Workplace romance may sound like a taboo for many people.
However, it is more common than you may think and a large percentage of married couples actually meet at work.
Have you ever fantasized about dating your female coworker?
Do you think she finds you attractive as well?
Before making your first move on your female colleague it is important to be sure that she is actually attracted to you.
It is much easier to get a phone number or a date with someone who finds you attractive.
This will also help you to avoid any awkward situations that can potentially hurt your professional image.
It is not always easy to tell if a female coworker likes you or is just being friendly.
Fortunately, there are some signs that can help you to determine if she finds you attractive or not.
Some of those signs might be pretty obvious like her inviting you for drinks after work or more subtle like always sitting next to you at the company’s social events if she is shy.
Related Reading: How to Ask a Co-worker Out on a Date?

How to Tell If a Female Coworker Likes You?
1. She Stares at You
If a female co-worker is interested in you, she will likely stare at you a lot.
It is important to pay attention to how exactly she is doing that.
Is she staring at your face or sharing staring at your body?
If she is staring at your body, it is highly likely that she finds you physically attractive.
2. She Smiles at You
Everyone smiles for various reasons.
It is considered a good mannerism to smile when talking to people in social settings.
However, if you notice that your female coworker smiles at you more than she does at other people it might be a sign that she likes you.
She might even go as far as smiling at you across the room when sitting at the opposite side of the big table.
3. She Finds Excuses To Talk To You
Most coworkers talk to each other and often ask each other for help.
However, if you notice that your female coworker is finding extra ways and excuses to be around you, it is another sign that she might be romantically interested in you.
You can also judge her interest by how often she talks to you in comparison to her other coworkers.
4. She Seems to Care More About You Than Her Other Coworkers
If she remembers your birthday, invites you to work-related social activities, or just backs you up in office debate, it is likely that she cares about you.
She might even give you small gifts for special occasions such as holidays or your birthday.
5. She Pays Extra Attention To Her Looks When Around You
Most women try to dress up nicely when they show up to work.
However, if you notice that she seems to wear extra attractive or revealing clothes when you hang out during social events at work it might be a sign that she may be trying to impress you.
Another sign that she likes you is her asking if you like her clothes or hairstyle.
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6. She Wants To Know More About You
When you are romantically interested in someone, it is natural that you would want to get to know them more on a personal level.
Pay extra attention to the questions that she is asking and her reaction when you respond to them.
If she is asking you about your personal life, chances are she is evaluating whether she can date you.
7. There Are Rumors In The Air
If you start hearing rumors that your female coworker talks a lot about you or asks questions about your personal life, it might be a sign that she is into you.
8. She is Crossing the Line of What Is Considered To Be a Professional Conduct
If she ever crosses a line of what is considered to be a professional working relationship, it is the most obvious sign that your female coworker likes you.
Holding your hand, trying to touch you, or confessing her feelings to you are some of those signs.
Another obvious sign is if she starts inviting you for coffee or drinks outside of your office hours.

If most of the signs above indicate that she is into you then the next step will be for you to decide if you want to get to know her on a more intimate level or just stay as friends.
It is always a good idea to find out what is your company’s stance on coworkers dating each other to avoid work-related problems.
Additionally, if you find out that she is actually dating someone or married it is better to keep yourself from getting intimate with her and tell her that you are not interested.
If however you are both single and your company doesn’t have a policy against dating coworkers, make your move and ask her out.
Read next: 8 Ways to Tell If a Woman Wants You to Notice and Approach Her