Do you suspect that your boss likes you more than a friend and actually wants to sleep with you?
Well, it is not always easy to tell the difference but some signs can help you to figure out if your boss has a crush on you.
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How to Tell If Your Boss Wants To Sleep With You?

1. He asks about your private life
It is not uncommon for coworkers to be curious about each other’s private life.
However, in most cases, a male boss wouldn’t ask his female employee if she is single unless he was interested in her romantically.
Boss: “Are you seeing anyone right now?” or “How long have you been dating your boyfriend?”
Alternatively, he may ask your coworkers if you are single.
If he is into you, he may also share his personal life or relationship status with you.
Boss: I really enjoy the single life! Are you dating anyone?
2. He messages and calls you on your days off

If he messages or calls you just to check how you are doing on the weekend, then it is a sign that he likes you.
He may ask what you are doing or even who you are spending your evening with.
Boss: “Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” or “Doing anything fun tonight?”
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3. He hugs you
If he hugs you, but not other coworkers then it is a pretty obvious sign that he likes you.
The same goes for any other physical contact like touching.
The more physical contact the higher the chance that he wants to sleep with you.
4. He compliments you on your outfits

If he says that your pants or shirt look very good on you, then it is highly likely that he finds you physically attractive.
Boss: “I love this dress on you”
An even stronger sign that he finds you attractive is if he gives you compliments on the way you smell.
Boss: “I love how you smell” or “You smell nice today”
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5. You catch him staring at you
If you always notice him staring at you, then he is likely into you.
Not all the stares mean attraction but if he often glances at your 🍒 or 🍑 when you are not watching then it is a pretty strong sign that he finds you physically attractive.
6. He always invites you for coffee, conferences, or other social after-work events

It is normal for a boss to take out his employees for coffee or lunches every once in a while.
However, if he is doing it consistently and only invites you then it is a pretty obvious sign that he enjoys your company and wants to spend time alone with you.
Boss: I need to attend the conference for two days next week. Do you want to come along?
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7. He tells you about his relationship problems
If he says that his relationship with his girlfriend is not serious or his marriage is not working, in most cases it means that he wants to show you that he is available.
Keep in mind that he may actually lie about his relationship status just to make you think that he is available.
You: How was your weekend?
Boss: My weekend was great until my girlfriend ruined it. I think she is seeing her ex again. I should probably go ahead and dump her
8. He gives you gifts or promises to promote you
If your boss always gives you small gifts, promises to promote you if you work “extra” hard, or gives you special treatment then he might be hinting that he wants you to sleep with him.
It is important to pay attention to the other signs that we covered as well before making any conclusions.
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9. He spends more time with you than with your other coworkers
If he always chats with you when he walks down the hallway or invites you into his office to help with something, it is another sign that he might be into you.
10. He wants you to stay late to work with him
If he asks you to stay for an extra hour after work to help him finish something, then it might be a way for him to spend more time with you without interruption from other employees.
Boss: Do you mind staying a little late today? I really need help with the project I am working on.
You: Sure
Boss: Awesome, please stop by my office after 4:30 so we can work on the project together.
What To Do If Your Boss Tells You That He Wants To Sleep With You?

It can be a pretty awkward situation if your boss tells you either directly or not that he wants to hook up with you.
There are a few things that you can do.
First of all, decide for yourself if you are interested or not.
In most companies, HR policies prohibit dating between bosses and their employees.
However, even if it is allowed in your company, it is better to keep work and love life separate.
Just tell your boss that you are flattered but you are seeing someone else or are not interested.
That should be enough to defuse the situation in most cases.
You never know if your boss made a mistake when reading your body language.
Sometimes men can mistakenly misinterpret your friendliness for intimate interest.
If however, your boss threatens you in any way or tries to fire you, contact HR, or even get a lawyer.
Read next: 23 Signs Your Boss Likes You (Romantically) But is Hiding It