza or burgers? Beer or wine? My place or yours?
- I like your eyes. Are they really green or do your wear contact lenses?
- My dog thinks that you are very handsome and wants to meet you.
- Are you a better kisser or cuddler?
- Do you believe in the “waiting for three dates” thing?
- I was about to fall asleep and then I saw your profile. You should feel bad for keeping me awake lol
You: Have you ever kissed a 5’2” girl before?
Guy: Nope, I don’t think so! Are you really 5’2″? You look taller.
You: To be honest I am almost 5’3” haha
Guy: haha I don’t think it matters! You are very cute though
You: Aww thanks!
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- If you had to go to a deserted island, what 3 things would you bring with you?
- I will probably have non-PG dreams after seeing your photos and reading your bio lol
- You are too cute to be single.
- Send me 5 emojis that describe your perfect Friday night and I will send you mine.
- What is your idea of a perfect date?
- Your photos make me so jealous 😉 Are you planning to travel anywhere this summer?
- Hey! Where are you originally from?
- You are very handsome! I am glad we matched. What is the most exciting thing you did so far today?
- Hey, so what is the number one thing I need to know about you before I give you my number?
You: Can I flirt with you?
Guy: Absolutely!
You: You have a great smile.
Guy: Thank you! You have beautiful eyes! I bet you hear that a lot, but I mean it.
You: I know, I’m really proud of them haha.
- Watching any good series on Netflix right now?
- Did anything fun today?
- What kind of beer do you like?
- I am going to the liquor store, should I grab anything for you?
- I like your outfit, it looks very stylish. Where do you usually shop?
- So you mentioned in your bio that you like skiing? Where do you usually ski? I just got into skiing this year and love it so far.
- Looks like you work out a lot. Do you want to be my gym partner?
- What was the worst date you ever had?
- You have very nice profile photos. Are you a photographer?
You: You have a beautiful face…it looks very kissable!
Guy: Awe thank you!
You: You looking for a kiss?
Guy: Are you offering?
You: I’d be happy to give you one…if you ask me out!
Guy: Haha I like that!
You: Oh good!
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- I love your smile! Can I see it in person if I promise to bring beer and pizza?
- Want to know a secret?
- What would you say if I sent you my number?
- Hey cutie! I just wanted to message you and introduce myself. I am Kate!
- I see you are really into sushi. So aside from sushi what else do you crave?
- Wine, sushi…or me?
- I am used to guys messaging me on Tinder asking for Netflix and Chill but I guess here on Bumble I am the one who has to message first. So what are your plans for tonight ;)?
You: So what kind of girls do you like?
Guy: Well I have been looking for someone who is kind and caring!
You: What about someone who is fun and outgoing?
Guy: I guess I can handle that as long as she has a good personality.
You: Okay that sounds like me lol
- I didn’t plan to message anyone but decided to make an exception for you. You sound very interesting! How is your night going?
- Usually, nothing good happens when I message guys so late at night but I figured you sound like a good guy. Are you?
- Why do you look so hot in your photos? You make me so…hungry.
- How about we go for an adventure tonight? You pick me up, then we go get sushi and beer and drive to the countryside to watch the stars until tomorrow morning?
- The things I would do to visit some of the places you mentioned in your bio…
- Hiking, Netflix, or wine tasting?
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