It is not a secret that there are a lot of single attractive girls on Facebook.
Many people will tell you that messaging random women on Facebook is creepy and they might be right in some cases.
Facebook is not a dating platform and that’s why it is important to start slow when chatting with girls there.
Don’t ask for a phone number or a date in your first message.
Most girls on Facebook receive a lot of friend requests and messages from guys but most of those messages just scream desperation.
Don’t be them and instead convey that you are a cool, fun, and social guy who is confident enough to talk to girls he finds interesting.
Let the girl you are messaging know that you are not just chatting with her because she is attractive.
So how can you message a girl that you never met or barely know on Facebook?
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Improve Your Facebook Profile to Get More Replies From Girls

If you ever message a random girl on Facebook, she will likely check your profile before deciding whether to reply to your message or not.
Use your Facebook profile to convey that you live an interesting and active lifestyle.
If your profile is boring, most women on Facebook will assume that you are boring in real life as well and will not reply to your messages or accept friend requests.
It is important that your Facebook profile shows your personality in a positive light.
Have a great profile picture, remove any questionable posts, and instead add posts that show that you are an adventurous, fun guy who is full of life.
It is also important to show that other girls find you interesting and you have friends.
To do that post a few pictures with your friends having fun.
Don’t have friends? Well just fake it.
Join one of your local meetup groups and take pictures there for your Facebook.
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Examples of How to Start a Conversation With a Girl on Facebook for the First Time

The first step before messaging a girl on Facebook is to check if you have anything in common that can help you to start your first conversation.
Check if she goes to the same university, works in the same industry, has the same hobbies, or if you are both members of the same Facebook group.
If there is anything you can find to build some rapport, use it!
1. Hey, I know it is a little random, but I saw that you are a member of the Facebook hiking group and I really loved your pictures from your last camping trip. Just wanted to stop by and say hi. I really enjoy hiking myself. What are your favorite hikes?
2. Hey, I just saw your post on your last trip to Brazil. I actually went there with a few of my friends a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed my time there. How was your trip?
3. Hi, I think I saw you in the library yesterday, do you go to UCLA?
4. Hi, do you work for HP? I think I saw you during the technology conference in SF last week.
5. Hi, I think we chatted a few times in school but never really had a chance to get to know each other. Just wanted to stop by and see if you want to reconnect over a coffee someday.
6. Hey, are you from Vancouver? I just moved here a few weeks ago and trying to make a few new friends.
7. Hi, just noticed that you are a member of the Facebook Fishing group. What are your favorite spots around the city?
8. Hi, I don’t usually message strangers on here but I saw your profile and was really intrigued by your photos. You look extremely adventurous. Do you travel a lot?
9. Hey just saw your photos at Phi Phi beach. I just went there a couple of weeks ago. How did you enjoy your trip to Thailand?
10. Hi, sorry for messaging you out of the blue but I noticed that you are friends with my good friend Mike. So I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi.
11. Hi, just noticed that you are originally from Nova Scotia. I was born there as well. When did you move to Vancouver? Do you enjoy it here?
12. Hi, I don’t think we met before but I have you in my Facebook suggestions so I figured I should say hi.
13. Hey, I think we met before but I can’t remember where. Which high school did you go to?
14. Hi there, I noticed we have some mutual friends and thought it’d be nice to connect!
15. Hi, I noticed we went to the same high school and have a few friends in common so thought it would be nice to connect. How has life been treating you since graduation?
16. Hey there! We exchanged a few messages a couple of months ago when I commented on your post about going vegan but never got around to properly introducing myself. I am Mike!
17. Hi, saw that you’re currently living abroad. What made you decide to make such a big move? I am planning to do something similar in a year or two.
18. Hello there! I’ve seen some of your artwork online and really loved it. Just wanted to stop by and say hi!
19. Hey, I really admire your artwork and wanted to reach out and say hi!
20. Hi there, one of my friends suggested that we should chat because we have a lot in common!
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21. Hello, saw your post about wanting to learn Spanish – me too actually (though I am still a beginner). Maybe if you don’t mind we could practice together sometime over Skype or something?
22. Hi there! I noticed that we have some mutual friends in common so just stopped by to say hello.
23. Hi, I noticed that you are an avid reader from the posts on your wall and thought it would be great to connect with another bookworm. What books have been inspiring you lately?
24. Hey, saw your post about a new job and wanted to congratulate you! How’s everything going so far? Any advice for someone who is just starting out in the field?
25. Hi there! I saw your awesome profile picture and thought you seem like a really cool girl to talk with, so here I am saying hi!
26. Hi, my friend told me you are really into painting and I am too! What kind of paintings do you like most?
27. Hey, how’s it going? Been following your posts on Facebook for some time now and wanted to drop by and say hi
28. Hi, I know it’s a bit awkward reaching out like this but you seem like an interesting person and I would love to get to know you!
29. Hey there! Your profile seems really unique, so I wanted to reach out and see if you’d be interested in chatting.
30. Hey I saw that you love playing video games as much as me. Can’t help but wonder what else we might have in common. I am Tom by the way!
31. Hi! You seem like a cool person and I feel like we have a lot of similar interests, so I just wanted to say hi and see if you want to chat.
32. Hi there, I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced but my friends have told me a lot about you and I would love to get to know you!
33. Hi there, saw your post about wanting to learn more about photography and wanted to recommend some great resources for you if you’re interested in learning more.
34. Hey, looks like we have a lot of mutual friends in common. How do you know them all?
35. Hi there! Noticed that we both love outdoor activities – what kind of adventure trips do you usually go on during the summer months?
36. Hi, my name is James! We briefly met at the music festival last summer and I just wanted to catch up with you.
37. Hi, I saw that you are studying at the same university as me and wanted to reach out and say hello.
38. Hi, I’m not sure if you remember but we went to the same summer camp a few years ago and I think it would be fun to catch up. Did you ever make that trip to Ireland you talked about?
39. Hey, I noticed on your profile that you are interested in photography. What kind of camera do you use?
40. Hey! I noticed that we both work in the same industry and it would be great if we could connect and exchange some ideas.
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There is always a chance that she will not reply back to your message but if you never try you will never find out.
Facebook is great for meeting new people and one of the most important things to keep in mind is to be respectful when messaging girls.
Finally, if you messaged a girl and she didn’t reply, just move one.
Don’t be needy! Girls run if they feel that the guy is needy or desperate.
Don’t be that guy that sends weird follow-up messages like “Did you see my last message?”, “Are you there?”, “I guess you don’t like me”, “your loss” and so on.
There are many reasons why some girls will not reply to your messages.
Maybe they are taken, busy, shy or just not the type that talks to strangers.
There are thousands of other girls who will be more open to your approach.
If your goal is to get a girlfriend as soon as possible, don’t ignore other methods for meeting girls like online dating which can be even more effective than chatting with random girls on Facebook.
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